Understanding the power requirements for your vision

It is very important for a visionary to understand that the implementation of a vision will depend upon how much power one is able to generate. There is a need to understand and accept that knowing what to do and being able to do what needs to be done are two separate things entirely. Your smartphone is always programmed to function, but without a battery to power it up, it cannot execute its programming. Therefore, as you develop your original ideas about what the future could look like, do not forget to consider the kind of powers you would need to implement the vision.

In practice, it would seem like it is easy to dream up and develop original ideas about which way your world needs to go. The trouble is always around implementation. It would seem that visionaries can be quite naïve when the conversation shifts from vision planning to vision execution. One can only execute to the extent to which power is available. We need more visionaries to recognize the need to really understand the power requirements of their visions. Stop developing plans without any thought with respect to what it would take to drive those changes. What kind of spiritual, intellectual, cultural, economic, and governmental powers would you need to drive the vision in your spirit?

It takes some maturity to understand the kind of power required to drive a vision. We need to become more thoughtful in our approach towards vision planning and execution. Perhaps it could be helpful to understand the limitations one faces and then proceed to plan and execute within those limits. You might not have enough power to drive a change globally, but maybe you wield a lot of influence in your neighbourhood. What changes could you drive with that? You would do well to consider how much power and resources are available to you per time and the kind of changes it could power. How much power do you need to implement the change you dream about?

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