Rethinking the 24/7 Work Culture

The nonprofit 4 Day Week Global and Autonomy have published the findings from their recent four-day workweek experiment. The six-month trial took place in the UK from June to December 2022. Nearly 3,000 employees from 61 companies took part, making it the world\’s largest four-day workweek experiment to date. Participating businesses report increased productivity, morale, and team culture. While individuals report benefits in their relationships, finances, and health. This experiment\’s findings reveal an opportunity for you to uphold certain Christian values in your business. In today\’s fast-paced world, where people worship their jobs and life revolves around the hustle. Perhaps it is time to dial down.

The Bible is clear about work; God wants us to work. God provides us with grace, energy, and resources so that we can do our best work. However, rest and balance are also required. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is described as a hard worker in the gospels. Even so, rest is also a theme in Jesus\’ ministry. You can see an example in Mark 6:30 – 32. Jesus said to the disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” You should also consider the true purpose of the Old Testament Sabbath laws. It was a weekly opportunity to focus on spiritual matters.

There is no wisdom in working from Sunday to Sunday. Working hard versus working smart is a hot topic of discussion, but that is not even the point. The point is that working around the clock should not be confused with actual productivity. You should gain a better understanding of your stewardship and business so that you can delegate a fair share of work each week. Then you can make time to rest and balance your other responsibilities. The success of the four-day workweek experiment should encourage all of us to rethink our approach to work. You should consider an approach that prioritizes your well-being and work-life balance.

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