Balancing Zeal and Knowledge in Your Mission

Nothing is more important than the mission, but zeal without knowledge falls short. Proverbs 19:2 (NET) warns of the dangers: “It is dangerous to have zeal without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily makes poor choices.” Before embarking on your mission, take time to acquire the necessary training. If you feel called to guide others in their journeys, develop the essential skills required for the task. Mentorship and discipleship demand spiritual, emotional, and intellectual maturity. Embrace the training process rather than assuming you can fulfill your role without it. Without proper education and training for your mission, you are more likely to fail.

Looking to history, we find inspiration from the Puritans who founded Harvard University with the explicit purpose of educating pastors. Their vision underscored the value of investing in spiritual education and leadership. Harvard’s establishment was authorized by the Massachusetts colonial legislature, driven by the concern of leaving “an illiterate ministry to the churches, when our present ministers shall lie in the dust.” Though not formally affiliated with any denomination, Harvard initially focused on training ministers. In your mission and calling, don’t be a gifted illiterate. A gifted illiterate remains an illiterate, and while we may see flashes of brilliance, the full potential will not be realized.

Your gifting is unquestionable, but training enables you to unlock its full potential. Study the lives of your role models, paying attention to their educational journeys and the training they embraced. You must be trained for your mission and be able to operate with knowledge. Depending on your mission, you may find yourself in a multi-decade apprenticeship like Moses in Midian or Jacob with his Uncle Laban. Training equips you to maximize your capacity to watch over your world. Embrace the process, invest in education, and develop the skills that will elevate your effectiveness in fulfilling your divine assignment. After training, there is always enough time to make an impact.

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