Daily Devotionals

What Is The Most Important Thing Needed For The Future?

“What is the most important thing needed for the future?” a disciple once asked her discipler. After several hours of meditation on the matter, the master responded, “the most important thing you need for your future is guidance.” The future demands something crucial: guidance. Not just any guidance, but divine guidance. It holds the key to unlocking your potential and overcoming any barriers. Without vision, even the most creative minds can struggle to produce meaningful work. But how do you acquire such guidance? It’s not as simple as praying for divine guidance. You need a “God-given Guide,” someone who can train, mould, and ground you in the ways of God.

Guidance is indispensable. You may struggle to maximize your potential if you do not have a godly counselor to provide spiritual direction in your affairs. The scriptures emphasize the importance of having such a godly person to help you. In Galatians 4:1-2, we learn that even heirs need guardians and trustees until the appointed time set by the father. Similarly, King Uzziah sought God and prospered as long as he had Zechariah, a guide who understood the visions of God. You should note that after Zechariah’s passing, Uzziah’s pride led to his downfall. This guide, a human being, acts as a beacon, leading you closer to your destiny.

Jesus himself emphasized the significance of belief and following the one whom God has sent. John 6:28-29 says, “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he has sent.” By aligning yourself with a God-given Guide, you gain access to divine direction and ensure that you stay on the right path towards your destiny. Trust in that person, and you will find yourself fulfilling your purpose without losing your way.

In The Footsteps Of John Knox

Your spirituality ought to manifest in tangible ways, impacting the people, places, and events surrounding you. When you occupy a space, your presence should carry significance. By emanating God’s love and grace into the world, there should be a discernible impact on the environment and those within it. A good religion should provide you with the necessary foundations to become spiritual. You then use your spirituality to influence your community’s dominant culture, business, economy, and governance. You can make this happen; all you have to do is walk in love.

“Give me Scotland or I die,” prayed the fiery Scottish preacher John Knox. Knox’s prayer was not an arrogant demand, but a passionate plea from a man willing to die for his countrymen’s freedom from oppressive governments. Mary, Queen of Scots once said, “I fear John Knox’s prayers more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” John Knox is credited with a major revival in his nation, a revival that reverberated across the economic and political spheres of his nation. His epitaph reads: “Here lies one who feared God so much that he never feared the face of any man.” Paraphrased from Matthew 10:28.

Take inspiration from John Knox and contemplate how your spiritual life can impact the religion, culture, economy, and governance of your nation. The spiritual state of your world influences how people live, work, and play. You cannot remain unconcerned about the spiritual state of your world. Recognize that your creative and spiritual gifts possess the potential to make a meaningful difference, extending beyond your personal life and into the community. Love stands as the crucial element. By genuinely caring and exhibiting compassion, you will be driven to take action. Your commitment will pave the way for positive change.

500 Days Of Watching The World

We are doing this for the 500th time.

Today marks the 500th time we shall be “Watching the World” in as many days. Looking at and paying attention to the world around us in order to direct it in the direction that God desires. Accepting our Lord Jesus’ call to be the salt and light of the earth. How is everything going so far? Slow and steady. As it should. While we pray and hope for immediate changes in our situation, the truth is that some things simply must take time.

Our world did not become insane overnight, and it will not return to the light overnight. Christian ideas have shaped the world for centuries, but they are now under attack from secularism and other ideologies. The issue with gradual change is its persistent, resilient, and subtle nature. It sneaks up on us, seeping into our lives unnoticed. As it is written, “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (Isaiah 28:10). Do not, for a moment, underestimate the long-term impact of your efforts. Regardless of your humble beginnings.

With every devotional, post, meme, video, book, prayer, and event, we can gradually address the corruption and lust that is consuming the world. Through this incremental effort, we will be able to make a difference. As we embrace our responsibility as the light of the world, we will persistently uphold and defend the faith we profess. Is the continuous dripping getting to you? It’s been 500 days, are you feeling thoroughly soaked by now?

Thank you for setting a watch over your faith, home, and work. Thank you for setting a watch over your city. Furthermore, thank you for being an active participant in this movement.

Counting The Cost Of Your Tower Project

It is often emphasized to “look before you leap” and carefully assess the potential costs involved. Before making any big decisions or taking major steps, it’s important to think ahead and consider the potential consequences. Take the time to carefully evaluate where you want to go and what it will cost you. Once you have a clear understanding, start working towards your goal. If you remember to think long-term and consider what you can achieve in the future, you will see further possibilities. This mindset is crucial for anyone who wants to make a significant impact on their finances or overall economic impact.

Before dismissing a particular course of action, it is critical to assess its costs and potential outcomes. A decision should be made only after carefully considering the implications. A major indicator of poverty mindset is the assumption that something is out of reach without even considering it. “How can I afford it?” asks the wealthy individual. The poor person starts with the conclusion, “I cannot afford it.” The poor jumps to conclusions without even thinking about it. One of the most important lessons from Luke 14:28-32 is to learn to sit down, deliberate, and consult about your goals and aspirations. Do not be too quick to dismiss your vision.

Have you ever dreamed of constructing a “tower”, an ambitious project that will change everything. Whether for personal or community purposes, you’ve recognized the positive impact such a project could bring. However, in order to proceed, it is crucial to assess the associated costs and gain a clear understanding of the requirements involved in achieving your goals. Recognise that it will cost you something and make peace with it. The costs will come in a variety of forms, including time, sleep, money, and even relationships. So, get started with the process. You can achieve great things if you stop thinking of yourself as inadequate.

It Is Time To Take Charge At Home, Work, And In Your Community

You can either be a conduit for God’s gracious love, radiating it into the world, or you can be driven by selfishness. Selfishness breeds greed and a desire for material possessions. If you don’t operate from a place of love, you’ll end up channeling wickedness. There is no in-between. You need to decide today that you want to be the salt and light of your world. And act in that capacity every single day. Do not be indifferent to the injustice, lust and greed in your community. You can do something about the darkness.

When people of goodwill choose inaction, evil thrives. When you fail to fulfill your role as a light, you allow darkness to spread. As a result, perhaps it is time to accept greater responsibility for the events unfolding within our own spheres—the places we call home and work. As it is written, “we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4). These words convey a strong sense of obligation, as indicated by the use of the word “must.” It is not a mere suggestion; it is a direct command.

It is time to stop turning a blind eye and abandon passiveness in favor of active participation in our communities. Recognise that we have the ability to allow or reject anything that occurs in our environment. We must recognise that our presence is important and that our actions can make a significant difference. Draw up a list of the good things happening at home and work. Prayerfully consider how you can make things even better. Consider also the unsavory things happening around you and consider; how long will wickedness continue in your community?

Go On A 6-Week Sprint

Your mission statement is useless unless you take action and get things done in the spirit of your mission. Whether your mission is to make the world more open and connected (like Mark Zuckerberg) or to help Africans get the goods they need on a daily basis (like Aliko Dangote), a mission statement is useless unless it is supported by action. You will not be ready to serve as the salt and light of your world until your visions, missions, and objectives have been refined into actionable items. A 6-week sprint is an excellent way to break the ice or unlock a new level in your mission.

Your mission is massive and mind-boggling. You’re not even sure where to begin. What if you spent the next 6 weeks (around 40 days) fasting and praying, reading books on the subject, seeking advice on it, thinking about it, and making plans around it? What a difference 6 weeks can make! A period of 6 weeks is enough time to move from “one day” to “day one” of your life purpose and pursuits. Remember from 1 Timothy 4:15 that you must immerse yourself in your work before your progress can be seen by others. You want to do enough work to win over even the most unreasonable people.

Spend a few days thinking about and deciding on the specific results you need in your life right now. Then make a 6-week sprint commitment. Many organizations have used 6-week sprints with positive results. It will also work for you. Maintain your concentration for a total of 6 weeks. You may not be able to devote a full day’s work to this for practical reasons. However, you should be aware that your life pursuits require a significant investment of time. The mission must be made clear enough for you to start running (Habakkuk 2:2). You must put in the effort.

40 Days Of Immersion Into Your Gift

Assigning purpose to your days is a powerful way to live a more productive and fulfilling life. When you have a clear direction and a tangible outcome to focus on, it becomes easier to channel your energy and resources effectively. 1 Timothy 4:15 (ESV) says, “practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.” Immersion in your tasks is required to unlock higher levels of breakthrough. Your creative and spiritual gifts must be fanned into flames. So, let us take inspiration from spiritual giants who recognise the importance of immersing oneself in specific activities.

Moses ascended the mountain, leaving his people below, and for 40 days, he communed with the divine. In solitude, he received wisdom and commandments etched upon stone tablets, returning as a leader transformed, ready to guide his people on their journey. Consider a 40-day immersion season, as Moses did. After you make the decision to immerse yourself and practise matters of your life and destiny, your progress and profit will become visible. If you read stories about great men, you will notice how they withdraw from society for a time to develop themselves. Clear out your schedule, and focus for 40 days. Just like Moses.

First, determine the goal you want to achieve and be clear about the specific outcome you desire. Once you have that clarity, it’s time to focus. Dedicate your full attention and effort to your goals, avoiding any distractions that may derail you. Maintain your concentration for a continuous period of 40 days. Commit to taking specific actions every day that directly contribute to your goal. Remember that time plays a vital role in your success. If you can devote eight hours every day to the things that align with your purpose and calling, you’ll achieve more compared to someone who only spends an hour or two sporadically. Immerse yourself.

Write A Letter To Your Mentor

There is no difference between writing and thinking. When we write, we organize and structure our thoughts. This process of organizing our ideas leads to clear thinking, which is vital for understanding and personal growth. Unfortunately, in today’s social media-dominated world, writing is becoming less common. The emergence of generative AI platforms that can generate content for us further exacerbates this trend, resulting in a decline in our writing habits. And as our writing diminishes, so does our ability to engage in holistic thinking. It is important for us to recognize the value of writing and make a conscious effort to write more.

The Bible teaches us to “write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so he may run that reads it.” This demonstrates the importance of documenting and clarifying our vision so that those who read it can understand and act on it. This is an unavoidable call for nurturing a writing tradition. For instance, the book of Nehemiah can be viewed as Nehemiah’s personal journal, showcasing the power of recording one’s thoughts and experiences. Writing helps to crystallize and clarify ideas, as well as improve them. This call to write specifically urges us to clarify our thoughts about our life’s work and future plans by putting them into words.

Write a letter to your mentor. One effective life strategy is to approach writing as a way to communicate your ideas and plans to a mentor or advisor. Writing a letter is better than a verbal discussion. Your ideas are better articulated and comprehensive when you write. Even if the mentor does not reply, or you discuss verbally, the letter-writing experience is transformative in and of itself. Writing this letter will be difficult because thinking is difficult. However, it is something you must do and master. Make a commitment to write a letter once a month or once a quarter. Begin right now.

Do Not Sleep Like Some Do

In I Thessalonians 5, the Apostle Paul shared an important message about staying spiritually awake. He warned against the dangers of becoming spiritually indifferent and urged us all to be watchful and mindful instead. While people are saying “there is peace and security,” then calamity strikes. Just like the sudden labour pains that come upon a pregnant woman. Staying informed and vigilant is not an option, but rather a requirement. It is unfortunate that, while many people actively push their agenda through the media, politics, and culture, Christians sleep through it all.

Some people are working hard to turn back the clock and restore a 19th century caliphate in West Africa. The terrorist group, colloquially known as Ansaru, has made it clear that its mission is to restore the Sokoto Caliphate to its 19th-century glory. And they are willing to steal and kill and destroy in order to get what they want. Just like the thief Jesus mentioned in John 10:10. You should not sleep if you believe your current civilisation is better for the world. If you don’t, you’ll wake up one day in a caliphate from the 19th century.

It is up to you to watch over your world and steer it towards where God wants. You can safeguard your community against every wave of evil and injustice by accepting your role as the salt and light of your world. Several interest groups and terrorist organisations are working hard, round the clock to enforce their will upon others. For a long time, Christians believed that all they required was the Lord’s blessing. They are beginning to realise, however, that without a functioning society, it is difficult to enjoy the Lord’s blessing. Every day, keep a prayerful eye on your world and consider how you can make a difference.

The Secret To Improving Your Efficiency And Effectiveness

In order to maximize the value of our time, it is crucial to be both efficient and effective in our pursuits. Achieving efficiency and effectiveness depends on having clarity. Without clarity, we find ourselves going in circles, lacking direction. Thus, clarity of thoughts is essential for accomplishing tasks efficiently and effectively. Prayer is a powerful practice that can aid in gaining clarity of thoughts. By engaging in prayer, we can seek guidance and insight from God. Consequently, it becomes evident that prayer is an indispensable activity for those who aim to operate with efficiency and effectiveness. Contrary to wasting time, prayer actually saves time in the long run.

When life gets hectic, our first instinct is to reduce the amount of time we spend in prayer. This is a grave error. Engaging in prayer, along with related activities such as thanksgiving, meditation, and contemplation, actually serves to enhance our thinking and provide clarity regarding our path ahead. In the place of prayer, a single instruction received can make all the difference. Clarity from spiritual activities can save you from spending the next three years pursuing a futile project. Prayer time is a great investment that yields enormous returns. The busier your life becomes, the more you should pray to avoid wasting time.

This was something Martin Luther understood. The renowned church reformer once said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Prayer involves surrendering our understanding and trusting in God’s superior wisdom. God will make our paths straight if we submit to Him and seek His guidance through prayer. This is how we get clarity and direction, which is critical for efficiency and effectiveness.

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