Daily Devotionals

Explore The Technological Path To Wealth Creation

The best way to think about wealth creation is to recognise that it is about creating value to solve problems and fulfil human needs and desires. Indeed, it is easy to see that making money is merely a reward for problem solving. You’re a winner when you can solve a problem better, faster, and more efficiently than others can. You will never be poor because everyone will gladly exchange their wealth for your goods and services, thereby increasing your own wealth. Technology is simply a technical implementation of your step-by-step problem-solving process. Throughout history, and even today, wealth has frequently flowed to nations with technological superiority.

Aligning with technology is a strategic choice if you want to empower yourself and others to do their best work that glorifies God. Better technology is responsible for the world’s current higher standard of living and prosperity. Technology is a world of endless possibilities. It provides the ability to create value out of practically nothing. Wealth and knowledge are inextricably linked. The pursuit of knowledge leads to scientific advancements, and science propels technological progress. You should start thinking about how you can channel your creative energy into technology.

To validate this perspective, consider the biblical narrative of Joseph, whose story unfolds in Genesis. Joseph was a man of wisdom and insight. He interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. With this knowledge, Egypt stockpiled grain during the abundant years, positioning them as technological and agricultural leaders. When famine struck, their technological superiority made them the saviors of many lives. Joseph must have figured out a way to store enough food, and to store it for at least seven years. Wealth creation is intricately connected to embracing technological progress. It’s about seeking knowledge, fostering innovation, and aligning with the ever-evolving world of technology.

The Boundless Love Standard

There may come a time in life when you doubt the love professed by those around you. You may question whether they truly care or if their love is genuine. In these times of doubt, it’s critical to remember that just because you don’t feel the love doesn’t mean they aren’t pouring their hearts into it. There is always the possibility that their best efforts fail to match your expectations. It’s tempting to reciprocate in kind or withhold your love, but as a Christian, the standard set by Scripture requires love without limits, boundaries, or reservations.

In the pages of the Bible, figures like Priest-Prophet-Judge Samuel demonstrated their unwavering love for others. Samuel declared, “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way” (1 Samuel 12:23 ESV). The parable of the Good Samaritan further illustrates this love. The Samaritan didn’t pause to evaluate whether the distressed man was deserving of help or if the favor would be returned. He unreservedly extended his compassion.

The greatest example of boundless love is Christ’s love for us. With all our faults and sins, Christ’s love remains constant. As the Bible tells us, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 ESV). The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant reminds us that we are called to love others just as God loves us. So, never wait for others to meet your love standards before giving of your own affection. Love to the best of your ability, and witness how it can illuminate the world around you. In doing so, all will be well with your soul.

Navigating A World Of Contradictions

The world works in a certain way. However, there is a way in which we wish the world worked. You must be practical in your faith and in your approach to your life’s work. In an ideal world, a society based on love and purpose would not require currency to function. Acts 4:32-35 depicts a perfect world in which people freely share, ensuring that no one is in need. Our reality, however, is far from this idyllic image. Greed, lust, and corruption appear to pervade every nook and cranny of our world, confronting us with a sobering reality.

We have to accept the world as it is. Your first assignment is to understand your world and the forces that shape them. Avoid coming up with an imaginary world in your head. Work with the real world in which you find yourself, navigate with confidence based on God’s word. We have the ability to navigate these contradictions as creative, business-minded Christians. We recognise that, while the world has its own way of working, it does not have to compromise our core values. We, too, can carve out our own path, just as the early Christian community found a way to create a close-knit community of purpose and love.

Many of us have struggled with internal contradictions. Consider the Christian entrepreneur who is hesitant to charge a reasonable price for their goods and services. They struggle with the idea of profiting from their faith-driven ventures, as if profit is inherently wrong. They take care not to make “unrighteous” profits from their labour of love. Internal battles are part of the tension that exists in the world of contradictions that you must navigate. It is about finding a balance and this will not always be easy or obvious. This devotional is a call to be discerning. You can work out a path of righteousness in this dark world.

Balancing Earthly Politics And Spiritual Wisdom

It was Benjamin Franklin that said, “in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” However, this may be changing. Argentina’s Senate has approved legislation to eliminate income taxes for the majority of formal-sector workers. Only those earning more than $5,000 per month (roughly 1% of payroll workers) will be required to pay income tax in the future. While this appears to be a good idea, the devil is always in the details. Argentina’s decision to abolish income tax is primarily political, occurring just before presidential elections. Sergio Massa, the Finance Minister who instituted this policy, is running for president and hopes that this gesture will help him.

The move could help Sergio Massa’s presidential campaign, but it could also cost him in the long run. A country requires money to function, and a country is primarily funded by taxation of its citizens. If Argentina abolishes income taxes, it will create a $5.7 billion shortfall, introducing a new problem. Other countries, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), do not have income taxes because their oil industry pays for everything. Because of its thriving tourism industry, the Bahamas has no income taxes as well. Argentina lacks any revenue source that could compensate for taxing its citizens.

At the end of the day, Argentina’s entire plan to abolish income taxes is just politicians being politicians. It is not a sound technical strategy for creating abundance. Proverbs 21:5 (ESV) states, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” Rather than focusing on quick fixes, we must prioritize long-term solutions to eradicate poverty. For reality doesn’t bow to political ambitions; it rewards wisdom and diligence. True empowerment arises from increasing productivity, not from political maneuvers. In your own mission to watch over your world, you must be practical and clear about how you intend to fund your vision in a sustainable and empowering way.

Wealth From Hard Work Grows Over Time

According to Proverbs 13:11 (NLT), “wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.” It is critical to understand that real wealth accumulates over time. The consistent and persistent application of knowledge is the source of wealth creation. You have to master the basics, and then repeat it over and over again. We yearn for wealth, yet it often feels elusive. But in this world of fast lanes and shortcuts, it’s important to remember that true wealth is a patient journey, a slow but steady process.

“We went around the suburbs fixing broken lights, and gates,” Strive Masiyiwa (Founder, Econet Group) said of his early days in business. “We invested every cent, into doing bigger and bigger projects. For me, nothing has really changed in terms of those basic principles: you start with what you have, you do what you can, you invest what you get, so that you can do bigger and bigger things. From there we built an engineering company, and soon moved to telecommunications.” This principle applies regardless of your profession or industry. Fortunes are built over time; they do not appear overnight.

Our world is full of stories about people who worked hard to plant the seeds of their wealth and then reaped a bountiful harvest. Warren Buffett, the legendary investor, has one such story. He did not become wealthy overnight. Instead, he invested slowly over time, carefully compounding his wealth. This approach helped him become one of the world’s wealthiest people. It serves as a reminder that wealth grows over time and with consistent effort. We, like Buffett, can choose to invest wisely and patiently, understanding that wealth creation is a marathon rather than a sprint.

The Liberal Soul Shall Be Made Fat

In our relentless pursuit of worldly success, we must pause and ask ourselves, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” These words from Matthew 16:26 serve as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between our earthly ambitions and the well-being of our souls. The children of Israel, as told in Psalms 106:15, received their desires but at the cost of a “leanness of soul,” leaving their hearts empty and unfulfilled. You must tread carefully on your life’s journey, ensuring that you do not compromise the state of your soul.

Evaluating the condition of our souls requires introspection. How do we feel about righteousness, mercy, and justice? Do we hold dear the timeless ideals of truth, goodness, and beauty? Matthew 16:26 and Psalms 106:15 teach us that those who solely pursue material gain, neglecting their spiritual essence, end up with lean souls. Houses, cars, alcohol and carnal pleasures cannot compensate for a lean soul. They will find themselves dwelling in a realm of emptiness and darkness. However, 3 John 1:2 reminds us that just as we prosper physically, our souls too must flourish.

The key to enriching our souls lies in generosity and love. Proverbs 11:25 illuminates this truth: “the liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” By cultivating a generous spirit, we nourish our souls. This is because the quality and quantity of our giving are expressions of love. In a world often driven by self-interest and personal gain, let us strive to be known for our generosity, compassion, and willingness to uplift others. As we water the lives of those around us, we, too, find ourselves refreshed, fulfilled, and enriched in ways that transcend material possessions.

Your Soul Will Limit Your Mission

There are no limits, no confines, and no boundaries in the realm of the Spirit. Any mission that has been born from the womb of the Holy Spirit can go global, taking the world by storm. It’s a vast expanse of endless possibilities, limited only by the scope of your soul. The condition of your soul determines the extent to which you can succeed. Whatever mission you embark upon will inevitably mirror the extent of your soul’s capabilities and aptitude. Your soul is the canvas upon which your mission unfolds.

Consider the founders and entrepreneurs who, despite their initial success, had to step aside as their organizations grew. Their souls could not keep pace with the demands of the next level. As the project gathers momentum, they might lack the necessary emotional range or technical sensibilities to keep things going. This is not a spiritual problem, but a soulish issue. The mission required broader perspective, greater wisdom, and a more profound understanding. In such cases, it becomes evident that the limitations of the soul can hinder even the most ambitious missions.

The Bible says, “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” (1 John 5:4 ESV). If you aspire to achieve remarkable success in your mission, the responsibility lies not with a higher power, for the grace has already been bestowed upon you. The key is to fortify your soul. Strengthen it, expand its horizons, and nourish it with high-quality information, education, and experiences. Your mission’s success depends on the depth and breadth of your soul. The vision is grand, the grace is sufficient, but the mission’s potential is determined by the richness of your soul.

Respect Your Soul Enough To Nourish It

In our daily lives, we recognise the significance of personal grooming and physical well-being. It’s second nature for us to wash our clothes, trim our hair, and maintain a healthy diet. We understand that caring for our bodies is not only a matter of appearance, but also a requirement for living a healthy life. You should take care of your body and appearance, but not to the point of being hedonistic, in which you worship your body and whatever it craves. Nevertheless, there’s an aspect of ourselves that often goes overlooked—the grooming of our souls.

The Bible reminds us in 3 John 1:2 (ESV), “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” This verse underscores the profound connection between the health of our souls and our overall well-being. Just as we nourish our bodies with the right foods, we must also feed our souls with the right information, education, and experiences. Your soul does not need to be entertained, it needs to be educated. A high-quality education. The choices you make about the media, books, music, and movies you consume have a lasting impact.

If we fill our minds with shallow and trivial content, we risk leading lives that mirror those choices. Those who hold higher positions in society or achieve extraordinary success, have often made efforts to educate and refine their souls. They seek out high-quality sources of information, knowledge, and education in order to maintain a high standard of inner being. So, let us not only care for our bodies, but also for our souls. Seek out places with high standards and invest in the quality of your soul’s education. Respect yourself enough to wish yourself well on this journey of growth and self-improvement, just as you do your body.

The Ultimate Test of Love

A profound measure of love is our willingness to slow down for others, to give up our personal ambitions for the sake of someone or something we care about. It’s a love expression that goes beyond words, because our actions speak louder than any declaration. It takes grace and humility to mature and understand that no individual is greater than the collective. You must be willing to take a hit, or loss for the people you care about. Jesus encapsulated this concept perfectly when He uttered the words: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 ESV).

Consider the world of sports, where teamwork is often a crucible for such love. In the 2010 FIFA World Cup, during a critical quarter-final match against Ghana, Uruguayan footballer Luis Suárez found himself in a situation that put this principle to the test. With just seconds remaining, Suárez deliberately used his hands to block a shot that would have surely resulted in a goal for Ghana. The consequence? A red card and ejection from the game, but it also meant a chance for his team to advance. Suárez had chosen to lay down his personal interests for the collective cause of his team.

This principle is applicable far beyond the football pitch. Soldiers on the battlefield exemplify this same spirit of sacrifice in the harshest of circumstances. They band together not for personal gain, but to protect one another and complete their mission as a unified force. Soldiers understand this concept better than anyone else: there is no personal victory without a collective victory. You can never truly win by yourself. It serves as a reminder that when we are willing to set aside our own ambitions for the greater good, we embody a love that truly knows no bounds. You must be willing to take a hit for your friends.

Infrastructural Development Alone Cannot Build A Nation

An ancient kingdom under constant threat found peace and prosperity thanks to a massive, seemingly impregnable wall. However, corrupt watchmen who had been bribed betrayed the kingdom, allowing enemies to conquer it. The once-prosperous kingdom had been reduced to plunder and enslavement. This parable serves as a reminder that investing in infrastructure without investing in people’s value systems is a waste of time. The massive wall took a lot of time, energy, and resources to build. However, the human elements were not given enough attention. The kingdom failed to invest in its human resources and paid the price.

Any prosperous future you envision will necessitate the cooperation of the people. You cannot invest in massive structures without consciously shaping people’s value systems. An X (formerly Twitter) thread from October 2023 detailed how corrupt NRC employees in southwest Nigeria deceived passengers traveling from Ibadan to Lagos into boarding the train without tickets. A uniformed official circumvented standard procedures by seating their unticketed passengers in a special coach. These passengers were then forced to pay in cash while on the road. These payments are unlikely to be officially recorded as government revenue. It will go into the pockets of corrupt NRC officials.

The Federal Government of Nigeria borrowed heavily to build those modern trains, but nobody cares. The stories of the ancient kingdom and the Lagos-Ibadan train serve as a stark reminder of the devastation that internal corruption can cause. According to Psalm 14:1-3, the fool says in his heart that there is no God, and corruption often follows. Corruption thrives in the absence of the fear of God. Without upholding righteousness and justice, infrastructure development will never result in meaningful change. The strength of a nation lies not only in its physical structures but in the values of its people.

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