How beautiful it is to see the spirit of God moving in our days. Igniting an unusual kind of spiritual awakening. An awakening that will have far-reaching consequences not only for the country, but for the entire African continent, the black race, and, indeed, the world. A conflagration can be defined as an intense, extensive fire that cannot be controlled. A conflagration is a large and violent event, such as a war, involving a lot of people. Remember the words of Christ, “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!” (Luke 12:49 NLT).
A spiritual awakening lies at the core of every significant advancement in civilization. The spiritual awakening will spark intellectual curiosity. From there, an unprecedented era of prosperity begins. Think about the spiritual awakening that gifted the world an institution like Harvard University. An institute initially set up with a mandate to produce literate pastors. Consider the Renaissance, when people realized there was more to life than dying and going to heaven. That great things could be achieved on this side. This results in a period of increased creativity, particularly in the sciences and arts, as well as new thinking and ideas.
It is time for true disciples of Jesus to proclaim boldly, both privately and publicly, that \”repent and change your thinking, because a great spiritual conflagration is here, and is close enough to touch\”. It is a massive move of God, involving a critical mass of people. It will be strong enough to finally eliminate corruption and mediocrity. It will bring about the changes for which people have prayed for decades. The time is right to begin to ponder your role in all of this. Your prayer? Lord, whatever you are doing these days, please do not do it without me.