Oppose Everything God Opposes In Your World

You should take a clue from Job; to love everything God loves, and hate everything he hates. It is not enough to love what God wants, you also have to hate and move against what God hates. As a watchman, you must oppose and fight any appearance of evil within your world. This is something that attracts the anointing to your life. As it is written, “you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions” (Psalm 45:7 ESV). When you love righteousness, but are indifferent about wickedness and iniquity. You will compromise your faith.

The watchman that will steer us towards a better future must understand their role in eliminating wickedness and indiscipline. We have an incredible list of people who took a stand for righteousness and justice, even when they are not personally affected by the outcomes. People powerful enough to fight oppression, wickedness, and injustice are also powerful enough to ignore the problem. Jesus did not need to die for your sins. Gideon did not need to wage the war against the Midianites. He had more than 10 servants, wheat and bulls at his disposal. You would see that he was not doing badly in a run-down economy. William Wilberforce fought against slavery, when he could have easily ignored it.

The Apostle John wrote, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8 ESV). There should be this consciousness that your kingdom assignment begins with the destruction of the works of the devil. You cannot negotiate a deal with the devil and forces of debauchery, perversion, and poverty. It will not work. It is up to you to identify the issues, persons and institutions holding back your world from becoming all it could in God. Then, in the place of prayer, you oppose and demolish those strongholds. When you take authority in the spirit, you will then be able to eradicate in the real world as well.

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