Impact Begins With One Person At A Time

When we discuss the importance of having an impact on others. You may come to believe that you must make a difference in the lives of a billion people. You certainly can. But, in reality, impact begins with one person at a time. Look for ways to assist one person before assisting another. Your mighty business empire begins with one customer. Serve a single customer and go above and beyond their expectations. Then, you proceed to serve another customer. This method gives you the ability to produce credible results. And your testimonies will allow you to accomplish more.

Let us consider a lesson from the parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10:36‭-‬37 (ESV), \”\’Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?\’ He said, \’The one who showed him mercy.\’ And Jesus said to him, \’You go, and do likewise.\’\” You are to show love and mercy to those you are in a position to assist right now. You must stop daydreaming about the day when you will serve millions of people. This is not a competition or race to see who has served the most people or made the greatest impact. Help just one person.

According to Matthew 25:15, God gives to each of us according to our current abilities. God gives us the strength, grace, and resources we need right now. When we do the best we can with the resources we have right now. We qualify and grow into another phase. The person who is currently serving two hundred clients began with a single client. The pastor who now has two hundred members used to have only a few. There is no doubt that your assignment is global. But you have to start somewhere. How can you help one person today?

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