In Full Pursuit

Our times call not for polished diction, but for thoughtful action. It has been said that the two most important days of your life are the day on which you were born and the day on which you discover why you were born. If your sense of a glorious purpose has been awakened, you must give it all you have got. People tend to talk too much about the things they want to do and fail to generate enough productive activities around their dreams. You need to determine whether you are underestimating how much work it would take to achieve your goal.

When I study biographies, I am on the lookout for the years of preparation and also the work ethic of the book’s subject. Nikola Tesla wrote in his autobiography; My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, that early in his life “the vision was clear enough but the knowledge of principles was very limited.” He then went on to describe how in another season of life, “I regularly started my work at three o’clock in the morning and continued until eleven at night, no Sundays or holidays excepted”. We see here that the commitment to study twenty hours a day made him master the principles required to actualize his dreams.

You have to position yourself for full pursuit of your higher vocations. You start by defining your goals in a specific, measurable and definitive way. This makes it easier to track your progress and when life becomes more comfortable over time, you would be able to continue to focus on what really matters. You must then take the time to pray, study, think and meditate upon your dreams. Your dreams will remain dreams and flowery speeches if you never master the principles required. We have to search out and master the practical aspects of the things we want to do. It will take a lot of work to accomplish this. It demands full attention.

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