Daily Devotionals

They Ignore You First Until You Become Inevitable

Nicholas Klein, a trade union activist, once observed a timeless truth in his 1918 speech: “First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you.” If your mission is truly worthwhile, this cycle of skepticism and opposition is inevitable. Initially, you might be overlooked or dismissed, but don’t be discouraged. Push through the challenges and stay committed to your purpose. With perseverance, dedication, and unwavering belief in your mission, you can turn opposition into admiration and pave the way for lasting impact.

Drawing inspiration from Nehemiah’s resilience, we see a clear example of this truth. When Nehemiah set out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he faced intense opposition and ridicule from Sanballat, Tobiah, and others who mocked his efforts. Despite the challenges and threats, Nehemiah remained focused on his mission, trusting in God’s guidance and strength. He didn’t let the initial ignorance or opposition deter him. Instead, he persevered, demonstrating unwavering commitment and determination. Like Nehemiah, you must remain steadfast in your purpose, knowing that opposition often precedes recognition and success.

Initially, you will be ignored. Many people on a God-given mission give up at this point. They never put in enough effort to be noticed in the first place. You must accept that you will be ignored initially. Nobody will be concerned about you or your mission. And when you are finally noticed, be prepared to be opposed. You must be persistent and believe in your heart that you truly want to get things done. Life will not grant you a free pass. You must earn the right to change the world forever.

Creating With Love And Empathy

Love is the foundation of meaningful creation. When we create solely for our ego, our work often lacks connection and relevance to others. Every spiritual gift, creativity included, works better when it is uses to serve others. Genuine spiritual love, which desires the good of others, equips us with empathy. This empathy allows us to understand and address challenges more effectively. By focusing on the well-being of others, your creations become more impactful, resonating deeply with those you aim to serve. Let love guide your creative process, and you’ll find your work making a difference where it truly matters.

Genesis 1:31 reminds us of God’s love for His creations, seeing them as “very good.” Similarly, you must love the things you create and the people you create them for. If we don’t cherish our creations, whether they’re books, apps, widgets, engines, or products, their longevity is at risk. Successful companies continually refine their products based on insights about their customers. This ongoing love and dedication to improvement ensure that creations remain relevant and valuable to those they serve. Whatever you’re creating should be allowed to take on a life of its own. Giving it room to grow and evolve as its own thing.

If you find yourself facing challenges in your creative endeavors, it could be a gentle reminder to infuse more love into your work. If you are approaching your work as a chore, something to check off a list. You are not infusing it with all the care and love you have to offer. Love ignites passion, fuels creativity, and fosters a deeper connection with your creations and audience. By embracing a spirit of love, you unlock new avenues of inspiration and innovation. Let love be the driving force behind your creativity, transforming not only your work but also the lives it touches.

Navigating Relationship Turbulence With Grace And Humility

Relationships, particularly those that are meaningful and transformative, frequently face challenges. Smooth rides are uncommon in relationships; they may even indicate an underlying problem. Challenges can test a relationship’s strength and depth, exposing its true nature. Every relationship that will last must have gone through fire and survived. If you have healthy relationships with mentors, proteges, friends, or partners, be prepared for occasional turbulence. These challenges are not roadblocks but rather opportunities for growth and deeper connection. Be careful not to end a divinely orchestrated relationship because of an offense.

Offenses are inevitable in any relationship, but they shouldn’t be the end. Jesus acknowledged that offenses would come, yet overcoming them is possible with grace and forgiveness (Luke 17:1-4). We are taught that as long as the “brother” keeps saying, “I repent”, you must forgive him. As a mentee, when offended by your mentor, humility and a teachable spirit are crucial. Similarly, mentors should anticipate that proteges may make mistakes and should be ready to extend forgiveness in advance. Adopting this mindset not only fosters resilience but also promotes a culture of grace and understanding in relationships.

Embracing the ups and downs in relationships is a sign of maturity and readiness for greatness. If you find it challenging to handle turbulence with key people in your life, it may indicate that you need help. Remember, the ability to navigate through challenges with grace and humility strengthens relationships and paves the way for mutual growth and success. As you journey through life’s relational landscape, may you find the courage to embrace challenges as opportunities for deeper connection and personal development. Think about this: which important relationships have you lost as a result of past offenses? How have you fared since then? Can you repair such key relationships?

Acts Of Kindness As A Form Of Stewardship

Acts of kindness are powerful examples of stewardship that reflect God’s love and grace. We are entrusted with spiritual gifts and talents, and we are also called to use our resources to benefit others. Simple acts of kindness, such as lending a helping hand, saying a kind word, or listening to someone, can have a significant impact on their life. These acts not only bring joy and comfort to others, but they also honor God by demonstrating His love in practical ways. As someone tasked with watching your world, you should embrace opportunities to spread kindness and compassion, enriching the lives of those around you.

When we engage in acts of kindness, we mirror the heart of Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38). It is your job, task, and role to continue this mission. Your actions can serve as a source of hope and encouragement in a world that often feels overwhelmed by challenges and uncertainties. Whether it’s supporting a neighbor in need, volunteering at a local charity, or simply showing empathy to someone going through a tough time, every act of kindness counts.

You must embrace your role as a steward of God’s love. You are the means by which God’s grace can make a difference in the dark world around you. By accepting our role as stewards of God’s love, we can encourage others to join us on the journey of making a positive difference in the world. Acts of kindness reflect your commitment to God and His kingdom on earth. So, if you are unsure of your specific role in the world around you. If the details of your high calling in Christ are unclear, begin with acts of love and kindness. You cannot go wrong.

On Pleasing God Above All Else

The ultimate goal of a Christian is not about becoming rich, famous, or powerful. There is nothing wrong with becoming rich, famous, or powerful, but none of these goals compare to a Christian’s primary goal of prioritizing the worship of God above all else. In the heart of a Christian, nothing is more important than pleasing God. There is an unwavering commitment to God’s will. In our daily lives, we must ensure that the ultimate goal of our pursuits is to please God. In your mind, there must be something about your days that centers on God.

‭Luke 12:15 warns against covetousness, pointing out that one’s life should never be about material possessions. You should never draw a sense of pride or purpose from your material possessions. When you fill up your ego with stuff, it always comes up empty, a cheap feeling; all chaff and no wheat. This is the true meaning of the parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:16-21). Someone who continues to acquire and accumulate possessions for themselves while never pausing to consider their relationship with the divine. Something has broken deep within the person who insists they would rather cry inside a Lamborghini rather than laughing in a keke.

As we navigate our journey of faith, it’s essential to continuously reflect on our priorities and values. While worldly achievements and possessions may offer temporary satisfaction, they pale in comparison to the eternal joy found in a close relationship with God. The parable of the rich fool serves as a poignant reminder to guard your hearts against the allure of materialism and to focus on nurturing your spiritual connection with God. Strive to live each day with a heart centered on God, seeking His will above all else, and finding true fulfillment in His presence.

Keep Pushing For Your Overnight Success Story

Every success story is a tale of overnight success. You just need to understand that the “overnight” breakthrough does not refer to a typical 24-hour day. A closer look at overnight success stories reveals that they are frequently the result of decades of effort. You must continue to pursue your business vision with passion. When children become bored, they switch from one activity to another. You should understand that an adult in business must be able to stick to one task and repeat it over and over without becoming bored. It takes perseverance and inner motivation to keep pushing.

In the story of Elisha, Gehazi, and the Shunamite woman’s dead son (2 Kings 4:18-37), we see a powerful example of perseverance and conviction. Gehazi, lacking the heart and conviction, went ahead of Elisha but failed to bring the boy back to life. In contrast, Elisha remained focused and committed to the task at hand. He prayed, laid himself upon the child, and the boy was revived. This story underscores the importance of perseverance, consistency, and unwavering faith in achieving success. Like Elisha, we must stay dedicated to our tasks, maintaining our focus and belief, even when faced with challenges.

Are you approaching your business in the same way that Gehazi did his mission? No conviction, no heart. Doing the least amount of work but expecting a huge payoff? Consider the Bible’s heroes of faith. You notice themes of perseverance, consistency, and a desire to keep going. They never stop. They keep going. Your business vision is possible, but you have to keep going. There might be valid reasons to quit and shut down the mission. But such decisions should be taken after much prayer and extensive consultations. We must keep faith alive, keep pushing and understand that these things will work.

Continuous Heartfelt Prayers Causes Things To Happen

If it appears that nothing is happening in your life right now, it may be a sign that you need to pray. If you are expecting and your hopes appear to be fading, it may be time to pray. Prayer causes things to happen. The Amplified Bible (classic) renders James 5:16b this way; “…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” Heartfelt, continuous prayers make the power of God available. And that’s the key to getting things done on the earth.

It is important to understand the necessity of continuous prayer. You must pray enough to generate enough power to effect the desired change. According to James 5:17-18, Elijah prayed fervently for it not to rain, and he was successful. With another round of prayers, he let the rain fall again. And, because we know that God does not respect persons, we can be confident that anyone, even today, can generate enough power through prayer to effect change on Earth. You must change your approach to prayer. Prayer is more than just a religious obligation; it is powerful, dangerous in the wrong hands, and causes things to happen.

Prayer is a very important aspect of your mission to watch the world. If you can pray long enough, with a singleness of purpose, you can make things happen. Martin Luther, the church reformer, once declared, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” This is a man who clearly understood the importance of prayers. Pray long enough for poverty to leave your community. Pray long enough for your world’s clueless leaders to become extinct. With enough prayers, you will receive all of the resources you require to advance your mission.

Your Mission Is Possible

If your soul is burdened by a vision that is bigger than you, it may seem like you’re on a mission impossible. It looks like this is not just a difficult mission, but it is more or less, impossible. The weight of such a vision may make you doubt if it’s even possible. Yet, it’s essential to remember that with God, all things are possible. Even when faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, trust in His guidance and strength. With faith and perseverance, what appears impossible can become possible, turning your vision into reality.

In Mark 6:30-44, we find the remarkable story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Faced with a seemingly impossible task, Jesus demonstrated a clear approach that we can learn from today. Step 1: Take stock of what you have. Jesus asked His disciples to gather the available loaves and fish. Step 2: Give thanks to God for the mission and the resources at hand. Jesus blessed the food before distributing it. Step 3: Get started right away. Without hesitation, Jesus began distributing the food, miraculously feeding everyone. Just as Jesus turned an impossible situation into a miracle, you too can overcome challenges with your mission.

Your mission is possible. You must be confident that you can complete the task, no matter how difficult it appears to be. God never sends his people on a fool’s errand. You’ll be surprised how far you can get by acknowledging available resources, giving thanks, and taking immediate action. Never despise or underestimate what you have. Do not fall into the trap of thinking “but what are these among so many?” When you’re grateful for what you already have, you’ll find ways to maximize it. Decide today that with God, your mission is possible.

Boundless Energy And Possibilities In The Spirit

Spiritual gifts and creativity bring us endless possibilities and energy. God works within us, giving us the desire and ability to do His will (Philippians 2:13). With Christ’s strength in us, we can accomplish anything (Philippians 4:13). Our spiritual gifts and creativity know no limits in God’s eyes. However, as we grow, our understanding is often shaped by our sensory experiences, limiting our spiritual authenticity. You may become more focused on what seems possible, losing the genuine, spiritual essence of your gifts. You no longer consider what’s possible based on the potency of the Spirit, but based on what you see with your eyes.

According to the Bible, those who believe will see the glory of God. For men, seeing is believing. But not with God, because you must believe before you can see anything. Choosing to see before believing limits you to what has already been done. It is critical to cultivate our spirituality, prioritising authenticity over synthetic experiences. The spiritual life allows us to explore limitless possibilities. We are energised to go the extra mile and make things happen. You must be careful to listen within and pursue the desires that the Holy Spirit inspires within you. When you follow the Spirit, you will be unable to satisfy your fleshly desires.

Don’t let your vision shrink to fit your limitations. The boundless energy you carry can manifest in diverse ways. Beyond your wildest thoughts. Remember, with God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27). Seek Him first, cultivate your spiritual gifts, and trust in His strength (Philippians 4:13). As you prioritize authenticity and rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, your dreams will transform from wishful thinking to a powerful force for good in the world. So, go forth, ignite your vision, and allow God to work through you in extraordinary ways!

Understanding Boundaries And Prioritizing Values In Relationships

Understanding your self-worth is essential in any relationship. Whether with a mentor, partner, colleague, or investor, clarity about your boundaries is crucial. Settle in your heart what you can and cannot tolerate. Knowing your limits helps create a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. When you’re clear about how far you’re willing to go, you build trust and establish healthy relationships. So, take time to reflect on your values and boundaries. By doing so, you ensure that your connections are grounded in mutual respect and understanding, fostering growth and harmony in all interactions.

The biblical account of Paul and Barnabas offers a profound lesson on setting boundaries and prioritizing values in relationships (Acts 15:36-41). Despite Barnabas’s esteemed position as a direct disciple of Jesus, Paul chose to separate from him due to a disagreement over John Mark’s commitment to ministry. This decision highlights the importance of maintaining clear boundaries, even with those you respect. Paul’s actions demonstrate the courage to uphold his convictions and values, emphasizing the need for mutual understanding and agreement in partnerships. Just as Paul prioritized the integrity of their ministry, you should discern and uphold your boundaries, ensuring that relationships are grounded in respect, clarity, and shared purpose.

In nurturing relationships, both mentors and protégés should establish clear boundaries and expectations. A mentor must discern what actions by their protégé could warrant terminating the relationship, while a protégé should also define what actions by their mentor would be unacceptable. While these decisions should not be taken lightly, having well-defined values and boundaries ensures mutual respect and understanding. Relationships built on blind loyalty rather than shared values can lead to misunderstandings. Therefore, it’s essential to take responsibility for cultivating healthy relationships, striving to work through challenges while upholding core values. By doing so, you nurture relationships grounded in mutual respect, clarity, and shared purpose.

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