Grow Your Giving To The Lord

One of the many benefits of submitting to God is that you live, move and have your being in him. This means that you live your day-to-day life for a purpose greater than yourself. This transforms every aspect of your life. Your dealings with God will reflect in the kind and thoughtful way you deal with other humans. A person submitted to God and divinely instituted authorities are always an asset to their community. Your time, your energy and resources should be channeled towards a purpose that transcends your personal needs. If your life does not conform to this image. The image of a person whose submission to God is expressed through giving their all to God. You still have some work to do.

Any relationship worth having, will demand that you give. You invest your resources into relationships you treasure. There is no relationship that is more important than your relationship with God. You should give to God more than you give to any human being. Apostle Paul was surprised with the giving attitude of the church of Macedonia. From 2 Corinthians 8:2‭-‬3 (ESV), \”for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord.\” You should cultivate a burning desire to give to God, even beyond your means.

Your giving to God is a central issue with regards to your relationship with God. Your love and honor for God is expressed through the extent to which you give. You cannot claim to love God on one hand, and withhold from giving on the other hand. This is not just about giving money. God wants you to give your brainpower. He wants you to give your time. He wants you to give yourself towards a greater purpose. When you do this, you will evolve into a more spiritually mature person. When you give to God, a God you cannot see, you destroy the grip of selfishness over your soul. This in turn opens up your spirit and soul to begin to see a larger picture of the world. Giving transforms your soul. It is not a coincidence that the wealthiest people on the planet are also the biggest givers. Do some research to confirm this.

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