Daily Devotionals

Grow Your Giving To The Lord

One of the many benefits of submitting to God is that you live, move and have your being in him. This means that you live your day-to-day life for a purpose greater than yourself. This transforms every aspect of your life. Your dealings with God will reflect in the kind and thoughtful way you deal with other humans. A person submitted to God and divinely instituted authorities are always an asset to their community. Your time, your energy and resources should be channeled towards a purpose that transcends your personal needs. If your life does not conform to this image. The image of a person whose submission to God is expressed through giving their all to God. You still have some work to do.

Any relationship worth having, will demand that you give. You invest your resources into relationships you treasure. There is no relationship that is more important than your relationship with God. You should give to God more than you give to any human being. Apostle Paul was surprised with the giving attitude of the church of Macedonia. From 2 Corinthians 8:2‭-‬3 (ESV), “for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord.” You should cultivate a burning desire to give to God, even beyond your means.

Your giving to God is a central issue with regards to your relationship with God. Your love and honor for God is expressed through the extent to which you give. You cannot claim to love God on one hand, and withhold from giving on the other hand. This is not just about giving money. God wants you to give your brainpower. He wants you to give your time. He wants you to give yourself towards a greater purpose. When you do this, you will evolve into a more spiritually mature person. When you give to God, a God you cannot see, you destroy the grip of selfishness over your soul. This in turn opens up your spirit and soul to begin to see a larger picture of the world. Giving transforms your soul. It is not a coincidence that the wealthiest people on the planet are also the biggest givers. Do some research to confirm this.

Perfecting The Saints For Ministry

Every Christian should be involved in some kind of ministry. Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Every “Saint” (Christian) is supposed to be equipped for their own ministerial appointment. They are equipped through the work of the five-fold officers of the church. You might never be called into the office of an apostle, prophet, evangelist or pastor. It does not mean you are not holy or righteous. The important truth here is to understand that we need diverse kinds of calling and gifts to manifest the glory of God here on earth.

The word “ministry” has taken on a religious sense amongst Christians. But in the real sense of it, ministry means a kind of public service. “Ministry” is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning “to serve” or douleuo, meaning “to serve as a slave.” A minister is someone that serves the general public as a slave would serve their master. This is the real innovation of the Christian faith. Jesus insisted that he came to serve, and not to be served. And now, it is your turn to serve the public. Any service you do for the public, without any apparent gain for your person counts as a ministry. Ministry is not restricted to preaching the word of God. Ministry is any undertaking that is done selflessly, without a profit motive, for the glory of God.

You discover your ministry the day you decide how you want to serve the public in the manner of a slave. This could be through preaching and discipling others. But there are also thousands of other things you could be doing that counts as ministry. The Holy Spirit is ready to lead you into your own ministry. As you submit yourself for training and discipleship from the five-fold officers God has placed over you. You will grow into your own ministry. You can serve the public as part of the government (Romans 13:1-5). You can operate with a ministerial mind in business. Doing business, not for unrighteous profits, but as a tool to serve humanity in a sustainable way. There is always the important task of educating the next generation as well. There are ministries everywhere. You just need to open your eyes.

Servants Of God Beyond The Church

A study of the Bible reveals that there is a wide range of calling, destiny and purpose in God. Divine appointments and assignments that go beyond the traditional five-fold church offices. When people insist the work of God is limited to the four walls of the church, you should respond to them with the words of Christ. Matthew 22:29 says, “But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” We know from scriptures that our world belongs to God. Everything in the world; the people and the wealth belongs to God. We know God loves the world, and wants the world systems to be saved and made whole. This work will require servants of God outside the church.

In the Bible, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus are described as servants of God. This is quite interesting because none of them are Jewish. They do not worship God in the way we understand it. Apostle Paul writes in Romans 13:1-2, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” In Romans 13:4, he refers to anyone operating in government as “God’s servant”. This must be a clear statement that God operates in the larger society. And that God requires people who will operate in that dimension.

Isaiah 46:11 talks about how God calls a person to execute his counsel. When Christians pray to God, God acts by calling someone. The called person is then equipped for the assignment at hand. A lot of prayers have been prayed. And now, God is calling upon you to become that person that fulfills the purpose of God in your world. You need to respond to this dimension of the work of God. Take up the responsibility to watch over your world and steer it towards where God wants. If the Bible describes people operating in government as servants of God that do not bear the sword in vain (Romans 13:4), then why do Christians debate over participation in politics and government? You can find your purpose beyond the four walls of the church.

God Cares About Nations And Their Economy

God cares about your economic well-being here on earth. An obsession with heaven, in the sense that being “airlifted” into heaven is the only thing that matters to God, is not scriptural. The Bible has a lot to say about economic activity, which is one of the most common and basic forms of human interaction. Psalm 24:1 (ESV), says “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein”. The Bible has a lot to say about nations and the state of their economy. God wants people to have the peace, and necessary conditions for them to be productive here on earth. You must seek an active role in the economy of your world. You are the carrier of the grace needed for the well-being of your world.

God rebuked the Prophet Jonah in Jonah 4:11, “And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?” God does not only concern himself with the people, but also their possessions (cattle!). The Prophet Jeremiah predicted wars, disease, and famine will come upon the people groups that disobeyed God’s command. If we live a life that is consistent with divine principles, we are assured of fruitfulness and economic growth. However, sin continues to bring nothing more than poverty, backwardness and reproach to our nation.

Christians must play an active role in the economy and governance of their world. Society is better when the righteous people take leadership. You must step up as a watchman, and steer the economy of your world. We need an economic system that is built around what God wants; a world driven by righteousness, justice and mercy. Any economic system devised by sinful people will be incompatible with biblical values. When sinners dominate the higher echelons of the economy, nothing will trickle down to the masses. An economic system that promotes greed will lead to corruption. Which will attract judgment from God. If the economy of your world is in shambles, it is not because God does not care. It is because God-fearing people refused to step up.

Missions Beyond The Church

The call of God is not restricted to the church. God is not out to make everyone devoted to him into an apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher or pastor. There is diversity in the operations of the Holy Spirit. As it is written in 1 Corinthians 12:4‭-‬7 ESV, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” Therefore you need to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “the gospel is the only thing God is interested in”. God trains and equips people to be a salt and light of the world. He calls people to play a role in religion, culture, economy and governance. There are divine missions beyond the church.

If you trace back some of the greatest advancements and inventions of all time, you find Christians at the heart of it. From the biblical era, to the modern world, you find Christians shaping the culture. They are redefining religion and mode of worship. Christians improving the productivity of nations, and stimulating economic growth. You also find the imprint of Christians in the evolution of governance over the centuries. It is disrespectful for anyone to claim that only Christians working within the religious sphere are doing God’s work. Joseph in ancient Egypt served in government, and oversaw an economic boom during a time of unprecedented global crisis. It would be hilarious to think about Abraham, Isaac or Jacob as people who did the work of God within the confines of a church mission.

Only a religious bigot will insist that preaching and teaching from the Bible is the only mission from God. Jesus asks that you be a salt and light of your world. Reading the bible shows us that God is interested in nations and cities. We see God showing interest in the productivity of nations. You are not confined to find expressions for your faith within the walls of the church. You are free to find out how you would contribute to what God is doing in your society, economy, and government. It is not every servant of God that will be sent out on a church mission. Some of us are needed to engineer new ideas. Some are needed to provide leadership and govern. While some are needed to preach the gospel to the end of the world.

The Mission Starts With The Mission

The mission is the mission. If it is not the mission, then it is nothing more than a distraction. Your goal is to seek some clarity around your mission; in what exact way do you wish to watch over your world? What kind of future do you have in mind for us? Once you have an answer, please get started. You must avoid the trap of waiting for everything you think you need to get started. The most important thing is to take some form of action every single day. God has already supplied what you need to take the next step. You are never stranded. You just need to be willing to take a step.

The Message Bible has an excellent paraphrase of Matthew 10: 9-11, “Don’t think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light. When you enter a town or village, don’t insist on staying in a luxury inn. Get a modest place with some modest people, and be content there until you leave.” Focus on your mission. Every other thing will be supplied over time. Do not sit idly, waiting for resources. You are the equipment. You are the resource. Press into your spirit and keep going.

The mission starts with the mission. You don’t need a fund raiser. Here is some wisdom for you; with the resources available to you right now, what is the most productive action you can take? Do not be afraid to take a small step. Do not be too proud to start small. Luke 22:35 (ESV) says, “When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.” You might not have all the resources. You might not even have all the answers. But, if you have Jesus on your side, you are ready. The mission awaits.

The Audacity To Create

If you’re not as creative as you think you can be. It is usually because you are not as bold or audacious as you need to be. Creativity requires boldness and confidence. The kind of confidence that could be misread as pride. Genuine creativity produces new ideas that are useful. The usefulness of a new idea is not always obvious to every stakeholder. And sometimes your new ideas simply will not work as well as the existing alternatives. You must have faith in your ideas. A conviction that your God-given ideas are correct. And, if followed, they can make a significant difference.

Having the audacity to create means that you are conscious of your role in creation. God gave humans a special responsibility within creation to cultivate, protect, and use wisely. We have the ability to create and innovate in ways that increase the utility of everything God created. Your ability to create is not in question. The question seems to be about finding the boldness to give yourself the permission to use your creative potentials. At some point, you need to look around and consider who gave permission to those who are currently working to make the world a better place.

If your world was perfect, there would be no reason to change anything. No reason to invent anything else. A watchman must believe in their mission enough, to go all out to create whatever will be needed to complete it. Your audacity to create comes from the Lord’s command. Use this mandate, go in this your might. Look for the biggest problems plaguing your world and commit to finding out new ideas towards solving it. The evil doers have no confidence issues when they come with a mandate to steal and destroy. Our master calls us out to be a salt and light of the world. Will you find the audacity to do so?

Grow Your Relationship With God

Putting God first should not be a cliché. A true Christian understands that God comes first, others come second, and themselves come last. You have to be conscious about putting God first. And invest the time and resources that reflect your commitment to your God. The Parable of the Rich Fool illustrates this truth. Luke 12:19‭-‬21 (ESV) says, “And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” You cannot focus on accumulating earthly wealth, without ensuring that you have a rich relationship with God. 

The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with God. Other relationships in your life will mirror the quality of the premium you place on God. A man that will love his wife, begins by loving God. You learn to respect other people’s time when you place a premium on your own private time with your God. People, who obey the laws of their faith, usually have no issues obeying the laws of their country. You should avoid relationships that widen the gap between you and God. If anyone stops you from having consistent fellowship with God. You will lose. As the influence of God (and his principles) over your life reduces, your life will spin out of control.

It is important to understand the role of your relationship with God. And how it nurtures every other relationship you have. Without this anchor for your soul, your relationships will be inconsistent and all over the place. For the sake of your health, wealth and relationship with other people, you need to grow your relationship with God. It takes a level of consciousness to cultivate that close-knit relationship with God. God already initiated it when he made salvation available thousands of years before you were even born. It is up to you now. You have to take the next step. As it is written, “draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

Play The Productivity Game

God blessed mankind and commanded mankind to be fruitful. You should be interested in playing the productivity game in the long run. Productivity is the modern day equivalent of “fruitfulness”. You should not be playing the money game or the status game. Your productivity is what matters in the long run. We make a mess of our status when we lack the productivity that ought to be associated with it. Imagine meeting someone that claims to be a farmer, but owns no farm. Chasing money and status in the society at the expense of true productivity will steer the society towards mediocrity-induced poverty.

CNBC reported in July 2022 that Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, is concerned that the productivity of their company as a whole is not where it needs to be for the head count they have. He said, “(We need to) create a culture that is more mission-focused, more focused on our products, more customer focused. We should think about how we can minimize distractions and really raise the bar on both product excellence and productivity.” The most important thing a business tracks should be their productivity. Not the number of employees. Playing a status game leads to poor decision making. You start to look for ways of impressing people, rather than doubling down on your work.

Your long-term success and prosperity is tied to your productivity. If you obsess over titles and status, you can fool some people for a while. However, the truth will catch up with you. Chasing money and status will create more problems for you down the road. There is no replacement for productivity. When you improve your productivity, the money and the status associated with it, will come to you. Your work will demand the recognition that befits it. Do not be the author that is yet to embrace the discipline required to author a book. Do not be the PhD degree holder that does not possess any sophisticated knowledge about anything in their soul. Do the work first. The status and the money will show up.

Wealth Grows By Creating Economic Value

Your wealth is not the paper money you hold. Your true wealth and riches is your ability to create and capture economic value in the long run. This is the reason the government does not simply print money and hand it to poor people, lifting them out of poverty once and for all. Wealth has to be created. You create it by leading a productive lifestyle. Poor people are unable to create economic value in the long run. That is the true source of their poverty. Christians need to understand that wealth is not about looking for silver and gold. It is about producing something that the world will exchange their silver and gold for.

There have been several reports of buried money being returned to the banks in Nigeria. This is because the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced plans to redesign their currency. This is the result of people thinking paper money is wealth. People who actually understand wealth creation and productivity do not bury their money underground. Let us recall the parable of the talents. And how the master was angry, “You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.” (Matthew 25:26‭-‬27 ESV) The Lord considers it wickedness and laziness to bury money in the ground. Money that ought to be deployed into productive use within an economy.

Most west african countries lack any sense of purpose or direction. This is why it is not surprising that people bury their ill-gotten money under the ground. When you steal money or live as a rent-seeker, you will never consider ways of putting your mind to work. You need to understand that money is not what makes you rich. The money you have is a reflection of your productivity. You do not become a millionaire because someone gave you one million. You become a millionaire the day you can create something valuable at the level of millions. Do not desire to steal money or live off the largesse of others. It is wickedness and laziness. Desire to create economic value.

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