Your Spiritual Gifts And Creativity Are Tools For Productivity

The Holy Spirit induces productivity within us. Always remember that the word “fruitfulness” in the Bible means productivity. God blessed mankind in Genesis 1:28 to be fruitful. This fruitfulness isn’t just a religious concept; it’s practical. The gifs of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit, including creativity, help us to be fruitful. They are given to us for profit and for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7). Being productive is a spiritual mandate, empowering us to make a tangible impact in our world. Our spiritual gifts and creativity are tools given by God to fulfill this calling.

Our quest to be fruitful necessitates intelligence, which drives creativity. This creativity is fueled by a deep-seated desire to be productive, to get things done, and to accomplish more with our days. As Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” God plants the desire and provides the ability for us to be productive. When we align our work with His will, we tap into divine creativity and productivity, enabling us to achieve more than we could on our own.

In our daily lives, we should embrace the productivity that the Holy Spirit fosters within us. Allow the Holy Spirit to set your standards and benchmarks. Seek God’s guidance to utilize your gifts and intelligence effectively. Reflect on how you can be more fruitful in your endeavors, aligning your work with God’s purpose. As you go about your tasks, remember that your creativity and productivity are not just for personal gain but to light up your world and bring glory to Him. Embrace the Holy Spirit’s leading, and let your work be a testament to His power in you.

Should You Keep A Relationship, No Matter The Cost?

Relationships are crucial to your success, impact, and legacy. Because of this, we can become vulnerable to those we consider important. This vulnerability can sometimes lead us to compromise our principles just to maintain the relationship. This is a dangerous flaw that many might not even realize. It’s essential to be aware of this tendency and ensure that our relationships are built on a foundation of mutual respect and integrity. Maintaining strong principles is key to nurturing healthy and impactful connections, without which we risk losing our true selves and the essence of our mission.

We must understand that God is our source. Our relationship with Him is ultimate, and there is no human being that is indispensable. As Proverbs 29:25 says, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” Trusting in God ensures that we uphold our principles, even in the face of pressure to compromise. If you think about it, you will realise that you cannot build anything lasting on anything other than the truth. A genuine relationship will undoubtedly bruise the egos of those involved. Either that, or you become a yes-man.

You should not have permanent relationships, but rather permanent principles. A relationship is sustained and nurtured by the core values we share, not by the ego we are massaging. Do not become a man-pleaser, as this is detestable to the Lord. Prioritize integrity and faithfulness to God’s truth above all else. This approach not only honors God but also fosters genuine and lasting relationships built on mutual respect and shared values. Reflect on your current relationships and ensure they align with your principles. Seek God’s guidance to remain steadfast in truth, creating a legacy of integrity and faithfulness.

Valuing People Over Profits And Money Making

In the fast-paced world of business, it’s easy to prioritize profits over the well-being of employees. However, as Christians, we are called to a higher standard—one that values individuals as God’s creations. The recent news of football players being overworked to the point of considering a strike serves as a reminder of this truth. The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) has been calling for action to alter the congested football calendar, especially with the expanded 32-team Club World Cup proposed for next summer. At the end of the day, football organizations are entertainment companies. And more events mean more money, but at what cost?

Jesus asked, “what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?” The PFA leaders revealed that players, despite their wealth, feel burnt out and undervalued. A study focused on young players warned how much stress their bodies are under. It highlighted the number of minutes Real Madrid and England’s Jude Bellingham has played before he is 21. The midfielder, still just 20, has played 18,486 minutes in his career, compared to the 3,929 David Beckham played and 6,987 minutes Frank Lampard played at the same age. This desire to stage more games (and increase revenue) raises several ethical concerns.

Navigating ethical dilemmas in business, such as balancing profit with employee well-being, requires wisdom and integrity. There are many solutions to this problem, but the first step is for the organizations to love the players more than profits. You can not continue to try to win at all costs. As you go about your business endeavors, reflect on how you can prioritize the well-being of yourself, your partners and employees. Are there ways to adjust workloads to prevent burnout? Can you create a culture that values rest and recognizes the importance of each person’s contribution? Let’s commit to valuing people over excessive money-making.

Embracing Opportunities Amidst Economic Challenges

In the midst of Nigeria’s economic challenges, there are still sectors showing promising growth and potential. The Nigerian GDP grew by 2.98% in Q1 2024. The top five contributing activities turned out to be crop production, trade, telecommunications, crude petroleum and natural gas, and financial services. Together, these sectors contributed 62.25% to the country’s GDP. These sectors, despite the overall economic difficulties, are expanding and providing opportunities for growth. As a creative, business-minded Christian, it’s essential to recognize these opportunities and seek God’s guidance in how you can contribute to and benefit from these areas.

One biblical example of thriving despite challenging conditions is the story of Isaac. During a famine, Isaac sowed crops and, with God’s blessing, reaped a hundredfold harvest (Genesis 26:12). This story reminds us that with God on our side, we can prosper even in difficult times. Just as God blessed Isaac during a time of scarcity, we too can experience growth and success, regardless of the current economic circumstances. Isaac’s story encourages us to have faith and trust in God’s provision and guidance, knowing that He can help us make the most of any situation.

Proverbs 22:29 says, “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” This verse reminds us of the importance of hard work and diligence. As we navigate these challenging economic times, let us pray, think about, and explore opportunities in these growing sectors. By aligning your efforts with God’s guidance and being diligent in your pursuits, you can create meaningful change and contribute to the growth and stability of your world. Let’s be proactive and innovative, trusting that God will bless our efforts and use them for His glory.

Align Your Business With The Love Of God

You must have enough clarity over your business to be able to state in a simple and clear manner, exactly how your business is contributing to the Kingdom of God on earth. In the realm of business, simplicity and clarity is key. There is no way your business can be aligned with the Father’s business if you can’t even define it. People now do business for a variety of reasons, including reasons unrelated to profit. However, a purpose-driven person (that’s you, by the way) should have a clear business mission.

There are many reasons why you want to start a multimillion-dollar company, but making money is not one of them. There is an obvious reason why money should never be the driving force behind anything a genuine disciple of Jesus does. Also, the Bible makes it clear that the love of money is the root of all evil. To someone who wants to watch the world and steer it in the direction God desires, you should have a “love statement” that guides your business. A statement demonstrating how your business and pursuits are motivated by your love for God and what He is doing in your community.

Christians have established purpose-driven businesses in all industries. From hospitality to tourism, and from education to trade and commerce. The key is to find a simple and straightforward way to connect your work to the Lord’s heartbeat of soul winning and fruitfulness. It is not about naming your company “Jesus is Alive Enterprises”; you must also demonstrate God’s love in every interaction with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. Anything motivated by money or selfish ambition will inevitably lead to worldliness and corruption. May you not make money at the expense of losing your soul. May God have mercy on us all.

Whatever You Do, Work At It With All Your Heart

Many Christians do not put forth their best effort at work. This is because they fail to see the connection between what they are doing now and what they believe to be their higher calling. Things get interesting when you realize that these same people have no idea what their “high calling” entails. If their highest calling under God appeared and knocked on the door, they would not recognise it. At the end of the day, such people are making a serious mistake. And their poor attitude towards the work they currently have will have negative consequences on their journey.

The Bible teaches to give your all to whatever your hands find to do. Whether you consider the work to be your higher calling or not, you are expected to do it well. You cannot dismiss any task assigned to you right now as irrelevant to your destiny. Because, obviously, you don’t even know your destiny. You must believe that God is at work behind the scenes, bringing tasks, jobs, and opportunities your way. And all of this is preparing you for something. Everything is working together for your good (Romans 8:28).

According to Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This mindset transforms our actions into expressions of worship and trust. It demonstrates that we understand that everything we have comes from God and that we are responsible to Him for how we use it. You will be accountable for every job, task, and opportunity that comes your way. You serve and work for God under your current human masters. If you are looking for your calling and assignment, please understand that it is already within your current job.

A Call To Action On Children’s Day

It used to be said, “it takes a village to raise a child.” These days, it seems like nobody cares, and it’s everyone for themselves. We’ve forgotten that the children within our communities represent our collective future. Your duty is to watch the world and steer it towards where God wants. You are the salt and light of your world. You have to care about the children. They are not just the responsibility of their parents; they are a responsibility we all share. We must remember that investing in them is investing in our future. Happy Children’s Day!

Consider the inspiring story of George Muller. In his time, he built orphanages that provided care to up to 10,000 children. Despite facing numerous challenges, his unwavering faith and dedication ensured that these children received not only the essentials of life but also education and spiritual guidance. Muller’s work was driven by his deep belief in God’s provision and a mission to serve the less privileged. His legacy reminds us that we, too, can make a significant difference when we commit to caring for the vulnerable children in our communities.

We need to provide hope and resources for children who find themselves without the basic essentials of life. We need people willing to offer long-term discipleship to children, exposing them to Bible-based teaching, proper all-round education with a focus on STEM, critical thinking, and problem-solving. When you see a 12-year-old boy, remember that in many ways, he is a 30-year-old man in need of 18 years of guidance. Your commitment to their well-being can shape their future and, ultimately, the future of our society. Let us be the village that raises the children, guiding them with love and wisdom towards the path God has set for them. Happy Children’s Day!

Exploits And Magic Requires A Disciplined Approach

The biggest shift in your manifestation will happen when you commit to a daily regimen over random, sporadic actions. While we often think of creativity and spiritual gifts as spontaneous and unpredictable, the key to mastering and channeling these gifts lies in commitment to a daily routine. Consistency is essential. With consistent practice, you train and temper your spirit, gaining better control and becoming more effective in your endeavors. As Shakespeare wisely stated, “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” By embracing a structured approach, you unlock the true potential of your creative and spiritual gifts.

Consider the story of Daniel from the Bible. Daniel was known for a life of exploits, deep insights, revelations and manifesting an excellent spirit. But all of this comes from his unwavering faith and dedication. Despite being in a foreign land with many distractions and challenges, Daniel maintained a consistent prayer routine. Three times a day, he prayed to God, regardless of the consequences (Daniel 6:1-10). This consistency not only strengthened his faith but also granted him favor, wisdom and deep revelations (Daniel 9:20-27). His commitment to a daily regimen allowed him to thrive in an environment that was often hostile to his beliefs.

Daniel’s story teaches us the power of regular, disciplined practice in achieving spiritual and personal growth. Reflecting on your own life, ask yourself if you are truly committed to a daily regimen that nurtures your gifts. Are you consistent in your efforts, or do you rely on sporadic bursts of inspiration? The real magic happens when you embrace a disciplined approach. Set aside time each day to hone your skills, connect with your spirituality, and pursue your goals. This daily commitment will help you grow, improve, and ultimately manifest your potential. Remember, it’s not the grand, occasional efforts that lead to success, but the small, consistent actions taken every day.

Reflecting God’s Love Through Lasting Relationships

After David settled into his role as king of Israel, he sought out Mephibosheth to show him kindness for the sake of his father, Jonathan. David restored all the land of Saul to Mephibosheth and invited him to eat at his table always (2 Samuel 9:7). This act of kindness was a fulfillment of David’s covenant with Jonathan, demonstrating the enduring principle of honoring our commitments and relationships. This story from the Bible highlights the importance of generational relationships and the values of honor, vows, covenant, and basic integrity.

In a world where standards have fallen, it is critical to remember these values. You must approach your interactions with others from a generational perspective. It is an honourable thing to do. Not only should you love and be kind to your friend, but you should also extend that grace to their loved ones. This leaves an enduring legacy of trust and respect. When we keep our promises to others, we set an example for future generations, teaching them the value of integrity and faithfulness. This dimension of relationships is critical for developing a strong sense of community and belonging.

Reflecting on the story of David and Mephibosheth forces us to examine our own relationships and commitments. Are we keeping our vows and covenants? Are we establishing a legacy of trust and integrity for future generations? You should strive to extend kindness and honour beyond your immediate relationships, creating a ripple effect that can benefit future generations. As you go about your day, consider the commitments you’ve made and how you can fulfil them in a way that reflects God’s love and faithfulness. That is how we demonstrate God’s grace and light up the world around us.

Success Is Subjective But Beware Of Mediocrity

We can all recognize a smartphone or a light bulb, but success is not as easily defined. Success is subjective, varying from person to person. It’s important to examine your own definition of success to ensure it aligns with your highest potential. Are you striving for excellence, or settling for mediocrity? Reflecting on your personal goals can reveal whether you are pushing yourself to do your best or simply doing what feels comfortable. It’s always interesting to see what we can rationalize and accept as the norm without admitting that we’re settling for mediocrity.

As the club football season wraps up across Europe, fans reflect on their team’s performance. Success varies from club to club: for some, winning the league is the goal, while for others, finishing in the top ten or qualifying for continental football is a significant achievement. And there are clubs that would thank God simply for avoiding relegation to a lower league. However, at the end of the day, the standards we set for ourselves and the goals we consider successful reflect our level of ambition. Are you setting high enough expectations for yourself, or are you settling for mediocrity?

The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 10:12-13 that comparing ourselves with others is unwise. Our goals should not be set in competition with those around us, but rather in the pursuit of fulfilling our God-given potential. Each of us has been assigned a unique area of influence and purpose. Instead of measuring your success by others’ standards, you should focus on what God requires from you. True success is aligning our ambitions with God’s will and striving to achieve the highest potential He has placed within us. Are your goals reflecting His plan for your life? A negative answer means you’re being mediocre.

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