Daily Devotionals

Give Your Strength To God

Proverbs 31:1-9 contains some interesting wisdom written for kings. It specifically warns against giving your strength to women and alcohol. This is not the behaviour of a King. If you want to arm yourself and channel your inner priest-king, these words still ring true today. Its not gender specific advice. If you want to excel in life, you must be obsessed with purposeful pursuits. Your life should not revolve around your appetite for food, sex and sensual stimulation. Such distractions lead to a loss of focus and can derail individuals from fulfilling their God-given destinies.

Direct your vigor towards noble pursuits, devoting yourself to your divine assignments. This may involve engaging in acts of compassion, pursuing justice, or dedicating yourself to prayer and study of Scripture. By directing our energy and resources towards serving God and others, we find fulfilment and purpose that go beyond fleeting pleasures. After all, God-given energy should be directed towards God-given missions. There is more to life than eating and drinking. The purpose of your working life should not be to feed your insatiable desire for food, sex and other sensual stimulation. It should be more than that. It can be more than that.

In a world rife with distractions and temptations, the call to give our strength to the things of God remains steadfast. It requires intentional choices and a commitment to prioritizing spiritual growth and service. As we heed the wisdom of Proverbs 31:1-9, we recognize the importance of guarding our hearts and minds against the allure of transient pleasures. Once you do that, you rediscover boundless energy that can lead a million man movement, or drive a million-dollar business. Success requires unbroken concentration. Give your strength to God and focus on things above, you will see the light.

Your Business Is Your Mission

Viewing businesses solely as vehicles for personal enrichment overlooks their deeper purpose. Beyond mere profit, businesses serve as avenues for fulfilling one’s mission from God. Whether as owners or employees, understanding this truth brings clarity and meaning to our work. Many struggle to find purpose because they seek it elsewhere, unaware that their careers are intrinsically tied to their divine calling. Recognizing our businesses as God-given missions empowers us to infuse our work with purpose and significance. Thus, let us approach our roles in business with a renewed perspective, embracing them as opportunities to fulfill our higher calling and positively impact the world.

Consider Forever 21, a fashion retailer that demonstrated the fusion of business and purpose. With a mission to provide affordable and trendy clothing, Forever 21 recognised its role as a vehicle for positive community impact. The founders’ Christian faith influenced the way they ran the company. The bright yellow shopping bags from Forever 21 bear the stamp “John 3:16,” which is a Bible verse reference. Aside from that, they ran the company with a sense of stewardship towards God. Every business, regardless of size or industry, wields influence within its community. Whether fostering growth and prosperity or perpetuating negative trends, the impact is profound.

As a watchman guiding your world towards heaven, viewing your businesses as a mission imbues them with a higher purpose. Your stewardship is your business. God has given you all of these people to serve within a business. Realising that your business’s influence has made the world a better place. Whatever your business is. By aligning our actions with biblical principles of love and service, we may stimulate positive change, enriching lives and fostering prosperous societies. Through our businesses, we become agents of change and hope. Isn’t that something you’ve always wanted?

Invent According To The Proportion Of Your Faith

The Bible says in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” It appears that we are more capable of believing that the wages of sin is death than of believing in and focusing on the idea that we have been given the gift of eternal life. Why is it easier to believe that the soul that sinneth shall die over acknowledging that whosoever lives, believing in Jesus shall never die (John 11: 25 – 26). It is time for us to outgrow a sin-centered approach to the divine, and embrace the gift of God.

The resurrection of Christ grants us eternal life; the power to live abundantly in the here and now (John 10:10). We have been bestowed with spiritual gifts and creativity. These things empower us for a life of fruitfulness and triumphs. Romans 12:6-8 reminds us that these gifts, however diverse, are bestowed by the same Holy Spirit to equip and empower the body of Christ. Spiritual gifts are not earned, but given as the Spirit wills. It is a divine donation. It is time for you to believe more in your spiritual gifts and abilities over playing the sin game.

Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them: to those whose gift is invention, let them invent according to the proportion of their faith. Tap into the gift of creativity within you, the ability to invent and bring new ideas to life. Whether it’s composing music, writing, or solving problems in innovative ways, embracing your creative gifts allows you to glorify God and bless others. You must become more aware of the grace you possess than of your corrupt human nature. Let your mind be a channel for God’s love and light in the world.

What Kinds Of Relationships Does Your Future Demand?

No matter how strong, brave, or powerful you consider yourself to be, you must understand how to interact with others. You need to learn to share your space with others. Your current level of life reflects the relationships you have. The new relationships you form will allow you to advance to the next level. We all start life with other people taking care of us. Then we develop into strong, independent adults. It is possible to become so self-sufficient that you forget you will always need others. You must always be on the lookout to ensure you’re building the right relationships you will need in your future.

The shrewd manager in Luke 16:3-4, though dishonest, grasped this principle. Facing unemployment, he anticipated needing help. While his methods were flawed, he understood the importance of building relationships. He realized that he would need others to open doors for him. He took steps to ensure that he would receive the assistance he requires for his own future. In life, we make connections not only for our current needs, but also for the future. It is not unusual to ask yourself, “Where do I want to go in life?” “What kinds of relationships may lead me there?”

Let the shrewd manager serve as a reminder. Invest in building genuine relationships. Start building relationships that could secure the future in a decade or two. Prioritize your future needs over your present comfort. Seek out those who share your values and inspire you to grow. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.” Strong, supportive relationships are not just a pleasant byproduct of life, but a necessary ingredient for reaching your full potential. So, extend a hand, open your heart, and begin building the network that will empower you to soar.

Go Beyond The Limitations Of Time

We often feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks on our plate. “There’s so much to do, but very little time,” we lament. However, this perception can be deceiving. In reality, you have enough time to complete all of the tasks assigned to you by God. A major takeaway from 2 Peter 3:9 is that men perceive slackness and slowness differently than God does. There is a way we perceive time, and there is a way God perceives time. If you want to completely fulfill your divine assignment and mandate, align your perspective on time with God’s. Break away from the constraints of the 24-hour clock.

This echoes Bill Gates’ observation: “most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Just as our human perception of time can be short-sighted, so too can our assessment of our productivity. Focusing on the immediate tasks at hand can leave us feeling discouraged by the slow pace of progress. However, when we align our perspective with God’s eternal view, we can trust that He is working in our lives according to His perfect timing. By focusing on faithfully completing each day’s tasks and trusting in God’s unfolding plan, we can move forward with purpose and confidence.

The Bible assures us that God equips us for the work He calls us to (Philippians 4:13). Our franticness often stems from trying to manage everything in our own strength. Trying to do it based on our perception of time. When we surrender our burdens to God and trust in His timing, we discover a newfound peace and perspective. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by an endless to-do list, we gain a sense of calm confidence, knowing that God grants us the time and resources to fulfill His purposes for our lives. Build up your faith to transcend the limitations of time.

The Key To Living A Purpose-driven Life

Deep down within your soul, you want to watch your world and steer it towards where God wants. The problem is that you don’t even know how to get started. How does someone watch over their world? How do you actively shape your home, community and industry with your biblical principles? The simple answer is to make the most out of every possible moment. Striving to live each day to the fullest means approaching it with intention and purpose. It’s not about frantically checking things off a list, but rather infusing each moment with love, purpose, and faith.

The Bible urges us to redeem the time, recognizing each moment as a precious gift from God (Ephesians 5:16). Living purposefully doesn’t require grand gestures. Even the most ordinary tasks can be imbued with meaning. Doing your laundry can be an opportunity to pray for loved ones, while a commute becomes a chance to listen to an inspiring podcast. Living purposefully is not a mysterious affair. A life of purpose and vision is not about keeping your head in the clouds. By approaching each moment with intention, we weave love, vision, purpose and faith into the fabric of our lives.

As we strive to honor God with each moment, we radiate a light that can positively impact those around us. Remember the words of Jesus, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬). Our Christ-like character becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring others to seek a deeper purpose in their own lives. So, let’s embrace each day with intentionality, knowing that even the smallest acts contribute to our watch.

The Feedback To Build Something Remarkable

The first step to building a successful business idea is ensuring it solves a real problem for your target audience. Just like the wise builder who lays a strong foundation, you need a solid understanding of your customer’s needs. The Bible instructs us to seek wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 4:5). Entrepreneurship does not begin with fancy business cards or dope cars. It is about trying to solve problems in a way that is sustainable. It is about improving the productivity of things, people and places. Talking directly to potential customers allows you to gather valuable insights and refine your idea to better serve their needs.

Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.” Just as feedback strengthens a product, talking to potential customers hones your idea. Their honest feedback can reveal flaws you might have missed and expose new opportunities to add value. In some sense, a business is nothing more than a never-ending conversation with the customer. Embrace their critiques as a chance to improve your offering and increase its impact. The biggest and most influential companies today did not start out that way. They grew big over time by leveraging data and insights.

Don’t be afraid to start small. Talk to a few potential customers initially and use their feedback to iterate on your idea. The sooner you get real-world input, the better equipped you’ll be to build something people truly need. You need the data and insights you will get from those conversations. Remember, even the most brilliant ideas can benefit from the wisdom of others. In the real sense of it, the idea you start with is just an idea about an idea. Ideas are not usually conceived in a way that’s fully formed. So, go forth, seek feedback, and build something remarkable.

Be Committed To Make A Difference Where You Live

Providing leadership in your community does not mean holding a political post. In fact, most of the real leaders that determine the course of your world do not hold political offices, despite wielding considerable influence. The message from our Lord Jesus is clear; you are the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14). This is something to live up to every single day. Reflecting to consider how you’re lighting up your world. Consider how you’re not just finding meaning in your personal life, but helping others find meaning as well.

A great way to fulfill your assignment is by thinking about community development initiatives. Your gift can contribute meaningfully to a better world. Community development initiatives empower people to transform their neighborhoods. These initiatives can focus on education, healthcare, or job training. By equipping residents with the resources they need, these projects foster self-sufficiency and create a ripple effect of positive change. It does not have to be a nonprofit. In Senegal, a women-led initiative provides agricultural training and promotes sustainable farming practices. This not only improves food security but also empowers women and strengthens the local economy.

The Bible instructs us to love our neighbors (Matthew 22:39). Look around your community and identify its needs. Where can you start from? Can you volunteer your time or resources to an active NGO operating within your community? Perhaps you have skills to offer, such as mentoring young people or teaching financial literacy classes. As you commit to that, over time, God will grant you more spiritual energy and grace and resources for you to do even more. Just be sure to take responsibility for the state of your community. Every act of service, big or small, contributes to a brighter future for your community.

Continuing Your Journey Of Faith

As you progress through your work, you will reach a point where the going gets tough. It can get so bad that you start questioning your own sanity. You must commit to your mission and resolve to find solutions to any challenges that arise, rather than considering quitting. In some ways, removing the option of quitting completely opens up the possibility of progress. You will never get to the promised land if you continue to daydream about the alternative forgone. While there might be legitimate grounds to quit, such a decision should be carefully considered. Commit to your journey of faith, mission, and economic stewardship.

In Matthew 26:41, it says, “Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” You genuinely want to do the right thing, but you are too weak to stay on track. There are numerous side quests, distractions, and traps to throw you off track. You must remember that these are difficult tasks, and as a human being, you are more likely to avoid them. An undisciplined mind will simply start to generate ideas that prioritize everything else over the work.

In some cases, you begin to do things that make you appear busy. However, your actual productivity is low, and you are making no tangible progress towards your goal. So pay attention and make sure you’re not avoiding the difficult aspects of your journey. It starts with a commitment. You must reject the idea of backtracking or quitting at the first sign of trouble. Then you must establish clear goals. The destination must be as clear as possible so that if productivity drops, you will notice. Even if it appears that you are still busy. You will be successful if you persevere.

Become The Best You Can Ever Be

You are spiritually blessed beyond what we can comprehend. Now, you owe it to God, society, and yourself to be the best you can be. The Bible makes it clear that there will be some form of accountability for the talents that God has bestowed. The talents were given to you not for personal gain, but for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:4-7 ESV). Being able to do your best work provides a deep sense of satisfaction. When you go above and beyond, you utilize your creativity and spiritual gifts to their full potential.

Indeed, each of us is gifted by God with unique talents. But without nurturing and development, these gifts lie dormant, unable to bring forth their full potential. It is through your determination and commitment that these talents are sharpened and made fruitful. As you invest your efforts in honing your abilities, you will not only find fulfillment but also attract those who recognize the value of your contributions. Thus, by cultivating a spirit of perseverance and excellence, you unlock the blessings God has bestowed upon you, enriching both your life and the lives of those around you.

Everything you enjoy today, including books, safe and secure housing, computers, and AI tools, was created by humans dedicated to excellence. What miraculous wonders would you create on Earth if you took the time to pursue your passions and interests? Songs that direct our souls towards heaven? Poems and Psalms that cause us to reflect on ourselves and become persuaded? Powerful sermons that can soften even the hardest hearts and lead them to Christ? Or perhaps a technological marvel? Deep down, you know that God created you for something much greater than this. When will you put aside your excuses and embrace the discipline demands of your destiny?

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