Everyone has an opinion about everything nowadays. However, before you can claim to have formed an opinion about anyone or anything, you must first do the work. You have to read up different points of view. You have to converse with knowledgeable individuals and understand their arguments. There is a need to examine the issue from various angles. You must think. Having an opinion implies that you can explain your ideas logically from beginning to end. At the same time, you understand the opposition to your ideas. If you are not ready to do the work, you do not deserve to hold an opinion about it.
In his days, Apostle Paul was an excellent example of doing the work required to hold an opinion about an issue. God gave him \”a mouth and wisdom\” that none of his opponents could refute. Acts 19 talks about how he held daily discussions, thoroughly laying thoughts out with reasonings. Apostle Paul did not just feel good about his gospel. This was more than sharing his personal revelations and convictions. His epistles explained his beliefs and doctrine in a logical and systematic manner. He could demonstrate the logic of his deductions. There was nobody who could argue better against his ideas.
You should avoid forming strong opinions based on emotions (feelings) rather than facts, data, and sound logic. Expressing an opinion without doing the necessary research is a display of ignorance, not an opinion. This is critical because you cannot succeed if your understanding of the world is incomplete. You must do more than feel good about your ideas, or God-given vision. It is necessary to be able to deconstruct it and explain it step by step (Habakkuk 2:1-4). When you come across opinions or facts that contradict your own. Try to listen first, then do more work until you can either argue better than your opponents or understand how the facts fit together.