What About Stealing Aliko Dangote’s Mission?

The primary distinction between an average Nigerian and Aliko Dangote is not his multibillion-dollar fortune. It is the fact that Dangote has been on a mission for over thirty years to become the leading provider of essential daily needs in Sub-Saharan Africa. He wants to be in charge of producing goods that billions of Africans consume everyday. This is the true secret behind his wealth. Do people object to the way he has carried out his mission? Yes. But is there anyone on a mission that nobody has a problem with? People who have a clear mission are constantly criticised.

Some misguided Christians are praying for some sudden, unexplainable transfer of the wealth of people they tag “unbelievers”. In general, we cannot rule out prayers about wealth creation and wealth transfer as being unbiblical. The Egyptians transferred true wealth to the children of Israel. They gave the Israelites knowledge, skills and “startup capital”. Believers just need to understand how wealth creation works. Aliko Dangote is busy creating value every single day in the global economy. Today, one of the companies he founded is one of largest listed companies in West Africa and the first Nigerian company to join the Forbes Global 2000 Companies list.

How are you creating value in the economy? How do you describe or articulate what you are doing in the economy? You will struggle to grow your business or ministry if you cannot express what you do in a clear mission statement. You will do yourself some good to review the mission statements of your favourite heroes. And businesses that have stood the test of time. What can you learn from their mission statements? Prayerfully copy one that resonates with your heart. Begin today, and in a few decades, you will have the wealth, influence, and impact you could only imagine. You might even become a billionaire.

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