Keeping A Proper Prayer Watch

When you get really serious about your assignment as a watchman, you would realise that most of your prayers should centre upon your watch. You need to realise that in order to function effectively as a light of the world, you have to pray for your world. Changing the world is not just about designing and executing projects, prayer is a big part of it. You have to constantly pray, meditate and contemplate about the change you want to see. Your work as a watchman tasked with steering us towards a better future encompasses both spiritual and intellectual activities, you have to cover both bases.

You can have the spiritual power required to change anything. The Amplified Bible phrases James 5:16 this way: “…The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]”. The next verse (James 5:17) goes on to illustrate this principle using the Prophet Elijah as a case study. His prayers were so powerful that it brought down a severe drought that lasted three years and six months. A watchman can accomplish great things for God if they realise that prayer is one of the greatest weapons available for getting the job done.

Are you really hungry for results? Do you strongly desire a change in your world? Do you want it enough to serve selflessly? Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down their life for their friends. Picking up the baton to watch your world (community, industry, town, or city) requires you to do more than pay lip service to selflessness. Selflessness must truly become your core value and you have to pray more over matters of your watch than you even pray for yourself. So, take up your stand at your watchpost, adopt a proper posture in your heart and mind. Keep a watch.

Whether your interest lies in business, education, technology, media, arts or governance, it makes no difference. You need a serious prayer discipline. Keep a prayer watch over your world.

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