Daily Devotionals

Becoming Comfortable With Quiet Reflection

Being comfortable with quiet reflection is a skill that many find challenging. Sitting still, sorting through thoughts and feelings can be intimidating. It’s like confronting your inner self. Yet, it’s crucial to develop this skill. Think of it as a mental workout. Just like physical exercises strengthen your body, mental stillness fortifies your mind and enhances your creative abilities. It’s about training your thoughts to focus and dwell on something deliberately. In a noisy world, this ability becomes a superpower, enhancing clarity and decision-making. So, find a quiet moment, face your thoughts, and let the power of intentional thinking guide you.

There is great virtue in learning to be still before the Lord and to wait patiently for him (Psalms 37:7). Most of the time, a very active lifestyle that leaves no time for reflection traps one in a web of mediocrity. Nikola Tesla once said, “The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”

In the journey of life, don’t underestimate the power of stillness. In the quiet spaces, you connect with a deeper part of yourself and open the door to divine guidance. Inner peace and calm await the soul that learns to slow down and simply sit down quietly. Your next breakthrough ideas await you when you embrace this practice completely. You must never be afraid of sitting down alone with your thoughts. Train yourself to focus on the right thing. Embrace the solitude that breeds creativity. In a world full of noise, the ability to be still becomes a superpower, offering clarity and enhancing decision-making.

Who Is Guiding You Into The Future?

The course of your life and the opportunities you see are mirrors of the leadership around you. Your strength isn’t in having no leader but in having the right one. Ask yourself, “Who is guiding me into the future?” A leader shapes your journey, providing direction and vision. This isn’t about having a boss; it’s about having someone who cares about your growth. Good leadership illuminates the path to your potential. So, consider who is leading you. The answer reveals not just your present but the trajectory of your future. Build a personal relationship with leaders who inspire and lead you toward a better tomorrow.

Having a leader, whether called a mentor or discipler, isn’t about servitude or oppression. It’s about having someone who grasps life at a deeper level. In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the children of Issachar were esteemed leaders because they understood the times and knew Israel’s course. Having such insight made them leaders. Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11:1, urges followers to imitate him as he imitates Christ. It’s a call to learn from those with deeper understanding. Having a leader isn’t just about obedience; it’s aligning with wisdom that can guide you in understanding and navigating the complexities of life.

In the journey of life, isolation leads to limitations. Don’t do life alone. To unlock your full potential, cultivate relationships with leaders who can guide you. Your success hinges on the quality of leadership and feedback you embrace. Don’t navigate life’s complexities alone; seek those whose wisdom can amplify your journey. In prayer, seek divine guidance to identify individuals who can lead you into a future rich with potential. Embrace the truth that life’s triumphs are often intertwined with the quality of leadership you allow into your sphere. The big question remains, “Who is guiding you into your future?”

Everything Rises And Falls On Leadership

According to John Maxwell, a pastor and leadership expert, he says everything goes up or down based on leadership. Think of it like this: if the leader is good, everything else tends to be good, too. But if the leader is not so good, everything else might not be either. This is true for homes, churches, companies, and communities. It’s like the boss sets the tone for everyone else. So, if we want better communities or companies, we need good leaders. Bad leaders, on the other hand, can lead to problems and issues in our society.

Absolutely, every issue in the world right now can be linked back to leaders not doing their job well. Think about countries like Nigeria; people have been complaining about bad leaders for decades. Even when you see someone being mean online about the gospel, it’s often because a religious leader somewhere didn’t do their job right. The bad roads, the lack of electricity, the overall problems—these can all be put on the account of poor leadership. It’s not just to complain; it’s to show that we need better leaders. Maybe that someone is you stepping up to lead.

Embracing the wisdom of Proverbs 29:2 is pivotal for creative, business-minded Christians. This verse serves as a clarion call to take up the responsibility of watching over our world. The righteous, stepping into positions of authority, bring joy and prosperity. Conversely, when the wicked lead, a pall of mourning shrouds the people. As Christians, we’re not called to merely bemoan the state of leadership but to be the transformative force. To watch our world is to step into leadership roles with righteousness, fostering joy and well-being for those under our influence. The scriptural truth challenges us to be the leaders that evoke rejoicing.

Unleashing Divine Ideas For Superior Leadership

Committing to being a guiding light in your community, especially as a Christian business leader, is a noble aspiration. To fulfill this role effectively, you must be a source of innovative ideas, capable of steering your community towards God’s vision. In the words of Nikola Tesla, the secret to becoming creative lies in solitude, in being alone. This solitude isn’t just physical but a mental space where ideas can be born. Embracing moments of seclusion allows for reflection and inspiration, enabling the generation of creative solutions and visionary concepts that can profoundly impact and guide your community.

Recognising the truth that “greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world,” Christians are called to operate on a plane that transcends the world’s limitations. You can grow and become quite powerful inside. So powerful that you can watch over your world and seemingly, effortlessly produce remarkable results. This realization should enable you to approach challenges with a faith-based perspective, knowing that the divine within you is greater than any worldly obstacle. However, in order to access this higher realm, it is necessary to cultivate moments of quiet solitude.

Just as Tesla emphasized the power of being alone for invention and enhanced creativity, you, too, must find solace in stillness. It is in these quiet moments that the greater within us becomes more discernible, guiding us to impactful ideas and actions that surpass worldly expectations. Your faith in God must become more than just a moral framework for you. It is more than just religious beliefs and affiliations. This is about becoming a vehicle through which God’s grace can shine into the dark world around you. You must make a commitment to discovering the powerful ideas that reside within your spirit.

Nurture The Seeds Of Success Within

Winners look within, cultivating an unwavering focus on their mission, rather than at the competition. Internal growth is the source of success in business and in life. To thrive externally, you must first cultivate internal capabilities. A business, a nonprofit, or a career all thrive when their stewards focus on personal development. The game is won by those who recognize that mimicking others leads to mediocrity. True innovation and impact result from unwavering dedication to one’s mission. External success reflects internal fortitude; those who establish solid internal foundations outperform in the external arena.

In the biblical account of Cain and Abel, Abel’s unwavering focus on pleasing God and doing what was right set him apart. His internal commitment to his mission, irrespective of external comparisons, garnered divine favor. On the contrary, Cain’s downfall was rooted in comparison, leading to his spiritual and moral decline. The Lord spelt it out to Cain, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door.” (Genesis 4:7 ESV). Cain appeared to believe that because heaven accepted Abel, he could never win. This was not the case. Everyone who does the right thing is accepted.

Winners in life, be it in relationships, careers, business or personal development, understand the power of internal growth. The world is a reflection of your internal state. Winners don’t obsess over external circumstances; they invest in becoming better versions of themselves. Your biggest and best ideas will be the ones you develop in your quiet time, not the ideas you copy from the noisy market. When you focus within, building your capacities and aligning with a clear mission, external success naturally follows. In your quest to watch your world, remember, the key to impact is not in mirroring others but in evolving and growing within.

An Opportunity Ten Thousand Miles Outside Of Purpose

All of those people you are chasing after are actually detrimental to your long-term success. When you give people too much control over your life and mission, it is easier for them to derail you. You will increasingly seek to please them over pleasing God. A business partner that heaven didn’t appoint for you can demand changes to the business model that completely discards the spiritual mission of the business. A mentor heaven didn’t assign to you can guide you into mediocrity. In the name of seeking opportunities and validation, you can end up ten thousand miles outside your original purpose.

Two companies competed for a significant business grant from a well-known philanthropist in a competitive environment. Femi considered increasing his chances through lobbying and networking. Attempting to obtain the grant through connections. Vivian, on the other hand, took a different path. She set aside time for prayer, seeking divine guidance. During her contemplation, she conceived an idea to strengthen her proposal. When the philanthropist made the decision, Vivian’s company was chosen because her proposal was ten times better than anything else they saw. Femi was left perplexed. You need to understand that while strategic networking is important, acknowledging God in your endeavours can result in unexpected favour and success.

As servants’ eyes are drawn to their master’s hand, so ours are drawn to the Lord our God for everything we need. You must commit to the idea that opportunities, promotion, and uplift do not come from people, but rather from God, who ultimately decides the fate of all. That is why the Psalmist insists that it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes (Psalm 118:9 ESV). You are going to fail in your mission to watch over your world if you regard people you can see, over the Almighty God you can not see.

Exploring The Riches Of The Kingdom Within

In the quiet depths of our being, the Kingdom of God resides. Luke 17:20-21 teaches us that this divine realm isn’t an external pursuit but an internal awakening. We are frequently in a frenzy of pursuit, looking for answers and opportunities in the outside world. The true treasures, the profound insights, however, unfold within our hearts. It’s a call to stillness, a reminder that the most profound discoveries are made when we turn our gaze inward. Rather than relentlessly pursuing external validation, investing in self-development and growth becomes the path to unrivalled possibilities.

In the stillness within, we find not only peace but also a wellspring of creativity and resilience. The hustle and bustle of our day-to-day life often drowns the gentle whispers of our inner selves. You slowly lose your balance and the cares of this life might just sweep you away. Cultivating an awareness of this internal Kingdom allows you to draw from a deep well of strength. It becomes a source of resilience in challenging times and a fountain of creativity in moments of stagnation. Your final success or failure in your mission depends on the condition of the Kingdom within.

As you embark on the journey within, you will discover the greatest opportunities and possibilities. Opportunities are not something you chase out there, it is something you grow your soul to manifest. It is worth noting that the process of looking within isn’t a one-time event but a continuous exploration. It’s about creating a space for introspection, mindfulness, and spiritual growth. In this sacred inner space, we encounter not only the depth of our being but also the guiding presence of the divine. It’s a journey that unfolds with patience, inviting us to be present to the whispers, revelations, and transformative possibilities that await in the Kingdom within.

Managing God’s Gifts With A Heart Of Stewardship

The Apostle Paul charged Timothy to fan into flames the gift of God that was in him (2 Timothy 1:6). It is important to seek full expressions of the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed upon us. May we not be like the unproductive, unprofitable steward who saw no use for their talent and buried it. An act considered wickedness by the master (Matthew 25:26). One can only speculate and wonder how many wicked stewards roam the streets today. Men and women endowed with priceless gifts, who chose to bury them rather than fan those gifts into flames.

Some Christians appear to have no holy fear: they bury the master’s talent and gifts in the earth, leave it there, and enjoy their pleasure and ease without hesitation. Their creativity, spiritual gifts and talents are not actively being used to salt and light up their world. It is an act of wickedness! If our predecessors all buried their talent, choosing an easier life path over the uncertainties and hefty demands that comes with fanning spiritual gifts into flames, we would not enjoy the fruits of their labour today. You are a steward, and you should be leading and serving with your gifts every single day.

You have a responsibility to God as well as a responsibility to mankind. It’s a good idea to understand that God never gives us spiritual gifts for our own enjoyment. God blesses you in order for you to bless others. The master expects you to go forth and strengthen others after you have been strengthened (Luke 22:32). In the words of Dr. Otto Octavius (Spider-Man 2), “Intelligence is not a privilege, it’s a gift. And you use it for the good of mankind.” Today is a good day to repent of wickedness and put your talent to good use.

The Stewardship of Love and Care

Relationships are important in life, business, ministry, and however you define your existence. Relationships are the vibrant threads that bind our stories together. Just as a gardener takes care of delicate plants, we must take care of our relationships. Just as God entrusts us with His love, we are called to be stewards of the love we share with others. Remember the “Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” found in Matthew 18:21-35. It tells the story of a servant who was forgiven a huge (unpayable) debt, only to refuse forgiveness, mercy, and love to another servant who owed him a small debt.

Every interaction, a seed planted; every caring gesture, a bloom. Stewarding relationships is an intentional act of cultivating a garden of love where everyone can thrive. You must be deliberate about nurturing and investing into relationships with love, compassion and care. Consider the story of any friendship that has survived decades. You will discover that love and care are not just sentiments but investments. True friendship is never a passive connection; it requires intentional acts of kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Through the seasons of joy and hardship, you learn that the more people in any kind of relationship invest in each other, the richer their bond becomes.

You should think about stewarding relationships as a lifelong commitment, an ongoing investment in the flourishing of those you hold dear. This is great work, and it offers tremendous benefits in the long-term. The CFO asks the CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing our people and they leave us?” The CEO responds, “What happens if we don’t, and they stay? You have a role to play in facilitating the growth of people around you. Following in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus, we must learn to pray and look out for the people in our life.

Faith In The Face of Giants

If you want to watch your world and steer it towards a better future, you need faith. The kind of faith required to confront a giant. Have you ever felt like David facing Goliath? Like you’re the underdog, outmatched, and ready to be swept away? That’s exactly how the players of Royal Antwerp must have felt on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 facing the mighty FC Barcelona in the Champions League. Barcelona, with their superstars and global fame, seemed like an unstoppable force. But Antwerp, fueled by something deeper, pulled off a stunning upset, winning 3-2.

What gave Antwerp the courage to face such a giant? It wasn’t just their tactical skills or their home crowd’s cheers. It was something deeper, something that resonates with all of us: faith. Faith that they could defy expectations, that hard work and teamwork could overcome even the mightiest opponent. They believed in themselves, in their team, and in something bigger than the game. And just like David with his slingshot, they struck a blow that echoed around the world. Never underestimate the power of belief. Great things begin with believing that they are possible in the first place.

This victory is a reminder that greatness doesn’t always come with a megaphone. Sometimes, it whispers from the hearts of those who dare to dream, who dare to believe. It’s a message for all of us, facing our own Goliaths in life. If you will ever emerge triumphant and record massive success, you will have to face a Goliath or two. Whether it’s a tough exam, building a multimillion dollar business, or simply the everyday challenges we face, Antwerp’s victory reminds us that faith can move mountains. So, hold on to your dreams, believe in yourself, and remember that before anything else can happen, you must first believe.

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