Daily Devotionals

Navigating Challenges With Faith, Not Pride

The great spiritual teachers regarded pride as the most serious sin. Despite the fact that, in reality, sin is sin and no sin is considered to be worse than the other. Pride is considered the most serious spiritual sin because it is the sin that usurps God. Pride essentially elevates you to the status of your own god. So is the business owner who does not regard faith in God as a necessity. In the business world, challenges are as common as sunrise. What distinguishes the faithful is their approach to these challenges.

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God,” and then goes on to do abominable deeds dictated by their corrupted nature (Psalms 14:1). You can see this foolishness in action when the founder of a business or organization goes through the day-to-day running without any recourse back to God for grace and guidance to navigate one more day. Your faith in God can help you navigate the complexities of business, transforming apparent obstacles into opportunities for success. You must commit to building your home, career, business, or organization on faith.

It is critical to put your trust in the Lord and not rely solely on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). You are proud if you are leading, strategizing, and trading without a commitment to prayer and seeking divine guidance. In life, there will always be problems and challenges to overcome. Things will not always go as planned, and you must decide whether to handle everything personally or to rely on your faith in God. Faith serves as an unwavering anchor in the face of financial turmoil or moral dilemmas. It’s the constant assurance that, with each obstacle, there’s a chance for a breakthrough.

The Role Of Faith In Business And Economic Endeavors

Faith, an absolute, unwavering trust in God, is a guiding force in navigating the complex terrain of business and economic impact. It empowers people to achieve more than they could have imagined. Joseph’s journey from slavery to leadership exemplifies faith’s transformative power in economic waters. Beyond the biblical story, contemporary examples demonstrate faith-driven resilience. Consider entrepreneurs who, rooted in faith, steer businesses through adversity, demonstrating that faith is not a passive stance but an active force. It is difficult to truly make a positive difference in your world without faith and the resilience that comes with it.

A compelling example of a faith-driven entrepreneur is Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS Shoes. Inspired by a trip to Argentina, where he witnessed children without shoes, Mycoskie envisioned a company that could make a difference. Grounded in his Christian faith, he developed the “One for One” model, pledging that for every pair of shoes sold, another pair would be donated to a child in need. This faith-infused business not only achieved remarkable success but also transformed the concept of corporate responsibility. Mycoskie’s story exemplifies how faith can inspire innovative business models with a deep sense of social responsibility.

Faith introduces a broader mission dimension to economic activities. It inspires a perspective that transcends mere profit and embraces the well-being of communities. Companies driven by a mission aligned with faith contribute not only to economic growth but also to societal flourishing. By integrating values into business practices, individuals uphold a higher purpose, transforming economic endeavors into instruments of positive change. Faith, therefore, becomes the catalyst for achieving more than you thought possible on your own. It also shapes economic pursuits that align with integrity, values, and a mission beyond profit. When you have faith in your heart, you are unstoppable.

Building The Capacity To Maximize More Than A Single Talent

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14 – 30), Jesus teaches a profound lesson about capacity and productivity. We ought to remember that the talents were distributed “to each according to his ability”. The servant entrusted with five talents showcased the ability to manage and multiply resources effectively, yielding a profitable return. On the contrary, the unproductive servant struggled with a single talent, failing to realize its full potential. This narrative echoes in our lives — if we can’t efficiently handle smaller responsibilities, how can we tackle more significant challenges?

The Bible, in Jeremiah 12:5, poses a thought-provoking question: if running with footmen wearies you, how will you contend with horses? This challenges us to build capacity gradually, preparing for greater responsibilities. Successful organizations juggle multiple projects seamlessly. To make a lasting impact and navigate the complexities of your world, you must develop the capacity to handle diverse tasks simultaneously. If you’re struggling with leading a team of 3 or 4 people, how will you hope to lead 100 people in the future? Strengthening our abilities ensures we’re not only productive but ready for the challenges that lie ahead.

Consider your current tasks as training for the future. Every project, no matter how small, contributes to your overall capacity. You have to master the art of multitasking to thrive in a world that demands versatility. Embrace growth, cultivate your talents, and strive to be the person capable of managing multiple tasks efficiently. To fully realize your creative potential, you must be able to excel at managing multiple “major” projects at the same time. Remember, the road to making a difference in the world begins with building the capacity to handle various responsibilities simultaneously.

On Balancing Mission-driven Enterprises With Making Money

If you consider yourself to be someone on a mission to make a positive difference in the world, you must be careful to keep your focus on growing your influence and increasing your impact on a continuous basis. If you do not do this consciously, you may soon confuse making money with an active mission. This is not a smear campaign against earning money. Life’s demands will force you to spend money, a lot of money. The bigger takeaway here is to always remember to evaluate yourself and your work in terms of your impact on your community and how much meaningful, measurable impact you have made.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the mission to provide accessible healthcare frequently collides with profit motives. Some corporations resort to drastic price increases for essential medications, prioritising financial gain over their mission to serve humanity. This unethical practice not only exploits vulnerable patients, but it also undermines the larger goal of healthcare access. The stark contrast between the noble mission of healing and the pursuit of exorbitant profits raises concerns about these pharmaceutical companies’ priorities. It serves as a modern cautionary tale, reminding us to scrutinise our endeavours and ensure that financial success does not jeopardise the core mission of making a positive difference.

On a personal level, many people work hard and focus on their mission from the start. Only to let pride and money compromise the mission’s integrity in the long run. Consider Uncle Judas, a dedicated community advocate committed to providing affordable housing. He began with limited resources and launched grassroots initiatives that gained local support. However, as his financial success grew, Uncle Judas shifted his focus to profitable property development, abandoning his original mission. Profiteering overshadowed the mission’s essence, contributing to the community’s displacement. Financial struggles can make it tough to keep a clear view of your mission, but never confuse making money with your spiritual mission.

Let Purpose Not Money Drive Your Creativity And Spiritual Gifts

At some point, you must decide whether you want to serve God or make money. In reality, you cannot do both. In the pursuit of making money, the danger lies in letting it overshadow your creativity and spiritual gifts. The essence of a creative, spiritual person isn’t merely financial gain but the authentic expression of their innate gifts. The wisdom shared by Apostle Paul to Timothy reinforces this, stressing that genuine progress (and profiting) is visible through dedicated practice and immersion (1 Timothy 4:15). Those solely fixated on monetary pursuits often compromise values, crossing ethical boundaries to make money.

Your gift will make room for you and lead you to a place of wellness and abundance. You must, however, exercise caution not to abandon your spiritual mission in pursuit of material gain. Our original inventive nature suffers when our focus shifts to the pursuit of material gain. A soul driven by greed and lust for money finds it difficult to truly tap into creativity or explore spiritual gifts. Greed is widely acknowledged as a detriment to true art. Fake prophecies, and many other manipulative spiritual practices can be traced to the desire for more money.

Love, honesty, and integrity define true inventors, creatives, and spiritual people. Their vision and passion guide them, resulting in a virtuous cycle of creativity and spiritual exploration devoid of moral compromises. This is the wellspring that keeps you nourished and growing in your purpose. Remember the words of Apostle Paul, “unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God” (2 Corinthians 2:17 NIV). True richness lies in an authentic expression of our gifts rather than the pursuit of material gain.

Withholding The Truth Shipwrecks Relationships

From Romans 13:9-10, we can infer that if you truly love someone, you will build your relationship with them upon the truth. We often avoid telling people the truth because we don’t want to “hurt their feelings,” but this is wrong. When the truth finally comes out, they are hurt regardless, but they are hurt even more because you withheld the truth from them. Picture a ship navigating treacherous waters without accurate navigation. Similarly, avoiding truth in relationships is like sailing without a compass. You have to make a decision today that you will not be that brother, friend or colleague that withholds the truth.

Consider the following workplace scenario: a colleague’s consistent poor performance is met with our silence, a refusal to confront. When higher-ups demand action, which leads to dismissal, we are left wondering if honest feedback could have been kinder, providing an opportunity for improvement. Similarly, parents avoiding necessary truths for the sake of temporary comfort leaves their children ill-prepared for life’s harsh realities. And when the child faces the cold, harsh world out there, they won’t be able to cope. This might cause them to resent the parent that failed to raise them with truth.

Consider the significance of truth in a medical diagnosis. Consider a patient who is experiencing troubling symptoms. If the doctor waits too long to share an accurate diagnosis because he is afraid of the patient’s reaction, the condition may worsen. A compassionate doctor is the one who promptly reveals the truth, allowing the patient to seek appropriate treatment. Candour acts as a healing force in our interactions. It may sting at first, but the long-term benefits far outweigh any discomfort. Truth is more than just facts; it is a crucial element in the journey of life, promoting well-being and building longlasting relationships.

Embracing The Fire Of Truth And Authenticity

In the insightful words of Jordan B. Peterson, “The truth is something that burns, it burns off deadwood, and people don’t like having their deadwood burnt off often because they’re 95 percent deadwood.” These words echo a profound truth reflected in Jesus’ high-priestly prayer: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). The Word of God possesses a purifying essence. Christ’s words, as stated in John 15:3, can cleanse us. However, a prevalent challenge today is the fear of truth. Having thrived on falsehoods, there’s a natural dread of the purifying power of truth.

The Scriptures describe the word of God as “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12 ESV). This vivid imagery depicts the transformative nature of truth. It is a force that cuts through the layers of deception, exposing the core of our being. While the burning away of falsehood might be uncomfortable, it is essential for growth. Consider it a necessary surgery of the soul, mending what is broken and guiding towards wholeness.

Let’s explore the discomfort of truth through a common human experience. Think about a time when you had to confront a hard truth about yourself or a situation. Initially, it might have felt like a burning process, challenging your comfort zone. Yet, in hindsight, recognize how that truth served as a catalyst for positive change. Embracing the truth is not just about pain; it’s about shedding the deadwood of deception to make room for authentic growth. Reflect on these moments, recognizing that the discomfort of truth is often the doorway to a more genuine and fulfilling life.

Align Yourself With Heroes Of Faith And Integrity

In today’s world, it can sometimes seem that everything is tilted towards the deceptive and corrupt. The truth appears to be meaningless. However, it is a misconception that the wicked always win. If that were true, the very essence of righteousness, justice, and integrity would be rendered meaningless. In Psalm 73:2-3, the psalmist admits to struggling with envy, almost slipping when observing the apparent success of the wicked. The root of the problem is a misplaced focus. Why focus on the wicked? Turn your attention to the virtuous achievers. Good guys don’t lose; they always triumph. Seek inspiration from those who thrive on integrity and hard work.

Consider the Psalmist’s realization: “Until I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.” (Psalm 73:17 NIV). The turning point is seeking higher wisdom. Redirect your attention from the fleeting prosperity of the wicked to the lasting outcomes of those grounded in truth. Understand their ultimate destiny. Instead of envying the corrupt, enter the sanctuary of wisdom and divine guidance. Let your admiration be reserved for those who navigate success with integrity. Choose mentors who embody values you aspire to, for genuine success is not in shortcuts but in the enduring principles of righteousness.

In the journey of life, good and evil contend, but it’s the principled who leave a lasting impact. The allure of apparent success in the wicked should not sway your commitment to truth and integrity. Rather than dwelling on the fleeting prosperity of the dishonest, invest your admiration in those who honor virtues. Remember, your heroes shape your values. Choose them wisely. Success isn’t synonymous with moral compromise. The sanctuary of wisdom reveals the true trajectory of each path. It’s a call to align your aspirations with enduring principles and choose heroes whose victories are grounded in integrity.

Ronaldo, Binance, and Ethical Endorsements

Cristiano Ronaldo is making headlines for reasons other than football. He is facing a $1 billion lawsuit as a result of his association with Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. The plaintiffs claim that his endorsement influenced them to make bad investments. The entire situation highlights the critical importance of integrity in navigating life as a leader, influential person, or “celebrity.” If God places you in a position of authority or gives you influence, use it for the greater good. There needs to be a sense of responsibility and humility. And you do that by giving God the glory (Acts 12:20-23).

Cristiano Ronaldo capitalized on his on-field exploits to establish the “CR7” brand. “CR7” refers to Ronaldo’s initials and shirt number, and is used as branding in a variety of products, which have helped him become one of the world’s wealthiest athletes. This is known as influencer marketing these days. Where people gather an online following and then attempt to monetize it by promoting products, services, and, in some cases, “investment opportunities.” According to Gary Gensler, the chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), celebrities must “disclose to the public from whom and how much you are being paid to promote investments” Ronaldo did not make such disclosures.

In the midst of the cryptocurrency craze, where fortunes can be made or lost with a digital transaction, the lawsuit serves as a stark reminder of the need for a moral compass. Integrity must become a guiding star, steering both leaders and celebrities clear of the murky waters of unethical endorsements and dubious financial dealings. Consider 2 Corinthians 2:17 (NIV), “Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.” You’re the salt and light of your world, you must never place profiting ahead of integrity and truth.

Truth Will Make You A Strategic Powerhouse

According to 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV), “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” When you think about it, you see that the light here refers to revelational knowledge and truth. When you operate outside of truth and knowledge, darkness and chaos take over. If you want to be the light of your world, if you want to build your business, you must understand that in the fast-paced world of business, truth is more than just a moral compass; it is a strategic powerhouse.

The phrase “knowledge is power” holds particularly true. Consider your current situation and the truths you need to understand in order to break through. Companies that embark on a journey of truth, marked by thorough research and analysis, unlock a variety of benefits. This dedication to truth is more than just an abstract principle; it is a tangible force that changes the way businesses operate. Consider this: when a company seeks accurate information, delves into market complexities, and confronts industry realities, it gains a comprehensive understanding of its environment. This, in turn, serves as the foundation for making informed decisions.

When businesses tailor their products and services to resonate with truth, magic happens. They know exactly what to do, rather than guessing. It is not a good idea to pray and hope without seeking truth. When products and services seamlessly align with genuine needs and preferences, customer satisfaction skyrockets. In essence, truth in business is a pragmatic approach that enables organizations to craft strategies that are grounded in reality. The result? More effective, customer-centric outcomes that propel businesses toward success. Embracing truth is not just a virtue; it is also a winning strategy in the fast-paced world of business.

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