Daily Devotionals

How Christian Values Empowers You For Success

The importance of a well-ordered society cannot be overstated when it comes to unlocking one’s full potential. Without structure and empowerment, we are left to navigate a lawless world where anything goes. You can’t do much with your talents if you live in a world devoid of righteousness and justice. We often think of Christianity as a religion shrouded in supernatural mysteries. But it also provides a better way to structure society. It is a well-known fact that without discipline, one cannot succeed. Christianity requires discipline and a strong moral code that is hard to beat. A Christian world is one that is disciplined, ethical, and morally upright.

A Christian community becomes a prosperous community over time. This is due to the discipline, morals and work ethic demands of true bible-based Christianity. Even if you do not believe in the supernatural elements of Christianity. The values and teachings associated with it, have proven to be effective in creating a stable and prosperous society. Many people who are far too intelligent for their own good have “converted” to Christianity because they see the faith’s utility in nation-building. We can see the benefits of a society that values traditional Christian values in a world dominated by people living in conformity to Christian ideals.

To be clear, Christianity’s supernatural elements are very real. There are mysteries. Christians operate with a powerful spiritual force. But even if you don’t believe in anything. You would prefer a world dominated by people who live in accordance with Christian ideals to one in which anything goes. Christian values have helped people to achieve great things. Individually, we have the ability to reinforce traditional Christian values wherever we go. You must work to make your community reflect these values. You must speak out against injustice and work to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Lessons From Bill Gates’ Farmland Investment

Bill Gates answered a question about his farmland investment during a “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session on Reddit. Conspiracy theorists have concocted a variety of nefarious motives for Bill Gates’ farmland purchase. However, Gates clarified that while he does own about 270,000 acres of farmland, the decision was made by his investment managers. His investment aims to increase farm productivity and create jobs. While most people associate Bill Gates with technology, technological businesses, and technological investment. Gates is the largest landowner in the USA. Agriculture is a good investment anywhere in the world, according to the statistics.

The Bible commands us to be truthful and not bear false witness against our neighbors. It is critical that we refrain from spreading conspiracy theories and rumors. It is also critical to seek the truth and validate information before sharing it with others. If you want to contribute to the economic development of your community, you must be grounded in the truth. Your goal should be to determine what works and then replicate it at your level. It is pointless to despise or be envious of successful people. You should take the approach of learning from them. What can you learn from Bill Gates?

You are the salt and light of your world. We are entrusted with managing the earth’s resources in a way that benefits all people and glorifies God. Investing in farmland to make it more productive is one way of fulfilling this stewardship responsibility. By investing in farms, Gates is helping to create jobs and produce more food. This is essential in alleviating hunger and poverty. Agriculture does not have to be your primary source of income. But, if you want to make the world a better place, you can’t ignore agriculture. Learn about the agriculture and food production industries. Develop some knowledge of how to run an agricultural business.

Lessons from Man Utd’s Humiliation at Anfield Stadium

One week you’re celebrating your first piece of silverware in seven years. The following week, you’re lamenting your humiliation at the hands of your bitter rivals. Much has been said in the aftermath of Manchester United’s humiliating 7-0 loss to Liverpool in the Premier League on Sunday, March 5, 2023. The defeat came a week after United claimed their first trophy since 2017 by winning the League Cup. On the surface, sports may not appear to have any spiritual value. Nonetheless, it serves as a valid metaphor and can teach us profound life lessons. Sports and competition were used by the Apostle Paul to teach us eternal truths.

Like Manchester United, you could be celebrating your biggest breakthrough in seven years in a week’s time. And then suffer your biggest setback the following week. Job’s fortunes changed from ten children feasting to losing all ten in a single day. Despite the fact that Job had done nothing wrong. It is critical to remember that our faith requires us to be humble in both victory and defeat. Just as you should not become boastful or arrogant after a win, you should not allow yourself to become discouraged or negative after a loss. You will record numerous victories with Jesus. However, you will also lose some. In all cases, your heart must remain steady.

The manner in which we respond to victory can be as important as the victory itself. It is critical that we always show humility, grace, and sportsmanship. You are most vulnerable following a victory. Following major victories, you are more likely to become complacent. That feeling that you are already perfect and there is no need to strive for more. We should celebrate our victories while remaining respectful of the opposing side. While also keeping in mind that there is still work to be done. Man Utd should be grateful to Liverpool for reminding them that there is always more work to be done.

Stay Focused on Your Mission

If you lead a mission-driven life, you have to be on alert against distraction. There is a chance that you will be distracted from your mission. There is also the possibility that you believe you are doing everything correctly. But, in the end, you failed to complete your mission. It is common to become sidetracked from your mission. Distractions can take many forms, including people, events, or circumstances. Many people work hard every day, but their efforts are not advancing their God-given mission. Failure to stay focused on your mission will lead to frustration and disappointment.

Joshua was a man who understood the importance of focus and dedication to his mission. He was a leader who had led the Israelites to conquer several territories, and it seemed like he had done everything right. However, heaven’s assessment of his work was not so positive. The Lord said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess” (Joshua 13:1). This goes to show that even the most focused and dedicated individuals can somehow fail to complete their mission in good time.

To avoid failing at your mission, it is crucial to be deliberate in setting your goals. You need to be clear and specific about what you want to achieve. This will help you to create a direct course towards achieving your objectives. Above all, it is important to pray. Prayer is the master key that can help you to straighten out your mission. In the place of prayer, you can gain clarity, direction, and guidance towards achieving your mission. Even if you believe that you are succeeding, pay attention. It is better to remain humble, work out your own mission with fear and trembling.

Spirituality, Creativity and Wealth Creation

The proper approach to wealth creation is to solve problems or add value to people’s lives. When you examine a wealthy person, you will notice that they solve problems and create value. Wealth without work, as defined by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in 1925, is a social sin. Your wealth is proportional to your productivity. There is a significant issue with people who desire wealth but are uninterested in any form of enterprise. Your spirituality and creativity should be directed toward problem-solving. You cannot be poor as long as you are fruitful (productive).

You can see how spiritual gifts are used for problem-solving from Acts 10:38 (ESV), “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” You cannot go about doing good deeds and finding solutions to issues and still be in poverty. This is how religious institutions create wealth. They help people with their spiritual problems. Michael Faraday’s work in electricity solved a different kind of problem. They all, however, rely on the same spiritual gift.

So, grow in your understanding of these matters. You must start thinking about the problems you want to solve. As well as the skills and resources required. How does your spirituality add value to your community? Creativity is not about doing something cool. Spirituality is not about making noise or drawing attention to yourself. It is all about solving problems and creating value. Here are some problems you might want to think about solving. You could pledge to reduce illiteracy in your community by establishing high-quality institutions. You could think about how you can boost farmer productivity in your community. What simple tech tools can benefit your community? Get started.

The Sun Shines, That Is All It Knows To Do

In Matthew 5:45, the Bible teaches us that God’s sun shines on both the good and evil. This means that regardless of who we are or what we do, we all have access to the same sun. In a broader sense, this could mean we have access to the same natural resources. After all, God sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. The sun, an uncompromised creation of God, makes no distinction between those who deserve and those who do not. Jesus wants you to operate in the same way.

It is up to us to grow into people with integrity, honesty, and strong morals and ethics. We must apply these qualities to our relationships with others once we have established them within ourselves. You are the salt and light of the world, that should be all you know to do. You cannot help it, you cannot be false to yourself. Like God’s sun, you shine on both the good and the evil. Especially the evil. Perhaps, for your sake, the evil one will repent. When they see you maintain your standards, even when it is hard to do so.

You should have a reputation for always doing the right thing. Allow your friends to turn to you when they need light. We must not allow anyone or any circumstance to force us to compromise our values or standards. It is important to stay true to ourselves. Even when confronted with difficulties and adversity. You must not be a hypocrite. Do not lead a double life of deception. It can be challenging when those around us do not share our values or act in ways that contradict our own beliefs. But you must imitate the sun. You are the salt and light of your world, and that is all you know to do.

Take a Stand Against Lawlessness in Your World

On Wednesday, February 22, 2023, something strange happened during a hearing at the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of Nigeria (SCN), Nigeria’s highest court, stated that it does not wish to be used as a scapegoat as a result of the old Naira notes case brought before it by ten state governments. The Punch Newspapers quoted Justice John Okoro as saying “you are not a stranger to this country. We don’t want a situation where the judiciary will be a scapegoat. We refuse to be the scapegoat. We are hearing this matter today. We don’t intend to keep this matter any longer. Whether they obey it or not.”

This is a disturbing incident. When there are no assurances that one can get justice from the highest court in the land, the future is bleak. One of the key principles of Christianity is justice, which includes ensuring that all people are treated fairly and equitably. In this case, the state governments are seeking justice by challenging the Federal Government’s decision to phase out the old Naira notes. But the Federal Government ignored the law and directives of the apex court. Any government or constituted authority that acts in contempt of court is irresponsible. And they are seeding the same nonsense in the heart of the general public.

Beyond the miracle-working Jesus, the prosperity Jesus and the give-me-breakthrough Jesus. We must recall a Jesus who taught that justice was more important than paying tithes (Matthew 23:23). Micah 4:6 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Nigeria is a lawless country. This is a shame and disgrace to God. You cannot really prosper in a lawless place. Lawlessness is a hallmark of hell. You need to pray and bind the spirit of lawlessness in your world. And pray that law and order takes hold in your community.

Grow Without Limits

In rainfall or sunshine, no matter what happens, you must continue to focus on your growth. You can grow without limits. The mystery of spiritual growth means that you can transform into the stature required to tackle any problem. It does not matter how insignificant you look right now in comparison to the mighty works you wish to do. What matters is that there is a way for you to grow into the person you need to become. There is no handicap, poverty or lack that can stop a determined soul. Your growth potential is unlimited. You can grow without limits.

You will face obstacles that will make you feel like giving up. It can be easy to lose sight of your goals and become discouraged by the challenges you face. But it is important to remember that no matter what happens, we must continue to focus on our growth. Psalms 1:1-3 teach us that we can always draw from God’s word for example. And that this will be similar to a tree constantly drawing water from streams. Growth has no limits. So, don’t be disheartened by the mountains you’re facing today. They may appear insurmountable, but they pale in comparison to the power of personal development.

From where you are now to where you need to be, there is always a journey. You simply need to devote enough time to study and practice. You have the ability to grow into the best version of yourself. The version capable of accomplishing the great and mighty successes you fantasize about. Elisha transitioned from a farmer to a prophet. David grew from a shepherd boy into a mighty king. Even if no one listens to you today, you can develop over time into a person who influences millions. Even if you’re poor and illiterate today, you can grow into someone who builds million-dollar businesses. You can grow without limits!

Rethinking the 24/7 Work Culture

The nonprofit 4 Day Week Global and Autonomy have published the findings from their recent four-day workweek experiment. The six-month trial took place in the UK from June to December 2022. Nearly 3,000 employees from 61 companies took part, making it the world’s largest four-day workweek experiment to date. Participating businesses report increased productivity, morale, and team culture. While individuals report benefits in their relationships, finances, and health. This experiment’s findings reveal an opportunity for you to uphold certain Christian values in your business. In today’s fast-paced world, where people worship their jobs and life revolves around the hustle. Perhaps it is time to dial down.

The Bible is clear about work; God wants us to work. God provides us with grace, energy, and resources so that we can do our best work. However, rest and balance are also required. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is described as a hard worker in the gospels. Even so, rest is also a theme in Jesus’ ministry. You can see an example in Mark 6:30 – 32. Jesus said to the disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” You should also consider the true purpose of the Old Testament Sabbath laws. It was a weekly opportunity to focus on spiritual matters.

There is no wisdom in working from Sunday to Sunday. Working hard versus working smart is a hot topic of discussion, but that is not even the point. The point is that working around the clock should not be confused with actual productivity. You should gain a better understanding of your stewardship and business so that you can delegate a fair share of work each week. Then you can make time to rest and balance your other responsibilities. The success of the four-day workweek experiment should encourage all of us to rethink our approach to work. You should consider an approach that prioritizes your well-being and work-life balance.

Why Elon Musk Working for Free is a Lesson in Wealth Creation

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, recently made headlines because, as of February 2023, he is working for free at Tesla. There is no existing compensation package. There is no salary or stock options at the moment. Elon Musk is a controversial figure in recent times. But, he can teach you a valuable lesson about wealth creation. Elon Musk never worked for Tesla for a salary or wage. He is instead compensated for the value he adds to the company. If the company meets certain financial and market value targets, he is rewarded with stock options. This makes for a good conversation about the motivation behind our work, and the value of compensation.

You need to understand the business of wealth creation. Jacob refused Laban’s offer of wages and instead negotiated a form of wealth distribution (Genesis 30:25-43). There’s nothing wrong with working for wages, but it’s not the best that God has to offer. After receiving his final stock options last month, Elon Musk is now working for free. While Musk has made billions of dollars from his Tesla position through stock options. His decision to continue working without pay demonstrates that he is motivated by factors other than money. The poorest people in the world are those who work solely for monetary gain.

The Bible never encourages people to work solely for financial gain. Rather, Christians are expected to seek and commit to God’s will in religion, culture, economy, and governance. You do this regardless of the pay structure, trusting in God that everything else will be added to you. You should always work as if you were working for the Lord rather than for human masters (Colossians 3:23). This means that regardless of our pay, we should approach our work with a sense of purpose and a desire to do our best. That is the key to long-term success and wealth.

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