Never start a new year without finishing it in your mind. Never start a new quarter of the year without finishing it in your mind. You should start every new month with a clear sense of priorities. There should be some clarity around every milestone, and everything you need to kick into motion during that season of life. The Bible instructs us to study how God works and to imitate him in our daily lives. You should study and learn from how God declares his agenda at the beginning of each day of creation. Your daily actions should show that you are a person on a mission for God.
Times and seasons are important concepts to the watchman tasked with steering us towards a better future. Every new season builds upon the previous ones. You must be alert and awake to the requirements of the season. Making the most of every season is of topmost priority. A bad plan is better than no plan. Your bad plans will evolve over the course of the year. In the passing of time, you will see the flaws in your ways and course correct. But the watchman that starts the year without any planning is nothing more than a joker.
If you live your daily life as if you believe in your mission, it will reflect upon your calendar. Shane Parrish wrote, “Don’t tell me your priorities. Show me your calendar.” A glance at your calendar should tell us everything we need to know about you and your aspirations. Your calendar will show us how you are fighting poverty and illiteracy. We will see how your daily schedule is helping to raise selfless leaders. There would be intercessory prayer times. Meetings with relevant stakeholders. Lectures and sensitisation of the general public. And of course; business systems to design and improve.