You Are Not Just A Cog In The Machine

The Bible makes it clear that where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). A vision from heaven always requires people for its actualization. When a vision drives us, everybody wins. Everyone counts, and each person has an important role to play. You are not insignificant or just a faceless, nameless cog in the machinery as we work towards the realization of the vision. You don’t have to found or head an organization to be part of the Lord’s end-time movement. Each contribution, no matter how small, is vital and valued in God’s grand plan.

Think of a vision like the human body. The smallest organ is just as important as the largest because each one has a unique role to play, and they all depend on each other. The heart cannot do the job of the lungs, and the lungs cannot replace the liver. Similarly, in a vision-driven mission, everyone’s contribution matters. While no one is indispensable, we need everyone to be at their best for things to work well. Just as the body thrives when all its parts function properly, a vision prospers when everyone plays their part effectively. 

God gives us talents and work according to our ability (Matthew 25:14-15). As we diligently use what we’ve been given, we qualify ourselves for more. Jesus taught that the greatest in the kingdom should say, “I want to serve,” not “I want to be served” (Matthew 20:28). Obsess over how you can be useful and do your best work possible in your present role. You don’t need to found anything or be the global head of an organization. Focus on doing your best work right now, and the Lord will elevate, promote, and establish you in due time. Your faithfulness in small things leads to greater opportunities.

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