Daily Devotionals

Developing a Conqueror Spirit

You can become a conqueror (or overcomer). It doesn’t necessarily mean being super strong or crushing everything that comes your way at the first try. Instead, conquering means never giving up until you achieve your desired goal. The key to conquering is consistency, patience, and the spirit that never gives up. If you want to develop a conquering spirit, it begins with a commitment. You must commit to becoming firm, steadfast, and unmovable in your mission (1 Corinthians 15:58). This is something anybody can do. We have the God-given ability to pursue our mission and heart desires in this manner.

You are able to achieve anything. As long as you understand that there is a journey ahead of you. And that there are requirements for getting there. Many people are inspired by the story of a man who turned his dream of becoming a real estate developer into a reality. He overcame the challenge of coming from a poor family by working hard, remaining disciplined, and never giving up on his dreams. Despite his education, he worked as a bus conductor to raise capital. This enabled him to save money to begin trading, which led him to the real estate industry. He is now a mentor as well as a successful real estate developer.

In order to complete your mission, you must cultivate this conqueror and overcomer mindset. As you grow spiritually, you become stronger and more capable of facing the challenge. There is no mountain too high for you to climb if you have humility, patience, and some discipline. Consistency is the key. You must strive to improve in every effort you make. Every time you sit down to work, resolve to perform at a higher level of excellence than the previous time. Make your brain sweat by putting it to work. You will improve as a result, and your creative abilities will dazzle the world in due time.

A Calm Mind Will Unlock Your Creative Potential

It is important to cultivate a calm and stable mind in order to tap into our creativity and perform at our best. The idea that your heart can remain calm and stable in the face of trouble or war is a major lesson from Psalms 27:1-3. Regardless of the circumstances, you can maintain your faith, confidence, and inner strength. We can create an environment that is stress-free and conducive to creativity by focusing on what we want and striving for it. A major obstacle to this is fear. Fear grows in the absence of faith and a firm resolve.

A calm and stable mind is beneficial not only for creative endeavors, but also for spiritual growth and overall productivity. According to Proverbs 4:23, we should guard our hearts with all diligence because the issues of life flow from them. We can be more present and focused on our goals when we are free of distractions and negative emotions. Your heart is the source of your life’s energy. And the heart performs better when it is calm and stable. Avoid situations and circumstances that are harmful to your heart. Be ready to let go of negative issues. You should also be quick to forgive.

Creative and spiritual pursuits require a lot of mental energy and focus. This can be difficult to maintain if you are constantly worried or stressed. You learn to let go of fear by waxing stronger in spirit. And when you focus on your goals, you are able to create a sense of inner calm that allows you to access your full creative potential. There is nothing mysterious or occultic about this. Simple Christian practices such as thanksgiving, prayer, fasting, study, thinking and meditation will do wonders to your mind. You start small, and with consistency, you will see the results.

The Most Important Relationship You Will Ever Have

In life, we all desire to have meaningful relationships with people. We seek to establish connections with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers. But, have you ever stopped to consider that the most important relationship you will ever have is a relationship with God? It is essential to acknowledge that building a meaningful relationship with people is impossible when your relationship with the divine is mediocre. When you prioritize your relationship with God, you will receive love, warmth, and grace from God. These things will manifest in your life, and every other relationship will benefit as a result.

Here is a pattern from the Bible to which we must pay attention. Jesus grew in stature, wisdom, and favour with God and men, according to Luke 2:52. In 1 Samuel 2:26, Samuel also experienced growth and favour from God and the people. You can see how growing your relationship with God affects your relationship with others. “For we aim at what is honourable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man” says 2 Corinthians 8:21. Your best efforts to live an honourable life will fail. Unless you are bound by divine order and the discipline that it entails.

Beyond the religious notion of trying to please God to receive blessings, building a relationship with God is about principles. When your life reflects the principles of righteousness, mercy, and justice, you will enjoy a higher quality of life. A relationship with God is more than just following a set of rules or performing specific actions. It is about getting to know God and allowing His principles to guide your life (Jeremiah 9:23-24). Therefore, place a premium on your relationship with God. Let that relationship shape your core values and virtues in life. Everything else in your life should flow from this.

The Truth About AI Tools and the Role of Humans

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the subject of numerous debates. Some argue that it will replace human labour and creativity. But others argue that it is just a tool that can enhance our creativity and productivity. One thing is certain: AI tools will not eliminate the need for expert workers or kill creativity. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, one of the tech companies leading the way with AI technology, believes that humans will remain relevant. According to him, a human prompts the AI, and the AI generates a draft. Now, an expert must edit that draft into a final product.

In practise, AI tools can be quite helpful in solving the “blank page syndrome”. Simply enter a general idea or topic into the system, and the AI tool will generate a draft for you. This draft, however, is only a starting point. Human intervention is still required to edit and perfect it. Therefore, if you lack the knowledge and experience needed to edit the AI’s output, your work will be mediocre. Editing anything requires knowledge, understanding, and ample experience. These three things give you the necessary perspective to generate and edit drafts with AI.

The more things change, the more they are the same. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “there is no new thing under the sun.” The more the outward appearance of things appear to change, the real essence of the things stay the same. It is important to note that AI tools are not magical tools that will do everything for you. They still require expert oversight. While they can help generate drafts quickly, they cannot replace the creative vision and critical thinking of humans. Creativity cannot be replaced by AI tools. A visionary leader must still decide what must be done in the first place. Then experts will prompt and edit output from an AI tool.

Asbury Revival: From Awakening to Good Works

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus instructs us, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” This draws attention to the important outcome. After all is said and done, the Christian faith is about being fruitful and performing good works (productivity). It is good when people repent of their sins. It is wonderful to have non-stop prayers, worship, and various manifestations of the Holy Spirit. But none of this can be considered a final goal. The sign of an awakened and revived spirit are the good works you perform in your community.

It is important to be careful and objective when attending revival meetings. Otherwise, our Christian walk will become nothing more than a thrill ride. Our Christian walk is a daily one, not an ongoing quest for a “mountaintop” experience. A Christian who is constantly looking for the charismatic and spectacular is no different from a drug addict looking for their next high. It is the exact same thing. What matters is not your ability to speak in tongues or chant in the spirit. Your ability to solve real-world problems is what announces you to the outside world.

While we take inspiration from the Asbury Revival and the history of Christian revivals. Let us have in mind the words of Apostle Paul, “Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21). The ultimate goal of all spirituality is to live a fruitful life. In the Bible, our ability to pray is never considered an end goal. It is not an indication of fruitfulness in and of itself. Consider your own spiritual life and ways to revitalize your relationship with God. How are you leveraging your revived spirit to make a difference?

Embracing Economic Trends for Growth and Opportunity

You do not live in a vacuum. You don’t work in a vacuum. There must be an understanding that you are a part of a larger world. Living and operating in today’s world demands that we acknowledge the fact that we are not isolated entities. But rather interconnected components of a larger system. To thrive in this complex and dynamic system, you need to keep a vigilant eye on the world around you. You must stop thinking and planning without regard for the economic forces that shape your world. Keep an eye on the economic trends that shape your industry or community.

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. By monitoring economic trends, you can better anticipate changes and plan accordingly. For example, if you notice that a particular industry is experiencing growth, you can look to acquire the necessary skills to position yourself in that market. On the other hand, if you observe that a particular sector is declining, you can start exploring new opportunities to stay ahead of the curve. You must be diligent, prudent, and aware of your economic surroundings. This is the key to achieving long-term success and prosperity.

There is no reason for you to be unaware of current economic trends. You should be aware of the larger economic forces at work and how they may affect your operations. Recall Proverbs 14:15 (ESV), “The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.” And Proverbs 27: 23-24 (ESV), “Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever; and does a crown endure to all generations?” What are the most promising economic opportunities in your region this decade? How can you make the most of the opportunity?

The Asbury Revival: Inspiring Christians to Seek Spiritual Revival in a Dying World

On February 8, 2023, something special started in the chapel of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, USA. The Lord began to move in the lives of a group of students. These coals have now been fanned into flame, and it is obvious that God is moving visibly among us. The event has been going on for nearly two weeks as of the time of writing, with non-stop worship, singing, and praying. The event has since been dubbed “the Ashbury Revival”. Major news organisations like CNN published articles about it. This is an awakening and a revival. A place where people are widely experiencing a “revival” of spiritual vitality.

The Asbury Revival began as a regular church service and expanded from there. People lingered afterward, and the gathering gained attention on social media. Christian influencers and leaders have proudly proclaimed the Asbury Revival as an expression of the revival movement. Former US Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that the Lord is at work at Asbury and lives will be changed forever. It’s wonderful to read about, write about, or experience spiritual awakenings like this in your lifetime. Since the 1740s, revivals have been a part of the Protestant Reformation. People repenting of their sins; people being filled with the Holy Spirit; men and women finding reconciliation with God.

As Christians, we can take inspiration from the Asbury Revival and the history of Christian revivals. Biblical teachings emphasize the importance of spiritual renewal and reviving our relationship with God. This is a season to prioritize prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. This is the season to pray for a spiritual renewal and revival to sweep our dying world. Without prayer, nothing of eternal value is ever accomplished. Prayer has to be the first step towards changing our world. There must be a spiritual awakening as well as a revival. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. Come, Holy Spirit!

Where Will Your Mission Take You?

When Samuel, the Prophet-Priest-Judge, anointed a young David to be King of Israel. You can assume David had no idea it would take over twenty years for reality to catch up with him. How could he have predicted becoming a captain of 400 men at the Cave of Adullam on his journey? Creating vision and mission statements is an essential step in any endeavour. These statements help to shape a sense of direction. Helping you to define where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. However, once you’ve established your mission, it’s critical to let it take you wherever it may.

Mark Zuckerberg’s journey with Facebook, now Meta, is a testament to this principle. When he started the company in 2004, he could not have foreseen the incredible growth and evolution of the platform. From its early days on desktop computers to its current dominance on mobile devices, Zuckerberg has constantly adapted to meet the changing needs of his audience. Now, with the concept of the metaverse, he is pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible with social media. Your strategy and direction must be driven by your mission. Why you do what you do may not change, but how you do it will evolve.

The lesson here is clear: if you allow your mission to guide you, it can lead you to places you never imagined. It may even take you to places you do not want to go. It will demand that you learn new skills and broaden your knowledge base. Additionally, it will call for you to cooperate with people who share your vision and build new partnerships. But, there can be huge benefits to remaining faithful to your mission. It can result in personal development, professional success, and a sense of purpose that will help you get through even the most difficult challenges. Make sure your mission and vision statements are clear. Commit to letting them lead the way.

Breaking the Barriers Between Spirituality and Science

“Everywhere I go I see you right there, in the beauty of nature you shine all around,” Nathaniel Bassey wrote in his 2016 song (Wonderful Wonder). The notion is that God can be encountered and comprehended through nature, through his creations. This is a Christian tradition that has been observed for a long time. It is based on Roman 1:19-25. It is not a sin to connect to God through his creations. We just need to be careful to worship the Almighty Creator, and not the creation. Worship of creations or creatures is idolatry (or, just plain stupidity). Science is a source of spirituality.

Michael Faraday, Viktor Schauberger and George Washington Carver are excellent examples of people that explored the depths of God via science. Michael Faraday biographers have noted that “a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday’s life and work.” Viktor Schauberger wrote, “even in earliest youth my fondest desire was to understand Nature, and thus to come closer to the truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either at school or in church.” George Washington Carver, always referred to his work place as God’s little laboratory. He invented hundreds of uses for the peanut.

Many people believe that spirituality and science are incompatible. This is incorrect. The three people mentioned above were deeply spiritual. While also breaking new ground in science and technology. The most important thing is to make disciples of people from every nation. Then send out disciples of Jesus who are rooted in love and the truth of God’s word. When we sit in church, we cannot comprehend or understand certain aspects of God. You can’t understand God in the marketplace unless you explore it. Perhaps, like Viktor Schauberger, you need to step outside the church and use your spirituality to grow in science, connect with God, and unleash your inventions.

Unlock Your Greatest Potential By Communication and Collaboration

It is critical that you obtain as much education and training as possible. It will allow you to improve your abilities. However, you must understand that if you want to achieve great things, you must learn how to communicate and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal. Training, education, and the ability to communicate and work in a team raise your potential to previously unthinkable levels. Communication and collaboration have transformed the world as we know it. The exchange of ideas and information among individuals or groups is what generates new ideas, inventions, and wealth.

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), The Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), The Feeding of the Five Thousand (Mark 6:30-44), and The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) are biblical passages and stories that demonstrate the value of communication and collaboration. When we work together, we have obvious collective power. The Tower of Babel shows that it can be a powerful tool when everyone is speaking the same language. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6 NIV).

Your education and training are critical. It enables you to provide something of value. But never expect to accomplish much by working alone. You will not. When individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and expertise come together to work towards a common goal, they can achieve what was once thought to be impossible. It is important for you to develop your communication and collaboration skills to effectively participate in such efforts. Do not make the mistake of believing that your education and training will make you wealthy. You will need to learn how to form meaningful relationships. Your objectives must be communicated. You will have to collaborate with others.

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