Embracing Proverbs 16:32 in Daily Life

For many, emotions overpower rationality. They are swayed by the whims of their feelings, believing they think logically while being driven by emotions. Ideas change with mood swings, leading them to navigate life based on feelings rather than thoughtful consideration. People don’t think, they try to feel their way through life. You shouldn’t fool yourself into thinking you’re any different. You are not. Like everyone else, you are relying on your ability to feel, suspect and perceive your way through life. This is potentially dangerous unless your intuition and subconscious mind (also known as your spirit) have been trained.

In your pursuit of productivity and might, controlling your emotions is important. Proverbs 16:32 teaches that the one that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city. When emotions are controlled, rationality triumphs, resulting in greater effectiveness. Consider how poorly your emotions have served you in your life. Everything you’ve ever bought on impulse, things you didn’t need but felt good about at the time. Consider how many mistakes could have been avoided if the options that felt good at the time were actually good.

You must train your intuition (spirit) so that when your feelings lead you (which they will), they do not mislead you. It is unrealistic to expect you to be able to think through every scenario and decision every time. Even after considering all factors, you will always make a decision based on how you feel about something. Training your spirit enables you to control your reactions, allowing you to make sound choices and maintain inner peace. The simplest way to begin the task of training the spirit is to cultivate a prayer and meditation discipline (Joshua 1:8, Romans 12:1-2). You will reap the benefits over time.

The Foundations Of Miraculous Economic Growth And Prosperity

The Bible declares, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Yet, it also urges wisdom, advising to “sit down and count the cost” before building a tower (Luke 14:28). Trusting God for a miracle doesn’t negate the role of principles, laws, and the need to apply knowledge. Hope is a beautiful thing, and a powerful springboard. However, hope is not a strategy, and relying solely on hope can disappoint (Proverbs 13:12). Your hope must mature into a work of faith, and labour of love over time. With God’s guidance, apply both spiritual truths and practical knowledge to achieve remarkable possibilities.

The fact that you have received a divine revelation that you will become wealthy and successful does not negate the need for you to master the laws of wealth and finance. God has the ability to do anything, at any time, anywhere, and for anyone; however, God does not operate in an erratic and haphazard manner. You will continue to struggle in the real world as long as you insist on God performing mighty miracles without reconciling that belief with the fact that you must operate with knowledge while considering the principles that govern life.

Your company will not grow simply because you pray about it. You must understand certain fundamental business principles. Your country’s economy will not improve simply because you hope it will. You cannot continue to do things anyhow, while trusting that the Almighty God will fix it. Andrew Carnegie was a well-known philanthropist and industrialist. Carnegie didn’t just wish for success; he worked hard to learn about the steel industry and business strategies. His faith in God fueled his ambition, and his dedication to learning and applying practical knowledge propelled him to create an empire that transformed the steel industry. For miraculous economic growth and prosperity, knowledge is required.

The Prudent Son Vs The Disgraceful Son

Beware of the one true state to avoid: unproductivity. Scripture warns, “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich” (Proverbs 10:4‭-‬5 ESV). Laziness in any shape or form leads to a nosedive in productivity, resulting in poverty. On the contrary, diligence breeds competence over time, leading to increased productivity and wealth creation. Be the prudent and diligent one, seizing opportunities and seasons. Stay proactive as your world’s culture, politics, and industries evolve to avoid being left behind. Embrace diligence and competence in order to thrive and prosper in your endeavours.

Do not be the disgraceful son sleeping through a harvest. In this knowledge economy, embracing continuous learning and becoming a knowledge worker is essential for success. Just as a wise son gathers during harvest, those who invest in acquiring knowledge and skills thrive in this era of rapid change. Staying relevant and creating massive wealth requires evolving with the times, remaining curious, and adapting to new technologies and information. Accept the opportunities provided by the digital age and avoid being the disgraceful son who misses out on the abundant harvest of knowledge and innovation. Seize the opportunity and prepare yourself for a prosperous future.

There is no future for the person that is physically diligent (ready to work with their hands), while being spiritually and intellectually lazy. Those who are physically diligent but unwilling to engage in mental labours will become obsolete in the near future. You must conduct research on the major cultural and economic trends that will shape your world over the next few decades. And as you pray and meditate, the Holy Spirit will assist you in developing the ability to thrive in the face of those changes. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will have a profound impact on the world. Do not sleep through this harvest.

Your Work Of Faith And Labour Of Love

Love is a sure foundation for creativity, leadership, and super achievement in the world. It is a major driving force. The selfless love nurtured by the Holy Spirit empowers us for a life of triumph. When our motives are tainted by personal ambitions or greed, our progress gets obstructed by ego. The true challenge for anybody lies in finding the initial motivation for extraordinary accomplishments. That is where love enters the picture. Approaching certain missions and complex problems requires a deep spiritual love for others and the world at large.

God had to love the world so much, for Him to be motivated enough to provide a pathway to salvation (John 3:16-17). Consider the love of parents for their biological children as the closest analogy to understanding how love motivates us to tackle complex problems by faith. Parents unconditionally love their children and will go to any length to ensure their children’s success. Michelle Teng couldn’t stand by and watch her daughter die after she was diagnosed with a rare and deadly disease. She is now trying to develop the world’s first treatment for TUBB4a leukodystrophy before it is too late for her daughter, Sofia.

There is no problem that cannot be solved. The issue is that no one loves us enough to work in faith to solve those problems. That is why there is so much poverty, sickness, and illiteracy in the world today. It’s because nobody cares! To take on significant missions and solve complex problems, we must have a deep love for others and the world. The breakthrough you require in your life is more love. It takes love to be the salt and light in your world. Your work of faith and labour of love is your response to the question; “what are you killing yourself to do for others?”

Love Is How You Grow In Creativity And Spiritual Gifts

Love is the secret weapon of Christianity, for our God is love. Love isn’t just an attribute of God; it is the very essence of who He is. When creating, inventing, leading, or championing just causes, love becomes the key ingredient. In the spiritual realm, love takes precedence over wisdom and power. If you study 1 Corinthians 12 and 1 Corinthians 13, you discover that love is the more excellent way, surpassing all other gifts and principles. In the spiritual life, love, wisdom, and power stand as pillars, with love holding the highest place of honor.

Love, specifically the spiritual kind, is the secret behind the greatest achievements in history. Remember that God’s immense love for humanity led to salvation (John 3:16). From a Christian perspective, the highest form of love is to lay down one’s life for others (John 15:13). Love compels individuals to sacrifice sleep, food, and job security for years to pursue ideas and projects that will benefit the world. Effectively laying down their own life for others. The driving force behind mega businesses and global ministries is this superior, spiritual love. When love leads, remarkable feats become possible. Love is the motivation for creativity and exploration of spiritual gifts.

George Washington Carver conveyed profound spiritual wisdom, stating, “Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets, but I have found that when I silently commune with people they give up their secrets also – if you love them enough.” Love unlocks the path to understanding and unraveling life’s mysteries. Love begets wisdom, which in turn generates knowledge, the wellspring of power. Embrace love as your guiding force, and no problem will remain unsolvable. Love will bring you wisdom, and powerful spiritual gifts.

Standing Firm As You Engage Your World

As a watchman of your world, be deliberate in allowing influences that shape your values. The prevailing culture always veers towards disorder, greed, and lust, eroding standards over time. You witness the decline of principles around you. Take a firm stand for truth and justice at all times. Embrace the responsibility to guard and preserve righteousness in a world veering off course. You must be willing to step in and be a voice of conscience and reason when sound principles are watered down or abandoned entirely. Be unwavering in upholding what is right, holding the torch of integrity high amidst prevailing darkness.

Engage your world, don’t hide in your church or seemingly safe spaces. If you don’t set your terms, the world will dictate them, and you’ll lose. The corruption in the world finds its way into the house of God sooner or later. So, you have to take a stand for your values wherever you are. The dark world is driven by greed and lust, corrupting even the purest souls. Be the one who never endorses bribery or shortcuts. Insist on doing things properly and orderly at all times. As a watchman, uphold truth and justice in a world tempted by disorder.

From Romans 12:2 (ESV), “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” You must be deliberate in allowing biblical teachings to be your primary influence. The secret is to give the word of God enough thought and reflection so that it takes root in your life. As people change and relax standards, your meditations on God’s word will strengthen you to resist the rising tide of secularism, sexual perversion, and materialism.

Of Upright Hearts And Skillful Hands

Praying for a better future is important, but it must be combined with the acquisition of necessary skills to bring that future to fruition. It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to shape your character, but you must also allow Him to lead and guide you in acquiring valuable skills that will impact your generation. As Psalm 78:72 (ESV) declares, “With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.” To make a lasting difference, embrace a holistic approach to growth that combines prayer and diligent skill development.

Some Christians believe that prayer alone guarantees miracles, but that is an incomplete view. God performs miracles through humans. Humans that must align with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, allowing character development (upright heart) and skill cultivation (hands). The mighty works of God involve love, wisdom, planning, and execution, not just brute force. True faith combines spiritual insights with practicality, making believers skilled thinkers who achieve remarkable results. Let us be people of faith who embrace wisdom and knowledge, using our skills to fulfill God’s purpose and create positive impact in the world.

Being a Christian computer programmer isn’t about hiding religious messages in your code. It’s not as simple as naming your app, “Jesus Bless You.” Faith comes alive when you acquire high-quality, expert-level skills. You then infuse your abilities with spirit-driven love and excellence. A true Christian programmer codes with precision and creativity, knowing that well-crafted software pleases God. While having prayer as a core value, living a life of integrity, and showing kindness to others are all important, you must also strive to become educated and skilled enough for the works God has called you to do. Watch your world with an upright heart and skillful hands.

Economic Laws And Principles Cannot Be Ignored

Certain truths are undeniable, just like the clouds releasing rain upon the earth and a fallen tree lying where it falls (Ecclesiastes 11:3). Similarly, you should not persist in sin so that God can show you more and more of his wonderful grace (Romans 6:1-2). Likewise, you cannot continue to ignore basic economic principles and expect a prosperous country. Running a business carelessly will not work in the long run. Our economic realities are governed by unbending laws and principles that require our attention and compliance. We must acknowledge and align ourselves with these fundamental truths in order to build thriving businesses and a strong economy.

There are fundamental laws governing every aspect of life, including economics. Ignoring these laws doesn’t exempt us from their impact. Running a business without considering marketplace laws leads to failure. Consider the economic realities surrounding the price of petrol. Just as we cannot defy the laws of gravity, we cannot defy economic realities. The average price of petrol in West Africa is around $1.20 per litre, expecting it to be sold for less than a dollar per litre in Nigeria is unrealistic. If the government wants to subsidize the price of a product, it must generate a surplus somewhere else to fund it. These are unchanging economic principles.

While some Christians believe they enforce God’s will through force, the truth is that God’s work is accomplished through superior wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Faith operates on this higher wisdom, not by disregarding principles and common sense. For sustainable growth, we must embrace and master these principles. The principles of life do not care about your age, gender, religious beliefs or politics. Nigerians must wake up and recognise that the real problem is a lack of productive activities in the country to sustain subsidies and artificially low prices. Let’s align our actions with wisdom and sound principles to build a prosperous future.

Lessons from Cadbury Nigeria’s Bournvita Biscuit Suspension

On July 12, 2023, Nairametrics reported that Cadbury Nigeria had temporarily halted production and sale of its Cadbury Bournvita Biscuit. This was in response to distributor complaints about its high price and reminds us of the importance of empathetic leadership in business. As Christians, we are called to consider the interests of others, as stated in Philippians 2:4. This situation highlights the need to listen and respond to market feedback with fairness and empathy. It prompts us to reflect on our own business practices and the ethical responsibilities we carry.

Having faith in God to build a formidable business will not exempt you from the economic realities of your world. However, facing economic difficulties does not justify compromising your christian values. As christian business leaders, we must seek solutions that promote equity and well-being, making sound decisions with the resources that have been entrusted to us. Cadbury Nigeria will need to rethink their pricing strategy and business model. This reveals a dedication to customer feedback and the greater good. This example encourages us to lead with integrity, recognizing that success in the real world requires you to balance several perspectives.

In your own business endeavors, remember the importance of leading with empathy. We are called to prioritize relationships, fairness, and the well-being of others alongside financial success. Cadbury Nigeria’s Bournvita Biscuit suspension serves as a reminder to align your actions with biblical principles. You can make a positive impact and reflect the love of God in the marketplace by embracing empathetic leadership and conducting your business affairs with integrity. As we navigate the complexities of business and strive to make a difference, let us be guided by the tenets of our faith at all times.

Taking Action Is The Key To Purposeful Manifestation

Action is the catalyst that propels us forward on our journey of purpose and mission. True transformation and impact are brought about by the combination of intention and action. As Jesus exhorted, “we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4 ESV). These words urge us to not only hold good intentions but to actively make the works of God visible wherever we find ourselves. It is through intentional action that we can manifest His love and bring positive change to the world.

Stop fantasizing about the grand scale of impact you could have and start seeking practical ways to solve problems and add value right now. As someone tasked with watching their world. As a disciple of Jesus, entrusted with being the salt and light of the world, there is always something you can do. If you genuinely care and have a compassionate heart, cease claiming ignorance about how to make a difference in your community. Start by sharing the gospel, offering discipleship, and extending kindness to those around you. Your faithfulness in these small tasks will reveal your higher calling and open doors for greater opportunities to serve.

Do not be paralyzed by the enormity of your dreams or wait for perfection before taking action. Learn from the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) where a servant was rebuked for burying his one talent. Talk to those who have already grown from one talent to many, for they once stood where you stand now. Seek their wisdom and guidance. Remember, significant impact begins with small steps. Take your talent out of hiding, invest it wisely, and trust that as you faithfully steward what you have, your purpose will unfold and grow.

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