Daily Devotionals

Within The Confines Of Religion

Becoming a devout Christian does not necessarily stop you from engaging your mind. It is crucial to approach religion with an open and critical mindset. God created our brains and minds for one purpose: to think. He wants us to use our reasoning skills. However, it is critical to keep our thinking within the boundaries of religion. One must recognize that claiming to be a “free thinker” is a fallacy, as everyone thinks from a specific perspective. There are no “free thinkers”. There are only people somewhat confused about their beliefs at the moment. Allow your Christian faith to shape your thought life.

The Bible does not oppose thinking. On the contrary, there is biblical support for thinking and meditation. These are ancient spiritual practises that are considered part of the Christian tradition. All thinking must be done from a specific perspective. And the Christian perspective is a valid one. Rejecting Christianity is stupid. It is not a sign of intelligence or sophistication. If you reject religion, the chances of “finding God” on your own is so slim, that it’s irrelevant. Today’s world rejects religion without reminding you to pay the price to think for yourself. That is the origin of the chaos in the world today.

We need a productive society that empowers us to do our best work. Such a society will demand a balance of conformity and freedom. If you want to remain part of a community, you cannot be free to do anything you like. Too many people today think without the moral, ethical, and spiritual safeguards of religion. They serve their own selfish and twisted ego unknowingly. This causes a huge mess in our world. The Christian faith can provide you with a sense of purpose and meaning. Explore the world and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world. You can be intellectual all you want. But do it within the confines of religion.

Let The Christian Path Nourish and Guide You

God created us with a brain and a mind for a purpose; he wants us to think. He wants us to use our reasoning skills. However, you must be careful to keep your thinking within the boundaries of religion. Allow your Christian faith to be your guardrail as you navigate the stormy seas of life. The modern world often encourages individuals to reject religion. But it fails to inform them that they face a nearly impossible task of thinking critically to form new beliefs. These things are not that simple. You are not better off rejecting the doctrines and dogmas that come with the Christian faith.

To live your best life, you must have an ethical system to guide you. You need discipline and a strong moral code. Moreover, you need to find spiritual nourishment from a source that resonates with you. The Christian faith can provide all of these essential elements and more. It is logical and understandable to see why many people might seek refuge in organized religion. A well-defined religion allows people to benefit from years of spiritual labour and wisdom. Without the time and effort required for independent intellectual exploration. Intellectualism is difficult. It takes a lot of effort to think about and determine the best way to live your life. Religion allows you to simply follow what is known to work.

Our great Christian faith came from those who had mastered the spiritual realm to the point of fusing it with reason and emotion. It’s a tough act to top the Christian system. If you don’t perceive the splendour and brilliance of Christianity, you might be following the wrong individuals. Cast your net widely, open your heart, and you may glimpse the wonder. Find Christians who are doing things well, and follow their lead. Pray to God for a joining of hearts with those who are trailblazing in the faith.

The Key to Becoming an Economic Giant

The level at which you solve problems determines the economic impact you can have on your world. You must solve problems that affect thousands of people if you want to impact or influence thousands of people. The world is full of problems that hinder the progress and prosperity of individuals, communities, and nations. From poverty and inequality to environmental degradation and poor healthcare, there are countless issues that need to be addressed. Do not sit back and continue to daydream about the impact you want to have. If we want to have a significant economic impact, we must focus on solving problems that affect the largest number of people.

This is the key to becoming an economic giant, and making a difference in the world. You can see this principle in action through the work of entrepreneurs, philanthropists, public officials and religious leaders who are addressing pressing problems like poverty, inequality, and access to education. By solving these problems at a large scale, they are not only improving the lives of millions of people, but also contributing to the overall economic growth and stability of society. It is a good idea to go over the list of the largest organizations in your community. And try to figure out what problems they are attempting to solve. As well as the scale on which they operate.

As you can see, in order to become an economic powerhouse, it is critical to identify the issues that affect the most people. And build the capacity to deal with them. At the very least, you should consider how your work can affect a thousand people. This will require a combination of knowledge, skills, and resources. You must also have the passion for making a difference. But if you are willing to put in the effort, you can be a leader who helps to shape a better future for everyone. The impact you can have on your world is limited only by your imagination and determination.

A Christian Response to Economic Challenges

For many Nigerians and West Africans, the economic situation is difficult and challenging. With Nigeria currently grappling with fuel and cash shortages, it can be difficult to maintain the necessary hope and optimism. But in such times, it’s important to remember that things will get better and that you can draw strength from the word of God. You must cultivate a strong spirit that draws sufficient strength from God’s word to overcome the depressing atmosphere in your world. To overcome what is outside, you must learn to draw strength from within.

After centuries of slavery and servitude to the Egyptians, Moses brought the Israelites a message of hope and deliverance. They couldn’t, however, connect. “But they did not listen to Moses because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery,” Exodus 6:9 says. The harsh socioeconomic reality was more real to them than any promises from the God of their fathers. While this makes perfect logical sense, it will cut off the Holy Spirit’s flow. You must walk around with the confidence that “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Apostle Paul taught us that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. This same principle applies to us today. Despite the economic challenges you are facing, you can find comfort and strength in the word of God. This biblical teaching can be applied to your life by reading and meditating on God’s word. Also, make time to think about God’s promises and his love for you. You will find the hope and strength you need to keep going. Go from “suffering to hope” in your spirit. Allow the word of God to be more real to you than the bad economy out there.

Why Is It in Your Best Interest to Adopt Christianity?

There is a growing disdain toward Christianity and all forms of organized religion. Sharing such an opinion is not in your best interests. A world without religion is not a better place. You are more likely to become lost without a system of dogma, doctrine, and precepts to adhere to. The modern world often encourages individuals to reject religion. But it fails to warn about the consequences of such actions. If you reject religion, you have to reinvent the wheel. You have to figure out the best way to live your life. The same questions that organized religion has asked and answered a thousand times.

You might not like the answers Christianity offers. And the kind of morality that comes with it. You might even think it is too much for you to bear. But these answers are known to work. The Christian worldview has been tested and trusted. You can stake your life on it. The alternative to Christianity are untested principles and philosophy that have not stood the test of time. Where is the wisdom in substituting a two-thousand-year Christian tradition of love, hope, and faith for the rantings of a confused online influencer who is most likely experiencing a midlife crisis?

Christianity and the church can provide a framework for understanding and living one’s life. Rejecting organized religion outright is not a sign of intelligence or sophistication. In fact, it can often lead to a lack of direction and purpose in life. Religion is not about brainwashing people or mindless rituals. It is about assisting people in discovering the truth and achieving the balance required to live their best lives. And just because one believes in religion does not prevent them from engaging in intellectual pursuits. If you want to live your best life, stick with your Christian faith. It provides you with a solid foundation from which to operate. What else do you want?

Your Creative And Spiritual Gifts Can Make A Difference In Your World

Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of the US Patent and Trademark Office, declared in 1899 that “everything that can be invented has been invented.” Many scholars doubt he ever said that. Well, we can still turn to Ecclesiastes 1:9, which says, “there is nothing new under the sun”. The overall sentiment remains the same. There are no new ideas anywhere. It’s easy to believe that all good ideas have already been taken in today’s world. This, however, is not the case. The notion that “everything that can be invented has already been invented” is a logical fallacy. It is a limiting thought that can prevent you from realising your creative potential. 

You will find use for your creative talent as long as there are problems to be solved. The Bible provides a powerful reminder of your imagination’s and creativity’s limitless possibilities. The LORD said at the Tower of Babel that “nothing will be restrained from them that they have imagined to do.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” It is a lie to think that there is no room for new ideas or contributions. 

The truth is that there is an endless supply of new and exciting ideas just waiting to be born. As long as you can focus your mind on problems that need to be solved or areas where you can add value. You can unleash your inventions. You were created in the spiritual image of the all-powerful creator; you can create. If there was nothing else to create, God would not grant you creative abilities. The key is to recognise that creativity is a gift that allows us to solve problems in unusual ways. So, start praying, studying, and planning to solve problems in your community.

Embracing the Messiness of Relationships

Relationships are the foundation of a fulfilling life. They bring us comfort, love, and support. They help us grow as individuals. However, relationships do not conform to cold, calculated facts, data, and figures. A relationship’s utility is not always obvious. Calculating the ROI (return on investment) of a relationship is a fruitless exercise. Relationships are personal, messy, and emotional. They are not based on logic, but on feelings and experiences. The idea that relationships can be measured by a set of rules or that they should conform to specific expectations is flawed.

Relationships are not a science, but an art. They are dynamic and ever-evolving. They cannot be reduced to a formula. This is evident when studying relationships in the Bible, historical stories, or your own life. Our relationship with God is thorny. And our worth to God is not obvious. It perplexed the Psalmist to the point where he wondered why humans were created slightly lower than heavenly beings (Psalms 8:5). The relationship between David and Jonathan made no logical sense. Why would someone join forces with his father’s adversary? Similarly, you may struggle to comprehend certain friendships, partnerships, and even marriages around you. You are confused by logic.

Relationships are an essential component of living a fulfilling life. There is no getting around it. To protect yourself in a relationship, the only logical thing to do is to draw the line at values. When building relationships, it is important to draw the line at values. The people we choose to have in our lives should share our values and beliefs. This will help to create strong, meaningful relationships that are built on a foundation of mutual understanding and respect. You can nurture a relationship with someone once you’ve established that you share values with them. You cannot go through life alone. Learn to accept relationships for what they are, flaws and all.

Lessons from the Palm Tree

We are constantly looking for success and the keys to unlocking our full potential in life. The image of a palm tree flourishing, as depicted in Psalms 92:12, provides a powerful metaphor for living a long and productive life. The palm tree stands tall, and continues to flourish, bearing fruit for decades. Without growth, there is no flourishing. Without planting, there is no growth. Proper planting and growth are the first steps toward flourishing like a palm tree. You must work with God to plant you in a strategic location for your growth and flourishing.

You cannot flourish like a palm tree unless you are properly planted. Psalms 1:3 says, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper.” Planting in a spiritual sense refers to your sense of destiny. A sense of pressing on towards the mark of the high call. Allowing God to lead you to your vocation in the fields of religion, business, economy, or governance. If you mix things up or miss it during the planting stage. It is difficult to find room to flourish.

As long as you are planted in the right place, you can begin to prosper in anything you do. Just like a palm tree, to live a productive life, you must first understand the process. Also, be prepared to put in the time and effort required to reach your full potential. The story of the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 is a great example for us today. Despite much obstacles, Joseph remained focused on his goals. He trusted the process. Through his hard work and perseverance, he rose to become a powerful and respected leader in Egypt. You can “flourish like a palm tree”, but commit to the process.

On The Fuel Crisis in Nigeria

Nigeria’s current fuel crisis has highlighted the importance of ethical practises and values in the oil and gas industry. Nigeria has been dealing with fuel scarcity for some time, with no end in sight. Mele Kyari, Group Chief Executive Officer of Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited, has acknowledged that the country has an adequate supply of fuel. He attributes the fuel crisis to a lack of infrastructure, rising costs, and greed along the value chain. This situation is not unique to the oil and gas industry, but it serves as a wake-up call for all of us. You need to consider the ethical and moral principles that guide your actions.

The Bible teaches us about the dangers of greed and the importance of acting justly. Proverbs 28:8 (NLT) says, “Income from charging high interest rates will end up in the pocket of someone who is kind to the poor.” And Micah 6:8 reminds us to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” It is important for individuals and companies to act with integrity. And to prioritise the well-being of those they serve over financial gain. This is not limited to the oil and gas industry. It is a problem that has infiltrated every aspect of Nigerian society.

You must look inward and consider how you contribute to the problems that afflict your community. Do you run your business with the fear of the Lord? Are you certain that your actions are not causing harm to your community? You must be aware of your role as a salt and light in your world. It is your responsibility to promote ethical practises in your community. In addition, those in positions of power must be held accountable. You can pray for those who hold positions of authority. That God gives them wisdom and guidance in making decisions that benefit everyone.

Flourish Like a Palm Tree

According to Psalms 92:12, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” We are reminded of the promise of growth, flourishing and domination for the righteous. To “flourish like a palm tree” means to stand tall and to live a long life. While remaining useful and productive for a long time. Do not restrict the promise of flourishing like a palm tree to a religious context. To flourish like a palm tree literally means to live a productive life, to have the same impact on your community’s economy as a palm tree.

That’s all well and good, but we often overlook the process. It takes about four years to five years for palm trees to produce fruits suitable for harvest. The palm tree reaches its full bearing at ten to fifteen years. Each tree will then continue to produce fruit for up to 30 years, at which point they will have grown to around 40 feet tall. If you want to live a long and productive life like a palm tree, understand that it will take time. A useful and productive season must be preceded by a season of proper planting and growth.

Understand and accept that, like a palm tree, it may take up to five years before you can monetize your knowledge and skills in any meaningful way. Understand that becoming a huge success could take up to ten years. Trust the process if you want to be stately, upright, useful, and fruitful. Seek to be properly planted, and then commit to growth. Many years of discipline, focus, and training are required. Then you become economically relevant. Even if you die, you leave a legacy behind. You can have a positive impact on your country’s economy. You can flourish like the palm tree.

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