You do not need to be a genius to realise that the real goal of a business is to solve a specific problem in a specific way at a scale that makes it worthwhile. We see then that it is not so different from the person that aspires to operate as a salt and light of the world. You are also supposed to be in the business of solving a specific problem in a specific way at a meaningful scale. Please understand that to solve a problem at any meaningful scale, you have to build a business around it.
I remember a chance meeting with a young man many years ago. He regaled me with stories about his efforts to improve his community. In reality, all he had were poorly thought out ideas that were having little to no impact. He framed it as giving back to the community. I pointed out that he had not taken anything from the community in the first place. So, what was he giving back? The young man was simply a product of a system that convinced him that this was the best way to do good. The problem with such a system is lack of objective feedback. You keep designing programs that do not accomplish anything.
We need to stop thinking about getting a job to make money and then start a non-profit organization on the side as a way to do good. You should align your daily business with matters of your watch. That is how to position yourself for long-term growth and impact. Businesses that are making an impact in our world today were first and foremost conceived to solve problems. While it is true that not every problem in society can be solved by building a business. People who engage in \”free enterprise\” develop a robust skillset and mental clarity that makes them better at the non-profit stuff.