Daily Devotionals

Make A Decision And Take Action Today

Today is the day to make a choice. Do you want to take on that mission? It’s time to stop the endless contemplation, the excessive planning, and the years of training. Do you genuinely want to go on this journey or not? Your constant excuses about lack of education, wealth, or connections reveal a deeper truth: you lack the true passion required to take action. While you may believe you want to do these great things, your lack of genuine concern and commitment is obvious. The mission lingers in the back of your mind, nagging you relentlessly. It’s time to make a decision and fully embrace that calling.

It is time to move on from the childish, ignorant daydreaming about some glorious, undefined purpose. It is time to put both feet on the ground and think about how you intend to do the works of Him who sent Jesus. What can you do with your current level of knowledge, training, wealth, and connections? What action can you take today, right now? Remember the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), where the master deemed the servant wicked and slothful for failing to utilize his talent. The master considered the servant worthless.

You don’t need to wait for something big, perfect, big, revered, or amazing. You can start moving forward with the mission today. When you decide to start, you have a plethora of options at your disposal. You can start with the smallest project possible, gather resources, and complete a small project. Alternatively, you can start by working for a company whose mission and values are similar to yours. You could also volunteer at a nonprofit (part-time) that is already doing work related to your mission. If you are serious about work, you will always find something you can do.

Miracles Will Not Bring Your Destiny To Life; It Is A Process

In the pages of the Bible, no one achieved success solely through the laying on of hands. The manifestation of your destiny is not solely dependent on the prayers of powerful people. Study the history books and the lives of people; none attained success merely through the touch of a Man of God. Be open to receiving prayers and the laying on of hands, but be prepared to embark on a transformative journey that aligns you with the very essence of your prayers. The process you go through will determine how your destiny manifests. Learn to be patient as you work towards your goals while hoping for quick results.

Every divine outcome we desire has a process. You must condition yourself to be patient. According to Hebrews 6:12, “that you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” There should be a recognition that deferred gratification can yield extraordinary results. Stop chasing after instant miracles and results, and instead allow the Holy Spirit to mould your character through proper mentorship. You are not on track to fulfill your destiny unless you submit to a divine training programme somewhere. Every soldier, doctor, programmer, or inventor receives training for their specific role. You will not be an exception.

People who have been trained and processed under the influence of the Holy Spirit perform instant miracles and breakthroughs. Every miracle worker in the Bible went through a period of preparation and training. Before becoming a miracle worker, Peter spent years studying Jesus. Before beginning his exploits in Babylon, Daniel spent years in training. If you want to perform miracles in business, the economy, or governance of your world, understand that it takes time. It could take you decades to become educated enough to “instantly” invent some new machine that announces your existence to the rest of the world.

The Love In Your Heart Will Transform Your World

The defining contrast between the Old Testament and the New Testament lies in the essence of love. Love is the essential foundation of the New Testament, indispensable for genuine believers who are attuned to the Spirit. Their heartfelt desire is to walk in a profound experience of God’s love. This stands in stark opposition to the values of a corrupted world, where greed is exalted and self-gain is pursued at any cost. Love, on the other hand, teaches us to will the good of others as we would for ourselves, embodying a selfless and compassionate approach to life.

In a corrupted world, the message is to advance oneself while maintaining a superficial kindness towards others. However, love calls us to go beyond superficial gestures and genuinely prioritize the needs of others. If you are serious about using your creativity and spiritual gifts to light up your world, you must understand that love is your most potent weapon. As Jesus commanded in John 13:34-35 (ESV), “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Learn to lead with compassion, fearlessly embracing a love that knows no limits. Jesus calls us to love even those who may not deserve it. Your love possesses transformative power, capable of changing the world around you. Even if you extend your love to someone undeserving, God in his infinite mercy and justice will take the person out of the equation. With them gone, you’ll get the same standard and quality of love you meted out. As a child of God, walking in love should always be your core value, shaping every aspect of your life.

Your Everyday, Ordinary Life Is More Important Than You Think

The world we inhabit is shaped by the actions of human beings, both good and evil. Spiritual principles and ideals require human agents to manifest in the physical realm. As individuals, we possess the power to become vessels for God’s grace, illuminating the world around us. Our choices are not limited; we have free will to pursue any path. However, it is crucial to recognize that each action we take aligns us either with the forces of good or darkness. Our positive actions contribute to the economic peace and progress in our world.

Every day presents an opportunity to bring light and joy to the world through acts of kindness and love. Conversely, engaging in laziness, mediocrity, theft, and corruption only contribute to its deterioration. Our ordinary lives either contribute to or hinder the country we desire. There is no middle ground; if we are not part of the solution, we automatically become part of the problem. It is hypocritical to complain about corruption while engaging in unethical practices. Corruption is nothing more than millions of people engaging in unethical behavior.

Let us consider the problems that plague our world and how our everyday lives contribute to or solve these problems. Nehemiah’s example offers guidance. The ruins of Jerusalem’s walls burdened Nehemiah, prompting him to embrace the responsibility for projects and reforms. His personal efforts initiated change that brought his country closer to a better future. If we commit to being the salt and light of our world, our good works will inspire and attract more people. As we align with the forces of good, theft and corruption will diminish, and our world will become more righteous and prosperous over time.

Your Own Share Of The Work

Do not fixate solely on the allure of future impact, fame, glory, or wealth. Consider the substantial work that lies ahead and the sacrifices it will require. True victories are achieved through collective efforts, and it is essential to recognize your individual contribution to the greater whole. Your share of the glory is proportionate to your share of the work invested. Embrace the responsibility and commitment required to make meaningful contributions and earn your place among the triumphs that shape the larger picture.

In the biblical account of Nehemiah, we find a powerful example of an individual who understood the correlation between personal investment and impactful results. Nehemiah was burdened by the state of Jerusalem’s walls, which lay in ruins. With determination and a deep sense of responsibility, he embarked on the task of rebuilding the walls of his nation. Nehemiah’s commitment and tireless efforts rallied the people, and together they overcame opposition and completed the project. His unwavering dedication to the task at hand serves as an inspiration, reminding us that personal commitment and hard work are crucial in achieving significant outcomes and leaving a lasting impact.

Nehemiah teaches us a simple lesson. It is a call to action, urging us to move beyond mere dreams and take active steps towards the transformation we desire. God is inviting you to join Him in the work of building a better life and society. Are you willing to contribute your efforts and play your part? Merely wishing for change is not enough; it requires your active engagement. Embrace the challenges, endure the hardships, and get to work. Your share of the glory is proportionate to your share of the work invested. It is those that suffer with Christ that will reign with him in glory (2 Timothy 2:12).

Teach Us To Number Our Days

In Psalm 90:12, it is written, “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” When we are aware of the preciousness of time, we become motivated to extract value from each passing moment. You may have heard the adage that if you want something done, give it to a busy person. They will find a way to make time for it. Conversely, if you assign a task to someone that is not busy, they will never find the time to do it. Embarking on a journey of progress and productivity begins with recognizing the importance of numbering your days.

To number your days means to try to assign some significance, weight, or importance to your days. And if you understand this concept, you are more likely to seek out the kind of focused wisdom you need to get things done. Benjamin Franklin began each morning by asking himself, “What good shall I do this day?” He was a highly productive individual who understood the value of time. Benjamin Franklin meticulously planned his daily schedule, allocating specific time blocks for various tasks and activities. His disciplined approach to time management allowed him to achieve remarkable success in various fields, including science, business, inventing, writing, and diplomacy.

In a sense our days are limited. You cannot keep delaying your tasks, hopes, and dreams indefinitely. Time is a finite resource that must be used wisely. It is crucial to assign greater significance and value to each day. By doing so, you can cultivate the discipline to concentrate your focus and devote it to the essential tasks at hand. Recognising the value of time allows us to prioritize and accomplish what truly matters. So, go ahead and ask God for the wisdom to number your days. Try to number the days of this month, and assign some significance to them.

Operating At Sixty Percent Efficiency Or More

When we hear about highly accomplished leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals juggling multiple tasks, it can leave us feeling inadequate and unproductive. However, it may surprise you to know that most individuals are not as efficient as they appear. In reality, being considered above average means working at around 60% efficiency. Now, imagine if you could increase your focus and efficiency to 70% of the time. That would be truly remarkable. Those who consistently achieve their goals understand the importance of efficiency in a way that sets them apart. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done right now, not by working more hours, but by working more efficiently.

Many people become frustrated when attempting to begin a new mission, learn a second language, write a book or complete a specific task. Self-directed tasks with no specific deadlines. Years can pass without significant progress if no specific timelines are established. While they may claim to have started seven years ago, in reality, they have only dedicated a mere twenty hours to the endeavor. As a result, it is beneficial to stop believing that you have spent years working on something. You can see from some honest reflection that you have not made progress because you have spent so little time on it.

When you put in the effort, your progress will be visible to all. You cannot hide your work ethic. It is impossible to forge it (1 Timothy 4:14-15). If you want to improve your efficiency, attach a purpose to your days. Moses (the author of Psalms 90), prays, “teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalms 90:12). If you are mindful of your days, you will seek the wisdom you require to make the best use of your time. You do not have to work twenty hours a day. Seek to become more efficient with the hours you already work.

Rigid On The Mission, Flexible With The Platforms

Do not compromise on your values and mission. You have to seek a crystal clear picture of how your work could make a difference in your community. This is not necessarily about starting a new business, ministry or nonprofit. It is about understanding the deeper purpose of your work. And how it facilitates a spiritual mission. As you continue with your work, you will realize that the best approach is to remain focused on your mission while being flexible in your approach. There will be a variety of ways to go about it.

In the ever-changing landscape of technology, Netflix has evolved from dealing in DVDs to becoming a premier streaming service. But if we take a higher perspective, we’ll realize that their mission remains unchanged. Similarly, the Christian ministry has experienced a surge on social media, YouTube, and online platforms. The medium may vary, from physical buildings to apps or virtual reality environments, but the mission remains the same. It’s about serving the sacred mission and reaching people with the message, adapting to the tools available to spread the Gospel in the digital age.

A car dealer must recognise that they are in the transportation business, moving people from one location to another. If cars go the way of the typewriter in the future, it will be the car dealers who adapt to newer technologies who will survive. A mission can never die, it can only evolve with the times. You should step back from your job and try to articulate your mission. Consider “what” you are doing and “why” you are doing it; this is the foundation of your mission. Your current job is simply “how” you’re carrying out your mission for the time being.

Creativity And Spiritual Gifts Still Require Worldly Cooperation

It is critical to understand that you will have to seek out ways to express your creativity and spiritual gifts in the real world. Your gift comes from somewhere beyond space and time. But now you must manifest it in this world plagued with lust and corruption. There will be no perfect world worthy of your gift. There will never be an ideal location or time for you to reveal your talent. You must learn to understand people and the world around you. That is the key to manifesting your destiny. It is your responsibility to reconcile spiritual possibilities and physical realities.

Certain types of Christians exhibit a great deal of arrogance. They have a heightened sense of spiritual gift, and as a result, they want to stamp and superimpose whatever is in their spirit over the world, with no regard for the established order of things. This is foolishness and it does not yield results. First and foremost, you must recognise that you share the world with other people. People from various cultures and beliefs. Second, you must understand that no matter how spiritually gifted and anointed you are, people must accept you in that office.

God instructed Samuel to anoint David as King, but he didn’t ascend the throne until the people accepted his kingship over them. Jesus, the Son of God could not do any mighty works in his hometown because they didn’t receive him as a messenger of God (Mark 6:1-6). Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” To succeed in your spiritual mission, you will need favor from people. You will need human beings to cooperate with you. You have to understand the ways of the world before you can change it.

Finding The Right Place For Your Spiritual Nourishment

In your journey of faith, you must recognize that your spiritual needs evolve as you grow. Just as a child outgrows a feeding bottle, there may come a time when we outgrow our current church. It’s not about abandoning our roots or dismissing the significance of fellowship, but rather understanding that our spiritual hunger requires substance beyond the familiar. We yearn for a deeper connection with God and a community that nurtures our growth. You need to explore the importance of finding a church that aligns with your spiritual maturity.

Attending church is more than just showing up or maintaining social connections. The church you attend defines you to a large extent. When you realize that the spiritual leadership you submit to is probably the most important decision you have to make, you will sit up and think about your church membership. Your church should be a sacred space where you encounter God, expand your understanding, and receive spiritual nourishment. While our church family is important in our lives, we must not accept a stagnant experience that hinders our spiritual growth. It is possible to outgrow a church, just as it is possible to outgrow certain relationships.

The same Bible that said, “like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation” (1 Peter 2:2 ESV), also said, “for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” (Hebrews 5:13‭-‬14 ESV). We can infer here that we ought to outgrow spiritual milk and should seek more. Don’t be a big fish in your church’s small pond. There is room for more growth.

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