Daily Devotionals

Maximizing Available Resources For Business Success

In Luke 16:10-12, Jesus teaches the importance of being faithful with small things, stating, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” This principle underscores the significance of resourcefulness in business. Small acts of resourcefulness, like prudent financial management or innovative problem-solving, lay the foundation for greater opportunities and success. By demonstrating reliability and effectiveness in managing limited resources, individuals position themselves to handle larger responsibilities and blessings. Thus, cultivating a mindset of resourcefulness in business not only leads to immediate benefits but also prepares one for greater endeavors and blessings in the future.

Resourcefulness in business is exemplified by companies like Dollar Shave Club and Amazon. Dollar Shave Club disrupted the shaving industry with its unique marketing strategy, using low-budget yet humorous video ads to promote their subscription service. This resourcefulness not only saved them money but also helped them build a strong brand identity, leading to immense success. Similarly, Amazon’s journey to becoming one of the biggest companies on earth is fueled by resourcefulness and frugality. Founder Jeff Bezos famously operated Amazon out of his garage, demonstrating a commitment to maximizing resources and minimizing costs to achieve remarkable growth and success.

Resourcefulness knows no geographical boundaries. Whether in Silicon Valley or on the streets of Lagos, the principles of ingenuity and frugality apply universally. Thousands of entrepreneurs across Nigeria and West Africa have thrived by embracing resourcefulness in their businesses. Jesus’ words in Luke 16 remind us that success often hinges on our ability to maximize the resources at hand. If we cannot excel with little, we cannot expect to excel with much. Therefore, cultivate a mindset of resourcefulness, leveraging your creativity and resilience to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Will you make the most of what you have? Do you want to continue daydreaming about what you don’t have?

Be Thou Resourceful

You must learn to be resourceful with what little you have been given. It is up to you to make the best use of your time, energy, and available resources. If you allow yourself to be discouraged by a perceived lack of resources, you will never accomplish anything. Resourcefulness breeds resilience and ingenuity, enabling you to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Remember, even small steps can lead to significant progress. By adopting a resourceful mindset, you empower yourself to thrive in any situation. You might not always have everything you think you need. So, in every situation, be thou resourceful.

In business, resourcefulness often leads to innovative solutions and breakthroughs. Take the story of Airbnb founders, who, unable to afford rent, turned their living space into a makeshift bed and breakfast. This creative use of their resources eventually evolved into a billion-dollar business. Consider a nonprofit negotiating with a church for venue use due to budget constraints, or a business owner hiring an experienced professional for a few hours per week instead of paying their full rate. It might be true that you do not have everything you need, but are you making the best use of your time, energy, and every resource and relationship at your disposal.

The master chastised and punished his wicked servant for not being resourceful. Rather than utilizing his single talent, he chose to play it safe. His master was having none of it, “‭Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest” (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:27‬). If you want to work and move forward, you will always find a way. If you are not truly interested in working, you will find an excuse to stop. You must reflect on whether you truly want to achieve the goals you claim to have. Be thou resourceful.

How To Get The Resources For Your Mission

Are you on a mission to be the salt and light of your world but are frustrated by a lack of resources? You’re not alone. Every mission-driven person seems to lack the resources to accomplish their goals. There is never enough funding, staff, or equipment to fully realize their vision. Consider this: no one on Earth has all of the resources required. If they had the resources they desired, they would have no future plans. They would have accomplished all of their goals. People make future plans because they do not have what they need right now and are working to get it.

Don’t be discouraged by a lack of resources. You must have faith in God and keep pushing every day. If you act on faith, you will become more resourceful. Resourcefulness is the key to realizing your full potential. The ability to maximize what you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have is a blessing in and of itself. One of the first lessons you should learn is that where there is a will, there is always a way. There is always another way to achieve the same goals, one that is within your current budget.

Matthew 10:5-15 contains valuable lessons. Our Lord Jesus sheds light on how to approach things. All you need to do is keep it simple and moving. It is wise to stop complaining about a lack of equipment and recognise that you are the equipment. Simplify your plans until you arrive at a form that can be executed right away. Simple, practical plans always outperform complex, dreamy plans. As you commit to showing up every day and doing the work at your level. You will see the Lord’s blessing in your work, and He will make you productive.

Create Something From Nothing By Faith

You are a spirit, have a soul, and live in a body. There is something “spiritual” about you. A spiritual energy that is creative and capable of creating something from nothing. The Bible opens with the line, “‭‭In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” We were created in God’s image and likeness, which means we can create according to the measure of faith we have received. You don’t need a lot of money or outside help to achieve your goals. All you need to do is sit quietly and commune with yourself. You will discover a way to manifest the visions in your heart.

Every great company started as an idea in someone’s mind. We might assume they had the knowledge, financial resources, connections, and everything else needed to make the business a huge success. However, that is not correct. Every great inventor, scientist, and entrepreneur understands the importance of being willing to start from nothing. You begin with what you have and gradually attract the knowledge, financial resources, and connections required to get things done. If you start doing what you can with what you have right now, you will gradually improve. You already have something that could lead to the next chapter.

You are a vessel of divine creativity, capable of bringing forth new realities through faith in your ideas. As you connect with God, divine inspiration will guide your actions, shaping your destiny. Remember, every great accomplishment starts with an idea and a willingness to start from nothing. By taking small, deliberate actions and utilizing your resources, you lay the foundation for future success. The vision is for an appointed time, a time in the future. Embrace the journey of starting where you are, using what you have, and trust that each step brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

Build A Valuable Network For Personal And Financial Success

Your network is your net worth. Your network of extended family and friends can provide valuable support, guidance, and resources that contribute to your overall well-being, including your financial stability and prosperity. Let’s get the obvious out of the way: money is not everything. Money is simply a tool for measuring outcomes. Yet, if you would struggle to gather ₦1,000,000, think of it as roughly $10,000, from your close circle, it’s a sign of poverty. You do not belong to a valuable network. While money isn’t the sole indicator of happiness or fulfillment, financial stability is important for meeting basic needs and pursuing opportunities.

Your network of relationships should empower you to identify and pursue opportunities more effectively than you could on your own. Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” If your close circle does not allow you to pursue opportunities at the level you desire, it may indicate that there is some level of foolishness within it. You may not need to formally fire your friends. Just begin working on yourself. As you work towards personal development and growth. Your relationships will change. It has to change.

Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” As you invest in personal development and growth, your relationships naturally evolve. You may find yourself gravitating towards individuals who share your values, aspirations, and vision for the future. As you cultivate meaningful connections and align yourself with like-minded individuals, your network becomes a source of strength, empowerment, and collective growth. Remember, your network is not just about who you know, but about who knows you and is willing to support your journey towards better productivity and fulfillment.

The Grace Message Debate And A Call To Discernment

A popular Nigerian preacher has attracted some controversy for claiming that Jesus told him to stop preaching the message of grace. Doubling down on his assertion, he insists he’s been preaching Paul, and not the words of Jesus. He suggests Apostle Paul’s teachings aren’t divine. Such claims are alarming, emphasizing the need for discernment in choosing religious mentors. As business-minded Christians, we must tread cautiously, ensuring our spiritual guides align with biblical truth. This highlights the importance of critically evaluating teachings, steering clear of doctrines that deviate from the gospel’s essence. Let’s remain vigilant, anchored in God’s Word to safeguard our faith and integrity.

We cannot confirm the preacher’s subjective and personal spiritual experiences. It is not possible to objectively establish that indeed Jesus appeared to anybody. It could be a malaria induced hallucination for example. What we can do is evaluate and judge these utterances using objective sacred scriptures. We can confidently state that any Jesus who is opposed to grace cannot be our Lord Jesus from the Holy Bible. The Bible clearly states that “grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). And we know that God is not the author of confusion. It stands to reason that this preacher is wrong. Simple.

Furthermore, if someone has preached grace out of balance, the solution is to study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and retrain on the fundamentals of the faith. John 1:17 highlights the law, grace, and truth. It stands to reason that preaching grace without balancing it with truth and law will result in a problem. But attempting to discredit Paul’s apostolic writings would be heretical. Jesus never discredited the laws or the prophets. You need to be careful and deliberate about your allies in Zion. It is important to respect spiritual authority, but seek guidance from trusted sources.

Unlock Your Full Potential With Continuous Growth

Failing to prioritize growth can have profound consequences, often leading to stagnation and missed opportunities for advancement. Without a commitment to growth, individuals may find themselves trapped in a cycle of mediocrity, unable to realize their full potential. Financially, this can mean struggling to keep pace with inflation, falling behind in savings goals, or missing out on investment opportunities that could secure future prosperity. Moreover, neglecting personal and professional development may result in limited career advancement, diminished earning potential, and a lack of fulfillment in one’s pursuits. To survive in this life, you must make a commitment to your ongoing growth.

You would do well to shape your growth mindset around Luke 2:52, which states, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Growing old is natural, but growing up requires intentionality. You want to always expand your knowledge and understanding of your world. Cultivating the wisdom required for consistent high-performance. Do not allow the world to move on and leave you behind. Stay informed to stay ahead of the curve. In addition to your personal knowledge push, you must also gain favor with God and the people in your world.

Failure to prioritize growth not only stifles your own personal progress, but it also hinders the collective flourishing of communities and societies as whole. Consider how much good you could do if you knew more than you do now. Consider your financial situation and what it reveals about your work ethic. Neglecting personal and professional development has an impact not only on your life, but also on your family and the larger community. If you remain content with mediocrity and become stagnant in your pursuits, you will find yourself wallowing in poverty in no time. Remember that according to Proverbs 20:13, sleeping too much will lead to poverty.

Grow To Keep Up Against Financial Currents

Understanding growth is vital for navigating life’s challenges. Growth is essential for financial stability, especially amidst inflation. Imagine if inflation in your country is at 30%; you must increase your income by at least that much to keep up. Typically, inflation stays in single digits, so aiming for a 20% growth in wealth each year suffices. The point is that failing to commit to growth means risking being overtaken by poverty. You need to understand this aspect of economic and financial planning. Embrace growth as a necessity for staying afloat amidst life’s financial currents.

According to Proverbs 20:13, sleeping too much will lead to poverty. If you stay awake, you will discover opportunities to become and remain wealthy. You can interpret the verse literally, but on a deeper level, you want to ensure that you are not physically diligent while mentally asleep. While it is ideal to grow income faster than inflation, many people believe that achieving consistent annual growth is unrealistic. To be fair, some market forces and other schemes are beyond the control of individuals. But never underestimate what you can accomplish if you keep your brain “online” and prayerfully seek opportunities.

It is not out of place to ask yourself, “am I growing faster than the poverty on the streets?” This introspective question underscores the urgency of prioritizing growth in our lives. While external factors like inflation and market conditions may pose challenges, your proactive pursuit of growth remains within your control. Proverbs 3:13-14 reminds us that true riches come from wisdom and understanding. Therefore, as we navigate the complexities of financial planning, let us prioritize growth not only in our income but also in our knowledge, skills, and character, securing a foundation for lasting prosperity.

Becoming A Better Steward

Stewardship is a fundamental principle of Christian living. Stewardship is more than just managing our resources; it includes how we use our time, talents, and treasures to serve God and others. Each of these aspects is a gift from God, given to us for a specific purpose. It is our responsibility to cultivate and use them wisely, in accordance with God’s will. The basic idea is that we are all but servants. Every talent, treasure, and time that has been given to us will be accounted for. Being conscious of our stewardship enables us to make sound decisions and perform our best work.

Hiding one’s talent and gifting is considered wicked and slothful (Matthew 25:25–26). It is not out of place to reflect on your time, talents, and resources to determine how you are being wicked with them. You also want to ensure that your work ethic aligns with your spiritual goals. You cannot build a million-dollar business on a minimum-wage work ethic. You may initially underestimate yourself and your abilities, but if you continue to pray and meditate about your talents, your awareness will grow.

Stewardship requires intentionality and mindfulness in how we manage our time, talents, and treasures. Two guiding principles from the Bible are “freely have you received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8), and “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). Stewardship doesn’t mean you cannot make money from your talents and skills. It means that monetary profits are never your main motivation, yet you work as hard as you can. As you share your talents with those in need, you will discover a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose. As we steward well what God has entrusted to us, we light up our world.

Time Management For Mission-driven People

If you think about it, you’ll realize that how well you manage your time is critical to completing your mission. It’s important to effectively manage your time. We are not only stewards of our talents and resources, but also of our time. Ephesians 5:16 reminds us to take advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Time management is more than just being productive; it is about aligning our priorities with God’s will and using our time wisely to advance His kingdom. Prioritizing tasks and activities that are relevant to your mission increases your chances of success.

For a mission-driven person like you, time management is more than just staying on top of your schedule. It’s not about ticking boxes as you finish your tasks. It is about understanding your times and seasons. Having a clear understanding of the purpose assigned to your current situation by heaven. Proper time management entails understanding that you should thoroughly study your boss because, in the next season of life, you will be the boss and must have mastered the craft. Proper time management entails enrolling in a three-year training programme today because you recognise that the demands of the future require it.

Don’t just strive to make the most of your hours; make the most of your entire year. Time management is ultimately about stewardship. When you understand that you must account for your time, you will seek guidance and wisdom in how you spend your days, years, and decades. Let us prioritize activities that are consistent with our mission and bring glory to God, knowing that our efforts are not in vain. With proper time management, we can be effective stewards of the time we’ve been given, leaving a lasting impression on the world around us.

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