Navigating A World Of Contradictions

The world works in a certain way. However, there is a way in which we wish the world worked. You must be practical in your faith and in your approach to your life’s work. In an ideal world, a society based on love and purpose would not require currency to function. Acts 4:32-35 depicts a perfect world in which people freely share, ensuring that no one is in need. Our reality, however, is far from this idyllic image. Greed, lust, and corruption appear to pervade every nook and cranny of our world, confronting us with a sobering reality.

We have to accept the world as it is. Your first assignment is to understand your world and the forces that shape them. Avoid coming up with an imaginary world in your head. Work with the real world in which you find yourself, navigate with confidence based on God’s word. We have the ability to navigate these contradictions as creative, business-minded Christians. We recognise that, while the world has its own way of working, it does not have to compromise our core values. We, too, can carve out our own path, just as the early Christian community found a way to create a close-knit community of purpose and love.

Many of us have struggled with internal contradictions. Consider the Christian entrepreneur who is hesitant to charge a reasonable price for their goods and services. They struggle with the idea of profiting from their faith-driven ventures, as if profit is inherently wrong. They take care not to make “unrighteous” profits from their labour of love. Internal battles are part of the tension that exists in the world of contradictions that you must navigate. It is about finding a balance and this will not always be easy or obvious. This devotional is a call to be discerning. You can work out a path of righteousness in this dark world.

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