Daily Devotionals

Too Many Coups. Not Enough Governance

The Republic of the Niger, a landlocked country in West Africa, faces yet another setback as it defaults on debt payments, compounding the problems caused by a recent coup. Despite the political upheaval, the country has struggled to meet its financial obligations, with defaults totaling $519 million since the July 2023 coup. Several coups have occurred in western Africa over the last four years, following decades of relatively stable governments. However, history appears to show that the military is no more effective at running a country than any “democratically elected” government. The social, political, and economic problems in the region highlight the need for a new approach to leadership.

John Maxwell taught us that everything rises and falls on leadership. This is a very simple yet profound truth. Many people crave political power, but not enough people develop the skills required to exercise transformative leadership once in power. In times of crisis, historical and contemporary examples can provide useful insights. Consider the biblical account of Nehemiah, who faced enormous challenges while rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls after years of neglect. Despite opposition and financial constraints, Nehemiah rallied the community, displaying leadership, resilience, and faith in overcoming adversity. Similarly, in modern times, nations like South Korea have risen from economic turmoil to become global leaders through strong governance and citizen engagement.

There are too many coup plotters and not enough people skilled enough to deliver visionary leadership and strong governance. As someone interested in watching over the world, are you merely seeking leadership positions, or are you developing the real-world skills required to carry out your mandate? Do your current roles and responsibilities have a positive impact on others? Because, in the end, everything is determined by the quality of available leaders. The long-term solution to the West African problem is education. Citizens must be properly educated about good governance. Illiteracy and ignorance are the root problems that must be addressed throughout West Africa.

Ever Increasing Productivity

An entrepreneurial spirit is about increasing productivity, moving things from a lower to a higher level. It’s the ability to increase the utility of people, animals, places, and things. Consider the creativity required to unlock crude oil’s potential and harness its power for humanity—an enterprising mind in action. This relentless focus on productivity is critical for financial and economic growth. It is what propels individuals and societies forward. It is about constantly looking for ways to increase productivity, which drives innovation and advancement in all areas of life. The big question to ask yourself is, “How can I produce more?”

Proverbs 12:27‬ ‭(ESV‬‬) says, “Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.” While hunting for game requires effort, roasting it for sustenance demands another level of productivity. The diligent not only hunt but also maximize the value of their efforts by extracting every possible benefit. Productivity is in levels, and in order to achieve massive prosperity and wealth, one must be willing to unlock new heights of productivity. Hunting is one level of productivity; roasting what you’ve hunted is another. A higher level involves producing other byproducts of the hunt, such as leather.

This is an admonition against slothfulness. There is a great contrast between the diligent and the lazy. The lazy man here is not tagged lazy for doing nothing. However, he was labeled as lazy for failing to explore the possibility of ever increasing productivity. A refusal to explore and find out how production can be increased. It’s not just about completing your tasks; it’s about innovating, creating, and maximizing resources. By embracing higher levels of productivity, you unlock new opportunities for growth and abundance in your life. You can get started today by determining what exactly you are producing. You must then commit to increasing your output.

Unwavering Commitment To Embrace The Journey

Every individual is on a unique journey—a mission, if you will—to realize and fulfill their purpose and potential. This mission encompasses many aspects of life, including personal development, professional goals, and spiritual pursuits. Nevertheless, everything works together, in harmony towards a single, clear and specific goal. This sense of mission, the sense that you’re working on something that matters is what gives life meaning. However, the path to achieving one’s mission can often be difficult with challenges and roadblocks. To persevere in the face of adversity and remain focused on the ultimate goal, you must have unwavering commitment and dedication.

If you want to unleash your purpose and potential, you have to bring unwavering commitment to the table. Your purpose and potential becomes clearer every day. At the initial stages, you do not know what you are capable of or where it might lead. Relentless pursuit is more than just going through the motions; it is about fully embracing the journey, no matter how difficult or daunting it may appear. Apostle Paul’s life exemplifies the essence of relentless commitment in the face of adversity. Despite enduring persecution, imprisonment, and numerous hardships, Paul remained steadfast in spreading the gospel and fulfilling his divine calling (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).

You should be clear on two points. The first is that if you don’t commit to whatever small task you’re currently working on, you won’t be able to move on to bigger ones (Luke 16:10). The second point is that just because you’re on a divine mission does not mean things will be easy. You will have to do the same work as everyone else. As you work the works of him who sent Jesus, take the time to develop understanding and perspectives. Let us draw inspiration from Paul’s perseverance and that relentless pursuit of success, embracing a mindset of unwavering commitment to our purpose and vision.

The Power Of Relentless Pursuit In Your Mission

A person on a mission is relentless. They do not settle. In rainfall or sunshine, no matter what happens, they keep going. You cannot complete your mission from a place of convenience. Whereby you do whatever you can, whenever you can. Every mission requires commitment. Drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 11:23-27, Apostle Paul exemplified unwavering resolve in his mission, enduring beatings, imprisonment, and peril. He faced hunger, exposure, and sleepless nights. Such commitment exemplifies the dedication required for impactful missions. Those unwilling to embrace such sacrifices aren’t prepared for the journey.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, almost named his company “Relentless,” demonstrating his unwavering dedication to success. Despite adopting a more friendly name, Amazon’s relentlessness has remained central to the company’s growth from a humble online bookseller to a global e-commerce powerhouse and cloud computing leader. Amazon’s growth and success have been driven by their relentless pursuit of their vision of becoming the world’s most customer-centric company. Just as Jeff Bezos’s relentless pursuit of his mission transformed Amazon into a global giant, so too can your unwavering commitment propel you toward the fulfillment of your mission.

Regardless of the obstacles you face or the challenges that arise, maintaining a relentless spirit ensures that you stay focused on your goals and continue to press forward. Like Paul, who endured beatings, imprisonments, and shipwrecks, yet remained steadfast in spreading the gospel, we too must press on despite the challenges we encounter. Let us draw inspiration from Apostle Paul, Jeff Bezos and embrace the same relentless determination in our pursuit of purpose. Whatever your mission may be, remember: stay focused, and never waver in your pursuit of greatness. Anyone who wants to complete their mission must adopt a relentless approach.

Prepare Yourself To Embrace Bigger Opportunities

Your creative talents and spiritual gifts are versatile and can be expressed in various ways and at different levels. Just like Joseph, who started interpreting personal dreams, then advanced to interpreting dreams in prison, and eventually gained a national platform for his gift. Despite the different stages, it was the same talent evolving. When the opportunity arises, respond and utilize your creativity and spiritual gifts on larger platforms. Your gifts are meant to be shared and can make a significant impact when used wisely. Be ready to embrace opportunities and let your light shine wherever you are called.

In the words of Winston Churchill, “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.” This profound insight reminds us of the significance of readiness and preparation for the opportunities that come our way. You must be diligent in honing your skills and cultivating your talents, ensuring that you are equipped to seize the moments that could define your destiny.

Just as singing in the shower is a personal joy, developing the confidence to perform at a friend’s birthday party is a step further. However, to manifest one’s talent on a national platform, professionally, requires discipline and unwavering work ethics. Proverbs 22:29 reminds us, “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.” This verse underscores the importance of diligence and excellence in our endeavors, as they pave the way for opportunities on grander stages. Therefore, let us diligently cultivate our talents, knowing that our finest hour awaits those who are prepared.

Recognizing Growth Is The Key to Meaningful Relationships

Change is a necessary part of life’s journey. As people grow and evolve, so do the dynamics of our relationships with them. However, in the midst of life’s ups and downs, it’s easy to overlook subtle shifts in personal development and the changing nature of our relationships. As a result, it is important to remain mindful and attentive, actively monitoring the progress and changes in those around us. By doing so, we demonstrate respect and understanding, resulting in deeper, more meaningful relationships based on mutual growth and appreciation. You should be mindful of growth and changes redefining your relationship with others and act as appropriate.

The overly protective mother sometimes fails to acknowledge the growth and competence of their children. No matter how much they accomplish, they’re always seen as that baby needing protection. Take, for instance, the tale of a loving mother who, despite her son’s success, still treats him as a child, stifling his independence and growth. Such mothers become manipulative, which is more or less like practicing witchcraft. Let’s consider a master who fails to acknowledge the growth of their apprentice. Despite the apprentice’s progress and demonstrated competence, the master refuses to recognize their development, holding them back out of fear of being surpassed.

A good master must monitor and acknowledge the progress of their underlings. Apprentices eventually become protégés, and then peers. A wicked master never allows for that. You should be careful and vigilant against relationships marked by manipulation. Relationships and associations that stifle your growth. On the other hand, you have a duty to nurture environments that foster growth and empowerment. Follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus, who allowed his disciples to grow. He sent them out two-by-two, giving them platforms to preach and manifest. Open communication and mutual appreciation are required to adapt to changing relationship dynamics; this is the foundation for strong multi-decade relationships.

Beyond Prayers: Embracing Visionary Leadership for Nigeria’s Economic Renewal

Against the backdrop of Nigeria’s soaring inflation rate, visionary leadership becomes indispensable in steering organizations and communities through economic turbulence. In the latest inflation report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria’s inflation rate for January 2024 has surged to 29.90%, marking a significant increase from the 28.92% recorded in the preceding month. This all points to a pressing need for strategic intervention. While the public demands immediate solutions, it is important to recognise that Nigeria’s economic challenges did not arise overnight and will not go away immediately. This is the reality that you must try to understand.

If prayer and fasting were all that was required to turn around a country, Nigeria would already be a paradise. Today’s economic challenges reflect decades of mismanagement, corruption, mediocrity and systemic issues. Such issues require more than just prayers; they necessitate the emergence of visionary leaders. While prayer and fasting are essential, they alone cannot remedy the complex issues plaguing the nation. It is time for you to stop praying for “God fearing leaders” and start embracing the knowledge and training necessary to become a leader. You are the salt and light of your world. You are the leader who will restore your community.

As we reflect on Nigeria’s economic challenges and the need for visionary leadership, let us be inspired by Nehemiah’s example. In Nehemiah 1-6, we see his unwavering determination to rebuild Jerusalem despite opposition and adversity. Nehemiah’s leadership exemplifies vision, strategy, and perseverance—qualities that are desperately needed in our country today. Let us, like Nehemiah, rise above despair and complacency by accepting the call to be visionary leaders who chart a course for economic renewal and social transformation. There are no quick fixes for Nigeria; recovery will take time. Visionary leaders, such as Joseph, Gideon, Nehemiah, and Esther, are required to navigate the complexities of the situation.

Embracing Requirements And Intentional Choices For Success

In Genesis 4:6-7, the Lord asks Cain, “Why are you angry? If you do well, shall you not be accepted?” This passage underscores a fundamental truth: success is often tied to our actions and choices. If you align your efforts with the requirements of life, you are more likely to achieve favorable outcomes. To manifest a more prosperous future, it’s essential to discern and understand the prerequisites for that future. This involves proactive research, introspection, and strategic planning to ensure that your actions are in line with your desired goals and aspirations. By identifying and fulfilling the necessary conditions for success, we pave the way for a brighter future.

The Bible clearly states that you can do whatever you want. However, you will not be able to choose the consequences of your actions. Every action we take inevitably leads to a reaction. For instance, when individuals embrace corruption and undermine societal values, they contribute to the deterioration of their communities, resulting in issues like insecurity and poverty. Similarly, families that enable and support irresponsible relatives must bear the burden of their actions, including the inevitable embarrassment and challenges that arise from their behavior. You must be intentional about the environment you create in your personal life and around you.

Success awaits those who grasp the demands of their aspirations. Consider the journey of someone who, despite modest means, prioritized saving and investing early in life. Through disciplined financial planning, they gradually built wealth, attained financial security, and realized their dreams of breaking free from poverty. This illustrates the power of sowing the right seeds for a prosperous future. Do not be slothful, commit to making wise choices today that align with your long-term goals. Start sowing the seeds of diligence, responsibility, and financial prudence now, and watch as your dreams unfold before you.

Sowing The Seeds For A Prosperous Future

To secure the future you desire, you must sow seeds today that align with your goals. Just as in nature, where seedtime leads to harvest (Genesis 8:22), you must take intentional steps towards your aspirations. It’s not enough to wish for success; you must work diligently and wisely to bring it to fruition. Do not expect miracles without effort; instead, accept the reality of sowing and reaping in all aspects of life, including economic and financial pursuits. You must sow the seeds necessary for the prosperous future you desire for yourself, your home, and community.

The current economic situation in several African countries, including Nigeria, reflects the seeds that were sown in the past. While it is critical to develop a system that protects and sustains society’s weak, poor, and vulnerable members. Nigeria appears to have developed a system that rewards mediocrity and irresponsibility. Rampant corruption and unsustainable subsidies worsen the situation, posing significant challenges. This is quickly becoming a major economic problem. All hope is not lost, but we must consider how we will sow the seeds for a prosperous future. By reassessing policies and embracing integrity, we can chart a path towards economic resilience and prosperity for all.

A student may choose not to adequately prepare for exams but must accept the consequences of academic failure. Similarly, if your current financial situation reflects poor choices, what changes will you make? Success requires collective effort, so consider what changes are needed in your home and community for a more prosperous future. You should ensure that things are in order within your spheres of influence. Refuse to tolerate mediocrity and irresponsibility; they sow the seeds for poverty. You must commit to sowing the seeds of diligence, responsibility, and excellence, ensuring a better tomorrow for all. These are the means by which you light up your world.

Embracing Patience on Your Journey to Greatness

God’s omnipotence is unquestionable. He could have created the heavens, the earth, and countless humans instantly, yet He chose to begin with just two people. Similarly, Jesus could have descended as a fully grown man, bypassing years of growth. That would have saved at least 30 years. However, He arrived as a vulnerable baby, taking decades to mature into His purpose. This challenges our obsession with speed and achievement. You need to reconsider how you approach your goals, hopes and aspirations. You have to embrace the pace of your journey.

In Habakkuk 2:3, it’s emphasized that visions of the future require thoughtful consideration regarding the time needed to realize them. This time frame varies depending on your current circumstances, but patience is essential. Just as a seed takes time to grow into a tree, your dreams and aspirations require nurturing and patience to come to fruition. Rushing towards them can lead to frustration and failure. Trust in God’s timing and be willing to patiently cultivate your vision, step by step, until it blossoms into reality. It is very important that you are willing to go one step at a time.

Let us heed the wisdom of Hebrews 6:12, which encourages us not to be sluggish but to imitate those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises. Embrace the journey towards your goals with patience and trust in divine timing. Allow yourself the grace to grow, learn, and develop at the pace necessary for success. Remember, great things take time to unfold. So, slow down, stay focused, and keep moving forward with faith. Trust that God’s timing is perfect, and in due season, your dreams will come to pass. Surrender your timeline to Him and watch as He works wonders in your life.

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