How To Accomplish More Than You’re Thinking

The world is full of people who are talented, gifted, and brilliant. People who are doing great and mighty things in business, media, entertainment, sports, religion, the economy and governance. However, you believe you are not wealthy, powerful, educated, or talented enough to operate at that level. You feel handicapped. As a result, you abandon any lofty aspirations you may have had. What distinguishes the super successful from the rest is not their natural talents, advantages, or material wealth. The difference between success and failure, wealth and poverty is determined by one’s mentality.

So, when you read about how people like Aliko Dangote or Strive Masiyiwa are building billion-dollar companies across Africa, you feel like you’ll never be able to do the same. You are mocking God’s grace at work within you. Gideon never felt powerful, talented, or skilled enough to lead an opposition against the Midianites. However, a careful examination of his story in Judges 6 reveals that he had all along what it took. He was not anointed or touched by the Angel. He was simply asked to “Go in this might of yours.” You already have the gift and talent to pursue the goals in your heart.

You do not need to be super smart or ultra rich to change the world. With the right mission and the right spirit, you will accomplish much more than you ever thought possible. The truth is, success is often the result of average effort repeated over an above-average period of time. It is the person who is willing to show up day after day, week after week, and month after month, even when they don’t feel like it, who eventually achieves their goals. Start from where you are, and allow God to lead you towards a higher ground. From there, you get to do your best work that glorifies God.

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