The Biggest Problem With the Society Today

If we made a list of the biggest problems facing society today, here are some of the things we would list. Moral decadence in the society, lack of appropriate role models, religious fanaticism, cultism, poor education, indiscipline, drug abuse, political manipulation of youth organizations, unemployment and underemployment, breakdown of family values. However, we can argue that society has been plagued by a single problem; breakdown of the family unit. The breakdown of family values created the necessary conditions for every other problem. It has been said that family is the smallest unit of society. If you want to heal society in a thorough manner, you have to start from the family level.

The studies conducted around mass shootings in America revealed some disturbing facts. Like the fact that 75% of the most recent school shooters in the USA, including the 18-year-old in Uvalde, Texas, were raised in broken homes without fathers. Your world might not have that same problem (mass shooting), but the effects of broken homes can be observed if one takes a close look. There is no substitute for having a father and mother, selflessly building their home with godly virtues. You are a product of your family background. Nobody becomes a light of their world without adequate parental care and training.

As a watchman tasked with steering us towards a better future, you have to realize the importance of family values. Your watch must include plans to strengthen the family. There will not be a world to watch over if the institution of family is eroded. You must teach people to make Christ the head of their homes once again. The love, peace and trust that would characterize such a home would mould good people who would make a positive difference in their world. You must defend the sanctity of marriage as a divinely established union between a man and a woman. The most important battle to be fought this decade (and century), is the battle for family values.

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