The mission you’ve chosen is not for the fainthearted. When you take on a difficult path in life, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Don’t envy others who seem to have it easier, and don’t compare your progress to those on a different journey. You must accept the unique demands of your mission and find peace with them. Instead of wishing for a lighter burden, seek strength from the Lord. Remember, He will give you the endurance you need to fulfill your purpose, even when the road gets tough.
Gideon’s story is a powerful example of taking on a difficult mission and relying on God’s strength. When God called Gideon to lead Israel against the Midianites, he felt overwhelmed and unqualified. He even questioned why he had been chosen for such a difficult task. Despite his fears, Gideon did not ask for a simpler mission. Instead, he obeyed God’s command, confident that He would provide the necessary strength and guidance. Gideon faced a vast enemy with a small army, but God granted him victory through. Gideon’s journey teaches us that when faced with difficult circumstances, we must rely on God’s strength rather than seeking a lighter burden.
As we reflect on Hebrews 12:1-2, we’re reminded to run our race with perseverance, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Just as Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him, we are called to endure the challenges of our mission with unwavering focus. The path may be difficult, and the burden heavy, but we are not alone. By laying aside every weight and looking to Christ as our example, we find the strength to keep moving forward. The mission is demanding, but with our eyes on Jesus, we can press on with endurance.