The economic future of your world depends upon the seeds you sow today. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (ESV) says, \”Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully\”. You must exert yourself to the full during your season of sowing. Your tomorrow depends upon it. Take a long and thoughtful look upon your world today. What is good about your world? And how better can it become tomorrow if you invested your time and resources into it right now. There is nothing except a pitiful harvest today, because nobody had the foresight to invest anything meaningful yesterday. If you are serious about economic prosperity for your family, your community and your world, what seeds are you sowing?
As it is written in the Book of Galatians, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap”. Your current economic state is the harvest of the labours of time past. Your current situation is enabled by your previous investment into your life. Or the investment of those that walked the earth before you. It is helpful to live day-to-day with the mindset that we do not inherit the earth from our forefathers. We have borrowed it from our children. This should be a reminder about your obligation to sow seeds. An obligation to invest now, so that we can all enjoy a prosperous future.
It takes decades of strategic thinking to create prosperity. God is not mocked. You cannot outsmart the principles that govern the world. You start by accessing the reality of the situation. What is good about your world right now? How better can it become tomorrow, if you paid more attention to it? If you discover that there are no large and influential companies in your neighbourhood. You can decide to build one over the course of the next decade. Passing on a more prosperous community to those that will walk the earth after you. You want to design a multi-decade blueprint for your world. A plan that enables you to shape the economic outlook of your community in the long run.