Position yourself for growth and achievement. You must not only realise that you can position yourself for growth and achievement. You must also understand that you are solely responsible for how your life turns out. It does not matter wherever you are right now in your life. You can begin the climb upwards. Away from mediocrity and underachievement, towards a rich and satisfactory life. It is a very long climb for most of us and as such, it is best not to climb alone. The best way to position yourself for growth and achievement is to align yourself with others headed in the same direction.
Everyone needs a spiritual well from where they can draw inspiration and strength to keep going. The role of your community cannot be sidestepped. Your current community enables you to do certain things (negatively or positively). There are some things that are simply implausible for you to achieve because of your current affiliations in life. A lot of notable characters in the bible had to change their environment before their walk with God could take on new depth. Abraham had to walk away from the influence of his father\’s house. Joseph and Moses had to live for decades away from their places of birth. You have to consciously select your environment and community.
When you get connected to an upwardly mobile community, you increase your chances of success. This is the principle that drives people to relocate themselves physically, virtually or ideologically. You have to find a place where your weak hands can be strengthened and your spirit reinvigorated. When you embrace the growth and responsibility required for you to contribute to your world. You would see that it comes with pain. The worst kinds of pain in the world are growth pains. When you decide that you want to work on things that matter, something bigger than yourself, you would need more than self motivation. You need a system that will increase your chances of success.