April 2024

Pursue That One Result That Will Power Your Mission

Identifying the best result to validate your mission is crucial for progress. Fulfilling your mandate requires clarity on what truly matters. Understanding the reality that there will always be over two hundred things you could be doing; countless tasks vying for your attention, prioritizing wisely becomes essential. Our time, energy, and resources are limited, but

Pursue That One Result That Will Power Your Mission Read More »

A Great Spiritual Conflagration Is Here And Is Close Enough To Touch

How beautiful it is to see the spirit of God moving in our days. Igniting an unusual kind of spiritual awakening. An awakening that will have far-reaching consequences not only for the country, but for the entire African continent, the black race, and, indeed, the world. A conflagration can be defined as an intense, extensive

A Great Spiritual Conflagration Is Here And Is Close Enough To Touch Read More »

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